Maybe you don't know me that well. The Matilda was all tcool , my original idea was where the wild things are, but that wouldn't have worked!On to Team Sea
First, a note about your presentation format.
Once again, the formatting is all over the place, however it's better than some of the previous stuff. I realize you ran into an unexpected character limit issue, so I take that into account. But, inconsistant formatting (for example, using different sized fonts, like "The Library's History" header just annoys me as a reader. Then again, I am a touch OCD, so...take that into account.
However, it looks to me like what you all do, as a strategy, is post to your PM thread your content, then slap it all together at the last minute for the presentation.
The recommendation I would make is this (and take it for what you will):
1) Throughout the challenge, the team lead, or someone appointed by them, should post combined content into your PM thread every few days, so you all can see the final presentation take shape, and have an impact on it in advance, rather than at the last minute.
2) Something you probably discovered, even if you did and formatting reset when you copy paste into the main thread from the PM thread, so keep that in mind and give yourself a good amount of time for the final post if you are going with a wdwmagic forum thread format to clean up the final presentation.
But, presentation isn't everything, in fact, it's rather minor. Content and ideas are more important, so lets get into those!
Love the Library, but jeez, that is one HUGE building. Was that considered? Or are there outdoor areas I'm not aware of (outside of the marked space)? I am having real trouble understanding how this won't overshadow surrounding lands with it's sheer grand scale.
For's about the same size as TWO Smithsonian Museum of Natural History buildings. That's enormous.
Though, if pulled off, would admittedly be impressive!
Flying Gargoyle Footage for the win! GREAT touch, GREAT idea, NEAT picture (you even did the reflection in the water, SWEET!)
As a side note, I know we have some Avatar TLA fans here, I wonder how much of this concept was related to the Wan Shi Tong Library.
The Gargoyles are interesting and scary, but I'm not sure I'd want to see them attacking (using your terms) guests.
"These torches also light up murals on the walls where you see images that depict Gargoyles from the Library come to life and attacking library visitor's who awaken them."
I understand you were trying to build a sense of forboding and menace, but I'm just not sure what this graphically violent presentation adds to what are already pretty creepy creatures. Not a bad idea, per se, but I'm having trouble seeing what it adds to the concept, and have a LOT of questions about that decision.
To give you an idea...the Mummy does NONE of this graphic disturbing imagry, and through atmosphere alone, my then 8 year old refused to ride it. We didn't even make it to the inner switchbacks before that masterfully done queue had scared the pants off her. So, to finish this up, neat idea, but poor application and a bit over top (again, in my opinion).
All that aside, love the flames at the end, and hands down, you all have one of the best ride experience presentations I've ever read. Simply fantastic. Nice visuals, and solid writing. I WANT to ride it!
Good jerb!
I really like what you did with the spinner. Unique ride vehicle, and nice concept!
Ok, I see Vox's fingerprints all over this in the info section. Wondeful that you went into so much detail, and it was interesting.
I like the ride vehicle choice, and this works VERY well with Kuka.
I think the truck scene works really well, and is thrilling without breaking the "story" of Matilda. Very well played.
I would have, personally, cut out all the references to another ride (FJ mentioned once is ok, in a summary, but constantly saying it detracts from the originality of THIS experience). Just a writing note.
More Spanish at the end...cute.
Ok, the ride is well thought out. Could have used some more graphics, I think, to carry along the narrative, but I will say this...My daughter is read the Matilda book with me last year, and she would ADORE this ride. Good choice of unique IP, and extremely well done!
It took me a minute to realize what you were doing with the adverts (good ideas, btw)...a mention of that intention in the summary (unless I missed it, which I could of because I'm a derp sometimes) would have been nice.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde...
Well, you both went with this one. I must say, I really like your concept, but prefer the queue that Land proposed. THAT being said, I really think you all did a better job delving into the source material and linking it to other similar material (also beautifully diving into those stories and tying them together with your queue exhibits), which fits REALLY well with your "grand library" concept. And the nod to the Haunted Mansion style portrait gallery was an excellent choice.
A script nitpick...I know it's in character, but I'd cut out the "bloody idiots" in “Had I the time, I’d stay and have a go at all of you, but I’ve more important places to visit than waste energy on you bloody idiots.”
