The Sorcerer's Apprentice Season 4: Homecoming Edition - The Haunted Board Room


Well-Known Member
Greetings everyone, RM here.

Over the past two months, I've had a blast participating in such an amazing competition (props to @spacemt354 @MonorailRed and @tcool123 for putting up with us!). Unfortunately, however, it's proven to be extremely difficult due to my schedule. I told myself I wouldn't drop, but I would hate to see myself move forward at the expense of a fresher face with more time and drive. We were all that person once, so I would never want to be the person to strip someone of that just for my own sake, especially when I haven't contributed to the past few projects whatsoever when compared to the time my team members have put in.

After an entire year of inactivity, jumping back on the boards was both difficult and exciting. And, I'll definitely be sticking around this time. Competitions, though, just seem to be out of the question for me for the next year or so, just looking at how my timeline is laid out. I'll be present in discussion threads and brainstorming, so don't be afraid to reach out for anything.

Thanks again for such a great few months, it's been an awesome third season of the sorcerer's apprentice for me. I've gotten to work with new people and old friends. So with that, I'm signing off. :bookworm:


Well-Known Member
1 - What was your most challenging Stanza this Season and how would you handle it differently in the future?

My most challenging Stanza is this current one. This is mostly due to the fact that I know next to nothing about the Muppets and have been attempting to learn as much as possible in a matter of days. In addition, since school just got out, there have been a ton of festivities to participate in among my friends. In the future, I would have put aside time to actually watch a few episodes rather than just reading the wiki.

2 - Did you learn any new imagineering skills throughout the Stanzas? If so, what were they and did you feel it was worthwhile to try to learn them?

Besides for using in Stanza 3, which was really fun, and I am actually very happy I did, because I plan to make another free account and plan out my college dorm. In addition, I practiced a lot of Gimp (like, but I like it more :) ), and was able to put that practice to use in Stanza 9, where I designed the logo and added some things to my teammates amazing comic covers. Using this program has been fun and I plan to use it in my personal projects in the future.

3 - In tandem with 2, Can you identify one (or more) ways in which you feel you have improved as an imagineer since Stanza I?

Besides for in the category of graphic design, as mentioned earlier, I believe that I have improved as a leader. Being a PM in Stanza 9 was an incredible opportunity to make decisions and do a project which was just pure fun. I also feel like I have improved as a writer and storyteller, thanks to @D Hindley’s insightful critiques. :)

4 - Any additional thoughts/comments?

Thank you to everyone who put working into making this contest a reality. It has been so much fun to participate in this contest and work with all of these amazing people! :)


Well-Known Member
1 - What was your most challenging Stanza this Season and how would you handle it differently in the future?

For me, the most challenging Stanza was Stanza I. It was the first time playing in this competition. Instantly, I was thrown right into the PM role which was a challenge of its own as before this I had only ever played in one team competition and I was lucky enough to have Space on my team who led the charge the whole way.

What I would handle differently is time management for the team. Everybody had great ideas and I wouldn’t make a decision leading use to working up to the very last minute. If I were to have done that Stanza again, I would have made a decision on what we were going to have in the expansion at least 24 hours earlier.

2 - Did you learn any new imagineering skills throughout the Stanzas? If so, what were they and did you feel it was worthwhile to try to learn them?

Video Editing/ Creation. Before SA, the few videos I had for imagineering were basic “ride-throughs” of RCT3 Water Slides. I created a video for both Stanza IV and VI. While they weren’t the best videos, they were miles ahead of what I had ever done before. I learned skills in Green Screen use, video editors, and more that I didn’t know much/ anything about before.

3 - In tandem with 2, Can you identify one (or more) ways in which you feel you have improved as an Imagineer since Stanza I?

Being concise. With Stanza VI and IX having Sentence limits (and me being the PM of one of those stanzas), I think I improved on making sure we got our idea across without having unnecessary extra sentences/ details.

4 - Any additional thoughts/comments?

