Counter conspiracy:
@PerGron is actually a retired Joe Rohde whose Wild Kingdom project shows what Animal Kingdom would have been like without the Accountaineers' involvement.
This is all extremely different from the DisneySky expansion plan I devised...guessing WDI preferred the other guy's plans
. The DisneySky plot of land (currently the Toy Story Lot) in the southeast corner is intended to become an expanded "Downtown Disney" sort of hotel & shopping area. The resort's west side, which my project never once addressed, sees its parking lots transformed into expansion pads for both Disneyland and DCA. No doubt they determined expanding the existing parks made more financial sense over creating a third gate. With all the west side surface parking getting used up, the Eastern Gateway project (which appeared for DisneySky as well) will be getting resurrected. Apparently.
Of course all this is extremely tentative, and anything major like this needs the approval of Anaheim's city council. Anaheim and Disney have an off-and-on relationship, so maybe they're going back to "on" mode now.