All I can say is WOW for concept. This is REALLY neat, and considering the makeup of presentations at IoA, is a fantastic and hair raising experience. No way would my daughter sit through it all, and I'm not sure I'd want to either! It's like Stitch, but on steroids. I love how you didn't get bogged down with plot, and instead went into the immersive experience rather quickly, and did a fantastic job of setting the mood and feel.
Another killer ride (show) concept description that literally had me on the edge of my seat as I read it.
The advert car looks...ugly. Sorry. But it resembles a chocolate bar that has been left out in the sun more than a sexy Bond vehicle.
In the queue, what "world renown" criminals would it show? Bond villians, I assume, but clarification would be nice.
The Q portion looks great, follows the flow of most Bond films / stories. Nice pre-queue area overall. I can see it being fun.
The use of the TT model ride system is an excellent choice for the concept. And your vehicle enhancements are likewise, stunning.
Once again, I think you all did a fantastic job narrating the ride and making it fun and entertaining, but I'm left with a lot of questions as to how this takes advantage of the ride system you chose. It seems to me this would have worked better using the Spidey ride system, or even a Back to the Future style system. Not the Test Track system. I could be missing something, and it seems like a VERY fun experience, but, I'm not sold on this ride. It feels half thought out.
Book Thief Mini Game...
This just sounds fun. No other comments about it. Nice work, and a cute addition to keep people anchored to the area longer than just hitting the major attractions.
Interesting merch, neat store idea. Why the overuzed z at the end to make it trendy? I feel like that's out of context of your overall literary theme. But, neat little shop design.
Jeckll's shop is a bit better, but felt a bit mundane. It was all over the place in terms of theme.
Coastal Oddities...
I don't get why I'd want to buy merchandise from a shop totally themed to a Gargoyles (that isn't the Disney TV Cartoon) where they tried to attack me. I'd have left this one out.
I'm gonna skip order here and go to...
Bound Book Cafe...
Nice experience, seems like a decent coffee shop. A good addition.
Because, I want to focus on something else...
Murder on the Orient Express
Holy WOW! This...just this. This concept alone is the best one I've read tonight. It combines the novels / story with the meal in a way that is just fantastic, all with a unique presentation (the rail car). The menu is enticing, and...I really can't say much else but this is the BEST and most UNIQUE restaurant concept I've heard in a while.
Overall, I have some concerns with your presentation style. It still seems very jumbled and confusing, as if thrown together at the last minute (you really should give yourself a day or two to start putting it together, and I think the framework needs to be done even earlier, even if just using the wdwmagic submission, so your presentation has flow.
That aside, and again noting that content is King (not presentation)...fantastic ideas, and great work. I have a few concerns about the sheer size of the building proposed, and a few lines describing it more, and perhaps a few more images, would have been nice.
That being said, your rides were solid, your shops...average...but the rides combined with the Orient Express, wow. Just wow.
The top ride (show) I think is Jeckll. That just captured the experience so well (even though I preferred Land's queue, your's fit with your attraction, so no worries there). And, I can't gush more about Orient Express. That's just a great addition, it's so unique, and fits so well with your overall concept.
Once again, I must give...(or the doctor must)
This is similar to my breakfast todayBreakfast!
Scrambled dill eggs on toasted 5 grain sourdough with roasted sweet tomatoes, and a portobello mushroom top with fresh motzerella, chopped shallots and sliced basil, and of course, sausages!
Served with fresh ground Verona Roast Starbucks coffee brewed in a french press, Valencia Orange Juice and sliced fruit!
image by englanddg, on Flickr
It's so happy! I'd turn the bacon upside down, just because it's morning.This is similar to my breakfast today
I love making my meals adorable! But then it makes eating them very sad
I love mornings! Its a brand new start to a brand new day, full of adventure and excitment, who knows what this day'll bring!It's so happy! I'd turn the bacon upside down, just because it's morning.
Mornings are not happy.
I am too Garfield for this.I love mornings! Its a brand new start to a brand new day, full of adventure and excitment, who knows what this day'll bring!![]()
Well, kudos to tcool then! That was a great ride concept. I can totally see my daughter dragging me on it over and over again (and me enjoying every minute).Maybe you don't know me that well. The Matilda was all tcool , my original idea was where the wild things are, but that wouldn't have worked!I must agree on the team lead part, we tried but we don have fair new members on our team @tcool and @JokersWild but they did amazing given that. I am proud of the work they both put out
Now as for the Orient Express, Thank you thank you thank you. You can see why I was complaining about menus now. I prolly spent more time then I should have on that.