Since you are reading this, I just wanted to say thank you for the great competition. I was excited from the moment you first said that you were bringing it back. Not only did I have fun playing in the competition, I feel like I grew as an Armchair Imagineer throughout the game.​

D Hulk

Well-Known Member
1 - What was your most challenging Stanza this Season and how would you handle it differently in the future?

Stanza V (Cedar Fair and Six Flags) was the most challenging, the most work, but it’s also the one I’m proudest of. This is due to the task of leading both teams on a topic which was unfamiliar to about half of the players. Doing extreme coasters with Disney-level theming - how I read the challenge - is something many didn’t quite grasp or wholly we went with larger park-wide improvements making SF/CF more like WDW! This was a leadership comprise for engaging my teammates, a balancing act to accommodate those who simply wanted to do Fantasyland style dark rides without sacrificing the unique thrill park identities.

How would I do that differently in the future? Well, if doing the task solo I’d’ve focused in a lot tighter on just making some exceptional highly-themed coasters. Serving as PM, however, I like to think Stanza V went great for involving everyone in a very atypical challenge, and I wouldn’t change how that succeeded in exchange for a more “perfect” technical proposal.

2 - Did you learn any new imagineering skills throughout the Stanzas? If so, what were they and did you feel it was worthwhile to try to learn them?

It is that leadship skill. That’s new. Before last year, and joining WDWMagic, I’d done no group Imagineering projects. Before Stanza V, I’d never led one. I am now eager to lead again. Think it’d be great fun to again take a topic some know and others don’t, and to try raising the overall group output.

I also used Google Slides for the first time.

3 - In tandem with 2, Can you identify one (or more) ways in which you feel you have improved as an Imagineer since Stanza I?

Beyond getting better at team projects, I’ve focused on fine tuning my visual art. Dunno how much these improved skills are evident to others. I’ve learned, through various techniques, how to speed up artwork production without sacrificing quality (much). How to better use visuals for a presentation. Stotyboarding - that’s a new approach which holds great promise.

And hopefully I’ve been able to push my teammates to improve as well. Been making an effort at that - like pushing for others to do artwork too - and the results so far are promising.

4 - Any additional thoughts/comments?


Okay, a fun game, this has been. Congrats to the hosts for all the deep supplemental material, for the unexpected challenges, for the careful dialogue with players. Congrats to my buddies on Brava for forming a fun, engaging, hard-working and exceptional team environment. It’s been a blast!

Brer Oswald

Well-Known Member
I’m not the best at answering questions, so my statements may seem a bit blunt:

  1. I’ve had several challenging stanzas in this competition. I’ve kinda taking a back seat on many (including the most recent one) because they did not fall under my expertise. My hardest was probably Stanza five because I considered quitting at that point. I’ve learned that no contribution is too small, and I will try my best to contribute in any way possible for the rest of the Stanzas, provided nothing catastrophically severe is happening in my life!
  2. The main thing I’ve learned is not a particular skill, but the importance of teamwork. I’ve realized the sooner we get on the same page with each other, the easier it is to pump out something we are proud of. Yes, this does mean that we have to compromise some of our own ideas. But that’s a good thing! I’m not always 100% correct about what I do, and to have your work looked at by another set of eyes can really help!
  3. I think I’ve become a better Imagineer because of learned to doubt my own potential less (particularly my artwork). Yes, my work may not be the best, but any effort counts. Like I stated in question 2, learning to be a team oriented member has helped me a lot, and I think it’s a skill that has helped the rest of the team improve too.
  4. My only other comment is that this has been an encouraging competition in which all ideas are welcomed to be tossed around. You guys have been incredibly fair and kind to me, and I don’t know how to thank you! If I’m eliminated now, or whenever I’m eliminated, I just want to say thanks. It’s been a great ride!


President of Progress City
Well, I guess that it's time for me to write this and come alive..


1 - What was your most challenging Stanza this Season and how would you handle it differently in the future?

