The Six Flags Thread


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I got the ok to post any and all news pertaining to any Six Flags parks NOT in Florida. Any and all sources will probably be Screamscape, and all the articles will be quoted. Also discuss any thing about Six Flags here!


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According to the Dallas News the incident that has closed the Texas Giant was caused ‘when one car lost its proper position on the track and began gouging the rails.” In other words, it sounds like one one of the cars had a partial derail from the track caused when one of the upstop wheels failed. Since then the problem has been repaired and the ride seems to be reopen from the way they talk about it..


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The latest rumor going around SFKK doesn’t involve the destruction of Twisted Twins (okay, well they talk about that one too) but rather the current status of the nearby Mile High Falls. The voices in the park are whispering that a problem was found with the ride that will cost a bundle to fix, so it just may be scrapped this winter. Of course every other Shoot the Chutes ride like this in the chain has been rumored to be on the chopping block ever since they removed the ones at SFGAdv and SFGAm. You’ve got to remember however, it costs money to remove a ride like this… money that Six Flags may not be willing or able to spend under the current bankruptcy dealings. I’d be more worried about the fate of the Twisted Twins myself, as they have already shipped off trains from that coaster to St. Louis.
It seems somewhat of a verbal war has been brewing about the fate of both of these attractions however on the Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom facebook page.


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A fun status update for Six Flags Great Adventure can be seen at, which shows off the sign in front of the old Chiller observatory building promoting “Professor Keaney’s Xploratorium – A New Dimension of Thrill”. The park has also added a very large jumbotron style screen for some reason. For a park in the middle of a corporate bankruptcy this does seem a little over the top. Are we letting the ex-Sports industry people run the show without question at SFHQ once again? First the Six Flags Thrill-leaders and now this? Say… whatever happened to the Thrill-leaders anyway?
On a side note, I’ve been told not to expect Kingda Ka to reopen until around the end of July as they are hard at work trying to finish up the much needed repair to the system. No more band-aids, this should be the real fix.


Active Member
Aol had given me free tickets to six flags america in MD a few years ago. I expected them to have totally renovated the park after it had changed names a few times since the Wild World days. I found it to still be a dump with poor layout and horrible employees. I have never gone back. I only live about 40 mins from it. I drive the hour to KD instead.


Well-Known Member
I got the ok to post any and all news pertaining to any Six Flags parks NOT in Florida. Any and all sources will probably be Screamscape, and all the articles will be quoted. Also discuss any thing about Six Flags here!

I don't think there ARE any Six Flags in Florida are there?

I remember on our 2004 trip to Florida, talking to the woman running the tourism booth in the Lobby of the Super 8 where we were staying, saying that they were supposed to be building a Six Flags in Florida. But I have never heard anything since, and if they ever did build one, I never heard about it.

I love doing summer Six Flags trips with my wife, brother and friends, but I haven't gotten to go since 2006. My circle of friends keeps shrinking, as people walk in and out of our lives, financial burdens have kept my brother and another friend from going the past year or two, and the birth of our daughter this year has ruled out any trip for us this year. Hopefully, if I'm lucky, I can do a trip next year, but if we can just do that WDW trip next April, I'll be happy.:D


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It has been reported that another jumbotron screen like the one at SFGAdv was first installed at SFNE earlier this season as well. Local report that Tomahawk had just reopened earlier this week after being closed most if not all of the season so far. However the ride also broke down again later the same week, after only running for about 2 days. With a track record like this, there is no telling how much longer this ride may stay at the park

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Six Flags Mid America here in St. Louis is truly terrible. The rides are either too intense for me or too kiddie, the parking lot is a pot hole filled mess, the place is dirty, its poorly laid out, its full of crappy carnival games all over the place, full of stupid Warner Brothers marketing, terrible themeing, and to top it all off its haunted by a ghost called "the pig man."

And what's really sad is that it kinda had a neat theme in the old days themed to the 1904 world's fair but now its just polluted with DC Comics and Warner Brothers crap all over the place.


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not the pig man! i'm pretty sure most Six Flags parks have the DC and Warner Brothers characters. SFA has one non themed attraction that isnt those 2....its Cal Ripkens water thingy.


Well-Known Member
My closest Six Flags park is Six Flags New England. I haven't been back since the first year Batman opened up. What a's a shame because the rides are fun but the place was overcrowded and full or garbage (every barrel was overflowing, there was trash all over the place, and the people were rude (and to be honest, I didn't feel safe at ALL knowing that these people were checking the safety features of the rides!) My buddy was on a ride (Double Trouble?) and it had two safety harnasses, an OTS...and one that came between your legs...and he didn't even pull the one between his legs down and we were riding. Nobody checked!


Well-Known Member
The SF parks really are making a turnaround, though; my Great America visit last week had cleanliness rivalled only by Disney, and from what I've gathered over the past few years on Theme Park Review, other parks in the chain are seeing a drastic change from the image that many people have.

In other words, if you haven't been back since the year Batman opened (which I think was 2002), I encourage you to try SFNE again and see what you think!


Well-Known Member
The SF parks really are making a turnaround, though; my Great America visit last week had cleanliness rivalled only by Disney, and from what I've gathered over the past few years on Theme Park Review, other parks in the chain are seeing a drastic change from the image that many people have.

In other words, if you haven't been back since the year Batman opened (which I think was 2002), I encourage you to try SFNE again and see what you think!

Back then I got season passes three consecutive summers. I'd go a couple times a month...and I never once was there while Nightwing was open. Hehe, it was usually open in the mornings...and then by the time I worked my way over to it, it had been shut down.

That is the ONLY ride in the park I haven't been on (aside from the Skycoaster). (of course, I haven't been on the rides that have opened since my last visit either :) )


Well-Known Member
Skycoasters are the one attraction I am absolutely terrified of. (It's a bit of a conflict as a coaster enthusiast who's afraid of heights. :lol:)

Skycoasters pale in comparison to SCAD Towers, though:


Yeah. That's you jumping 150 feet into a net without a harness attachment or anything. :dazzle:

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