I can see your point on the Bond vehicle, my fear with the spider man vessel is that it wouldn't give me the speeds or the sensation of drifting that I was going after.![]()
Never met one person that disagreed! (well, that is if you don't count my friend who's allergic to fruit....long story there)I over OJ in the morning though. The perfect breakfast drink!
Mondays, what's wrong with Mondays?! You have your whole week ahead of you! (That's whats wrong with Mondays!!)I am too Garfield for this.
Mornings and Mondays are awful.
I just realized that's catsup...not bacon...This is similar to my breakfast today
I love making my meals adorable! But then it makes eating them very sad
Me too...I thought it was bacon at first too. I am having bacon in real life though. Well, was having baconI just realized that's catsup...not bacon...
On to Team Sea
First, a note about your presentation format.
Once again, the formatting is all over the place, however it's better than some of the previous stuff. I realize you ran into an unexpected character limit issue, so I take that into account. But, inconsistant formatting (for example, using different sized fonts, like "The Library's History" header just annoys me as a reader. Then again, I am a touch OCD, so...take that into account.
However, it looks to me like what you all do, as a strategy, is post to your PM thread your content, then slap it all together at the last minute for the presentation.
The recommendation I would make is this (and take it for what you will):
1) Throughout the challenge, the team lead, or someone appointed by them, should post combined content into your PM thread every few days, so you all can see the final presentation take shape, and have an impact on it in advance, rather than at the last minute.
2) Something you probably discovered, even if you did and formatting reset when you copy paste into the main thread from the PM thread, so keep that in mind and give yourself a good amount of time for the final post if you are going with a wdwmagic forum thread format to clean up the final presentation.
But, presentation isn't everything, in fact, it's rather minor. Content and ideas are more important, so lets get into those!
Love the Library, but jeez, that is one HUGE building. Was that considered? Or are there outdoor areas I'm not aware of (outside of the marked space)? I am having real trouble understanding how this won't overshadow surrounding lands with it's sheer grand scale.
For's about the same size as TWO Smithsonian Museum of Natural History buildings. That's enormous.
Though, if pulled off, would admittedly be impressive!
Flying Gargoyle Footage for the win! GREAT touch, GREAT idea, NEAT picture (you even did the reflection in the water, SWEET!)
As a side note, I know we have some Avatar TLA fans here, I wonder how much of this concept was related to the Wan Shi Tong Library.
The Gargoyles are interesting and scary, but I'm not sure I'd want to see them attacking (using your terms) guests.
"These torches also light up murals on the walls where you see images that depict Gargoyles from the Library come to life and attacking library visitor's who awaken them."
I understand you were trying to build a sense of forboding and menace, but I'm just not sure what this graphically violent presentation adds to what are already pretty creepy creatures. Not a bad idea, per se, but I'm having trouble seeing what it adds to the concept, and have a LOT of questions about that decision.
To give you an idea...the Mummy does NONE of this graphic disturbing imagry, and through atmosphere alone, my then 8 year old refused to ride it. We didn't even make it to the inner switchbacks before that masterfully done queue had scared the pants off her. So, to finish this up, neat idea, but poor application and a bit over top (again, in my opinion).
All that aside, love the flames at the end, and hands down, you all have one of the best ride experience presentations I've ever read. Simply fantastic. Nice visuals, and solid writing. I WANT to ride it!
Good jerb!
I really like what you did with the spinner. Unique ride vehicle, and nice concept!
Ok, I see Vox's fingerprints all over this in the info section. Wondeful that you went into so much detail, and it was interesting.
I like the ride vehicle choice, and this works VERY well with Kuka.
I think the truck scene works really well, and is thrilling without breaking the "story" of Matilda. Very well played.
I would have, personally, cut out all the references to another ride (FJ mentioned once is ok, in a summary, but constantly saying it detracts from the originality of THIS experience). Just a writing note.
More Spanish at the end...cute.