Honestly there have been two difficult Stanza.. Well one stanza and one act. I believe Stanza 1 was the hardest one for me in terms of getting work down and my role in the group. I was rusty, I've been on a three year hiatus and I wanted to prove myself with a project I'm not sure I've been able to top yet. Between that and having to step into the leadership role, I found myself challenging myself and trying to over multiple group challenges. Something I enjoyed greatly, however looking back I don't believe I would change how I handled Stanza 1 except taking charger earlier.

The other challenge for me has been Act II, let it be said that Short Challenges and Chaotic Work Schedule does not work very well. Between the everything hitting the fan for work or having to travel cross country I have not had the time I have wanted to do get work done. Even with this last challenge, I was so draining by returning to the Best Coast, they I had no energy to interact with my team. However, I'm not sure how I could concur that. I think it was a limitation in my own personal life and something I truly don't think I worked hard enough to conquer.

2 - Did you learn any new imagineering skills throughout the Stanzas? If so, what were they and did you feel it was worthwhile to try to learn them?

So I believe this will be a slightly different answer than what is expected. Through out this competition, I have been leveraging my skills that made me known in previous years. There hasn't been as much exploration of skills that I would have liked to have during this time. That being said I do believe I learned new "None-Creative" Skills. I believe I can step away from this competition and saying that my leadership skills have greatly improved from prior years thanks to this competition and having to step in when I did to be the Program Manager. On a similar thought, I believe I have reached my goal of being a mentor this competition. While I returned solely to take the crown of the greatest (and finally win a competition), my true goal was to be a mentor to a new age of Imagineers and share some of the thought patterns used by prior successful group such as Team Air and Team Sea.

I FORGOT, I did try animating this time around.. Sadly I wish I could have done it more or spent more time implementing it. But it was a fun attempt, something I could try again.

3 - In tandem with 2, Can you identify one (or more) ways in which you feel you have improved as an imagineer since your first Stanza in the competition?

My improvements have deffinately been in the area presentation. Looking back at my old works, you can see that my organization and presentation skills where not the best, however with this competition I believe I have bested my self with these presentations.

4 - Any additional thoughts/comments?

I'll be honest and admit that I have not been the most available player this year, as mentioned above Act II was a struggle for me because I couldn't be as active as I would have liked to been in a competition. Though I will admit that having a strong team helps ease the pain of that. I want to thank Team Brava, I believe that you guys have grown into a strong group of competitors and I have seen a lot of growth among all the members.

I'll end by saying that if I move on, I'll try to find more time in my day to put everything I have into it, (though don't expect any more websites unless it's a long project :p)

Disney Dad 3000

Well-Known Member

1 - What was your most challenging Stanza this Season and how would you handle it differently in the future?
I had a stanza or two that were challenging for personal reasons, but imagineering wise would say stanza iv, Disneyland Brazil. Being team leader for a lot of super talented folks, creating a new land from scratch and still integrating new folks made for a busy challenge. I learned a great deal about managing ideas and work for such a large scale project.
Looking back shortly after the challenge, I definitely could see the opportunity to reign in the amount of work we were doing. We had a lot of engaged people and good ideas, but almost too much to convey in a weekly challenge. At one point we had a good opportunity to cut part of one of the sublands out due to some personal circumstances for a teammate, which would have really helped with attraction overlap and project length. In the end though, I'm kind of glad we didn't because it gave him the chance to try some new things imagineering wise.

2 - Did you learn any new imagineering skills throughout the Stanzas? If so, what were they and did you feel it was worthwhile to try to learn them?

One area I experimented this season was with attraction layouts, in addition to more artwork And logos as noted below. Never had done much with it, and thanks to Pi's google slides tutorial on map making for a park, gave me the inspiration to tinker. I actually ended up using PowerPoint and learned some things to make somewhat effective layouts for a couple attractions and also learn some things with 3D effects, etc that I can use in the future for both attractions and mapmaking when I'm ready to go that route.

