I rode Everest ONCE when it was new because I kept hearing it was "just like Big Thunder." No, it's not. It was significantly more intense of an experience. Big Thunder is the ONLY "coaster" I ride because it's fun and not scary. No drops, nothing crazy. It's just enjoyable. But EE scared me. In the way that my entire day was negatively affected. I did not enjoy it. The lift was too high, the drop was too much, and worst, the backwards part literally terrified me. I was shaking for a long time after I got off it. I wasn't prepared for it and it was not the kind of thing I would ever have done had I realized it was so much more then Big Thunder.
Now, I can't tell you what your tolerances are. But people who LIKE coasters don't really understand how it is for people who don't like them. I mean, they understand it logically, but for them, EE is really mild because they like rides which are significantly more intense. But I'm a person who can't handle any kind of drop/fall sensation. I've never ridden Splash or Tower of Terror and I literally never will. I don't like Space Mountain because it's too jerky and it hurts my neck and gives me a headache. I won't ride RnRC because it's upsidedown and that's another thing I'm afraid of. So on paper, Everest doesn't seem that bad but the experience of it was more then I was prepared for.
It really depends on what you dislike specifically, be it heights or drops or speed or the "out of control" feeling you get going backwards and not seeing what's going on. If that kind of thing bothers you, it might not be for you. I can't say if you will like it or not but I can say, as someone with severe phobias about most things people enjoy on coasters, EE was too much for me and I wouldn't do it again.