Ok, the ride is well thought out. Could have used some more graphics, I think, to carry along the narrative, but I will say this...My daughter is read the Matilda book with me last year, and she would ADORE this ride. Good choice of unique IP, and extremely well done!
It took me a minute to realize what you were doing with the adverts (good ideas, btw)...a mention of that intention in the summary (unless I missed it, which I could of because I'm a derp sometimes) would have been nice.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde...
Well, you both went with this one. I must say, I really like your concept, but prefer the queue that Land proposed. THAT being said, I really think you all did a better job delving into the source material and linking it to other similar material (also beautifully diving into those stories and tying them together with your queue exhibits), which fits REALLY well with your "grand library" concept. And the nod to the Haunted Mansion style portrait gallery was an excellent choice.
A script nitpick...I know it's in character, but I'd cut out the "bloody idiots" in “Had I the time, I’d stay and have a go at all of you, but I’ve more important places to visit than waste energy on you bloody idiots.”
All I can say is WOW for concept. This is REALLY neat, and considering the makeup of presentations at IoA, is a fantastic and hair raising experience. No way would my daughter sit through it all, and I'm not sure I'd want to either! It's like Stitch, but on steroids. I love how you didn't get bogged down with plot, and instead went into the immersive experience rather quickly, and did a fantastic job of setting the mood and feel.
Another killer ride (show) concept description that literally had me on the edge of my seat as I read it.
The advert car looks...ugly. Sorry. But it resembles a chocolate bar that has been left out in the sun more than a sexy Bond vehicle.
In the queue, what "world renown" criminals would it show? Bond villians, I assume, but clarification would be nice.
The Q portion looks great, follows the flow of most Bond films / stories. Nice pre-queue area overall. I can see it being fun.
The use of the TT model ride system is an excellent choice for the concept. And your vehicle enhancements are likewise, stunning.
Once again, I think you all did a fantastic job narrating the ride and making it fun and entertaining, but I'm left with a lot of questions as to how this takes advantage of the ride system you chose. It seems to me this would have worked better using the Spidey ride system, or even a Back to the Future style system. Not the Test Track system. I could be missing something, and it seems like a VERY fun experience, but, I'm not sold on this ride. It feels half thought out.
Book Thief Mini Game...
This just sounds fun. No other comments about it. Nice work, and a cute addition to keep people anchored to the area longer than just hitting the major attractions.
Interesting merch, neat store idea. Why the overuzed z at the end to make it trendy? I feel like that's out of context of your overall literary theme. But, neat little shop design.
Jeckll's shop is a bit better, but felt a bit mundane. It was all over the place in terms of theme.
Coastal Oddities...
I don't get why I'd want to buy merchandise from a shop totally themed to a Gargoyles (that isn't the Disney TV Cartoon) where they tried to attack me. I'd have left this one out.
I'm gonna skip order here and go to...
Bound Book Cafe...
Nice experience, seems like a decent coffee shop. A good addition.
Because, I want to focus on something else...
Murder on the Orient Express
Holy WOW! This...just this. This concept alone is the best one I've read tonight. It combines the novels / story with the meal in a way that is just fantastic, all with a unique presentation (the rail car). The menu is enticing, and...I really can't say much else but this is the BEST and most UNIQUE restaurant concept I've heard in a while.
Overall, I have some concerns with your presentation style. It still seems very jumbled and confusing, as if thrown together at the last minute (you really should give yourself a day or two to start putting it together, and I think the framework needs to be done even earlier, even if just using the wdwmagic submission, so your presentation has flow.
That aside, and again noting that content is King (not presentation)...fantastic ideas, and great work. I have a few concerns about the sheer size of the building proposed, and a few lines describing it more, and perhaps a few more images, would have been nice.
That being said, your rides were solid, your shops...average...but the rides combined with the Orient Express, wow. Just wow.
The top ride (show) I think is Jeckll. That just captured the experience so well (even though I preferred Land's queue, your's fit with your attraction, so no worries there). And, I can't gush more about Orient Express. That's just a great addition, it's so unique, and fits so well with your overall concept.
Once again, I must give...(or the doctor must)
Thank YouWell, kudos to tcool then! That was a great ride concept. I can totally see my daughter dragging me on it over and over again (and me enjoying every minute).
It's very very quiet.
I feel like there is something going on that I am not aware of.
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