3 - In tandem with 2, Can you identify one (or more) ways in which you feel you have improved as an imagineer since Stanza I?

I think the biggest area here is in regards to my artwork. I have always loved to draw and use to do a ton of it all through my school years, even if it was just doodling and was fairly decent at it. Until doing stuff on the forum I hadn't done much drawing in several years except for quickie attraction drawings for my Disney obsessed kiddo.
I've tried to do more of it in the last 6 months for club 32 or other comps, but this season represents the most I've done in a short period of time. Having someone like D Hindley on my team, as amazing as his work is and easy to rely on, has challenged me to do it more as well as to tinker with coloring, methods, etc.

4 - Any additional thoughts/comments?
Great people. Great competition. Great Times.


Original Poster
Final Reminder

All Board Room Responses must be in by 11:59PM EST

I am extending it even further from the original extension of 10:30PM EST to help our friends on the West Coast, or wherever you are on this day - but at the strike of midnight, it's late entries will be accepted, we've had plenty of time, so please get those in. Thanks!​


Well-Known Member
Final Reminder

All Board Room Responses must be in by 11:59PM EST

I am extending it even further from the original extension of 10:30PM EST to help our friends on the West Coast, or wherever you are on this day - but at the strike of midnight, it's late entries will be accepted, we've had plenty of time, so please get those in. Thanks!​
@pixie_princess @Pionmycake @FigmentPigments don’t forget!!! :D


Well-Known Member
Final Reminder

All Board Room Responses must be in by 11:59PM EST

I am extending it even further from the original extension of 10:30PM EST to help our friends on the West Coast, or wherever you are on this day - but at the strike of midnight, it's late entries will be accepted, we've had plenty of time, so please get those in. Thanks!​
Ultimately I think I’m going to take this as a time for me to bow out as well. With everything going on lately I really haven’t had the time to dedicate to these projects, and I don’t want to take anyone else’s spots or slow anyone down going forward as the game finishes. It’s been a lot of fun to dabble with Imagineering here again for the first time in a while, huge thanks to you and the rest of the hosts for putting this all together! Good luck everyone!


Well-Known Member
1 - What was your most challenging Stanza this Season and how would you handle it differently in the future?
The most challenging stanza for me was Stanza VII: Ave Mario which was the first project I joined since my hiatus last year. I was rusty and unsure of my place on the team I was joining. They had a history of doing well on past projects, and I didn't want to jeopardize their success by throwing a wrench into the works.

To top it off, I had very little experience with the subject matter (Nintendo), and designing restaurants is not my favorite thing to do. It was hard to contribute on the subject (even with the research I did), and maybe in my eagerness to contribute something, I might have pushed aside those who had experience with the Nintendo (and our project suffered for it).

In the future, I should give more credence to others who have experience/knowledge on the topic. Not to say my opinion or those of my teammates don't carry the same weight, but if there is a resource on my team, I need to make sure to utilize it (within reason).

2 - Did you learn any new imagineering skills throughout the Stanzas? If so, what were they and did you feel it was worthwhile to try to learn them?
Actually, on Stanza VIII: The Fireworks Suite I learned how to do Google Slides with D Hindley's help. After the initial set up and design by others on my team, I was able to see how it worked, and got a rough idea on how to edit and add content. Now, apparently, I messed it up, and it was posted with some serious errors :oops:, but going from not even knowing about Google Slides to being able to do simple tasks in that program, I feel, is a nice improvement.

The best part about it, is that I really liked the program, and could see me utilizing it in future projects! So this was definitely a worthwhile skill to learn. Don't be surprised if that becomes my go to. ;)

3 - In tandem with 2, Can you identify one (or more) ways in which you feel you have improved as an Imagineer since Stanza I?

Having only been in this competition for four Stanzas, I haven't had the same amount of time to develop my skills, and to be quite honest, I'm a little rusty with what I had to begin with. However, Stanza VIII: The Fireworks Suite was once again where I had the opportunity to try a different form of artwork. Instead of hand drawn art, I tried to improve my Paint skills. I created several pictures using portions of stock images, and in one case, I had to combined 5 different pictures to make the composite image I wanted.

Even with the stock images I did not create in Paint, I used an online program to add effects (such as a blue tint to simulate the water effect, light streaks to add the illusion of the projector light, and the bubble effects to emulate the Bubble Melody segment of Fantasmic.)

I would like to improve on these skills, but also would like to try some of the other free paint programs. I doubt this will become my preferred method of doing art, but I'm game to try.

4 - Any additional thoughts/comments?

It's been a fun comp so far, and I'm looking forward to seeing what's next. The creativity of each teammate just amazes me and makes me want to be better in turn.

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
First, some music

1 - What was your most challenging Stanza this Season and how would you handle it differently in the future?

Most challenging stanza was probably VII. It was the Mario prompt and I was project manager. It just hit at a bad time where I was adjusting to living back at home with the semester ending and starting work. Plus the day in Universal. I still had a good amount of time that round being active, but it was more towards the end of the round. By the time I was fully active, parts of the project were already being completed and brainstorming had gotten scattered with two conflicting ideas being worked on. I dropped the ball by not being active to lead the team as Project Manager earlier on when it was needed and by the time I was active it was really too late.

In the future, I would try to step down as project manager if I wound up being unable to be active for the first few days of the prompt. Also, I am now better set up in my home for working on things.

2 - Did you learn any new imagineering skills throughout the Stanzas? If so, what were they and did you feel it was worthwhile to try to learn them?

Stanza I - I challenged myself to create a grounded, very realistic, and very classic Fantasyland style dark ride. I also learned a lot about realistic budgeting and spacing. Finding ways to fit the big ideas Team Castle was going for was a challenge, but I was able to do it and learned Scribblemaps as a very useful tool.

Stanza II - I learned some new techniques for drawing things by hand. My first by hand drawing on this site. Plus, I learned an entirely new art style for this in an effort to emulate the ugly cute style popular in the 80s. This practice with drawing and art style emulation would come up again in a future stanza.


Stanza III - This was my first time ever working on a hotel and required learning a lot more about what is required of a very different kind of project. As well as leadership skills and techniques that I am excited to use in future competitions (sadly with the business of team castle that round, things didn't really work out too well).

Stanza IV - My first restaurant ever to be fully done with a full write up by me. A lot more detailed work with characters and original stories (too detailed in retrospect, but great writing practice). And my first time doing a scary ride. Most importantly, learning how to work in a very active team with several heavy hitting team members.

Stanza V - Learned more about digital art to create a realistic advertising campaign for the expanded six flags park.

Stanza VI/VII - during these two rounds i did not learn anything new, but I did make what I feel to be worthwhile contributions.

Stanza VIII - Learned how to find a way to still work well now that I am back home so I could do two sections of the show. Also, I taught myself basic piano and wrote my first song for our original song.

Stanza IX - further progressed in learning to draw by hand. This time drawing my first full background in about a decade. Plus, focusing on capturing a lot of personallity and action in the character model for Akua


Stanza X - This was the first stanza I will admit to not really having any passion for. I wasn't crazy about the idea we went with. And as much as I love the muppets, i rarely enjoy actually doing projects with them. So, my lesson here was working with the team and not letting that show. Even going on to have my section "The Electric Mayhem Pitch" be referred to as a stand out.

3 - In tandem with 2, Can you identify one (or more) ways in which you feel you have improved as an imagineer since your first Stanza in the competition?

I approached this competition with the view point of trying to learn new things every round and continuously be growing. I feel like I, with some exceptions, have done that. Not just that, but I have made friends here that I look forward to continuing to work with in future competitions. Which, as someone who is awkward and has social anxiety, "networking" is a big step forward in growth as an Imagineer.

4 - Any additional thoughts/comments?

I have truly loved this competition. Realistically with working between 35-40 hours a week and being back in my home with my family of six, I won't have as much time as I did in the early stanzas. But I still love working on these stanzas and have worked on some of my favorite projects since being back in my home town.

Great job to all of the people playing. And great job to the judges/hosts!
Last edited:


Original Poster
@mickeyfan5534 's responses

1 - What was your most challenging Stanza this Season and how would you handle it differently in the future?
For me, I would give two answers for different reasons.

The Infinity Suite was so unexpected and wild and while I loved it, I'd have done more research and maybe done more research and maybe done a different idea so there didn't end up being two of the same themed attractions done by two sepperate people.

The entirety of the Briar Patch Brawl has been difficult for me in a different way. I went through the loss of an aunt and both my grandmothers in the same week and while I tried, it has been difficult to be in that creative mood when I've had so much loss going on.

2 - Did you learn any new imagineering skills throughout the Stanzas? If so, what were they and did you feel it was worthwhile to try to learn them?
From Stanza 1 and acting as leader: stand up and edit. If an idea just makes something too much and doesn't really fit, even if someone worked very hard on it, throw it out and bank it for something else. As well as edit, try and come up with different ideas instead of doing the first thing that comes to mind.

3 - In tandem with 2, Can you identify one (or more) ways in which you feel you have improved as an imagineer since Stanza I?
I have learned that editing lesson, while also allowing myself to step out of my comfort zone and make something I actually really enjoyed making that I didn't expect, like I did with Infinity Suite and the coaster layout and the factory dark ride, which, admittedly, was slightly rushed and could have done with more backstory and regular story.

4 - Any additional thoughts/comments?
I've loved this competition and would love to continue on, however with my pitiful performance in the Briar Patch Brawl I'd understand being eliminated and not continuing on. That is all.


Well-Known Member
1 - What was your most challenging Stanza this Season and how would you handle it differently in the future?
I'd have to say "Dance of the Hotels", because my knowledge in Imagineering is solely in the wheelhouse of the theme parks. I would try to brush up on my hotel knowledge if I were given the chance to do it again.

2 - Did you learn any new imagineering skills throughout the Stanzas? If so, what were they and did you feel it was worthwhile to try to learn them?
Compared to previous competitions, I gained quite a lot of experience working in teams. I don't do competitions often, as I have a very busy personal life, but with Sorcerer's Apprentice, I have gained quite a lot of knowledge in teamwork, and trying to unify ideas.

3 - In tandem with 2, Can you identify one (or more) ways in which you feel you have improved as an imagineer since your first Stanza in the competition?
I can't really think of anything at the moment.

4 - Any additional thoughts/comments?
None at the moment.

Poe Dameron

Well-Known Member
1 - What was your most challenging Stanza this Season and how would you handle it differently in the future?
The hardest Stanza for me was either the Adventureland one, Stanza IV, or this most recent one with the Muppets. I was going through a busy time in this Stanza, and I could have done a better job at addressing that. I think after taking a larger role in the previous Stanzas I should have been more upfront with my time.

2 - Did you learn any new imagineering skills throughout the Stanzas? If so, what were they and did you feel it was worthwhile to try to learn them?
I learned how to be a project manager and take control of projects, but not by being demanding. It was by listening to others and trusting their visions for the project, and me organizing it. I felt as if I grew that way and yes it was worthwhile.

3 - In tandem with 2, Can you identify one (or more) ways in which you feel you have improved as an imagineer since your first Stanza in the competition?
I improved by being able to do some basic Photoshop and menu designs. Also leading Team Castle to the win in Stanza VII which got us on the right track and helped us become better as a team. That was my favorite moment of the competition.

4 - Any additional thoughts/comments?
I want to thank everyone involved for making this competition possible and for letting me be a part of it! It's been the most fun I've had in a competition yet.

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