The Perfect Age?

Perfect age to bring a child or to go to disney for the first time?

  • 1 or younger

    Votes: 11 12.9%
  • 2-4

    Votes: 28 32.9%
  • 5-7

    Votes: 37 43.5%
  • 8-12

    Votes: 6 7.1%
  • (teenager) 13-19

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • 20's

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
6 was GREAT for my kids

The young lady in the photo, my baby, was celebrating her 6th birthday when we first went to Disney & she remembers some of it. She was still afraid of the unknown & would ask at every attraction, mostly the shows, "What's going to happen mommy"? Being there for the first time myself I had no idea, so by the time she asked for the 20th time I thought I was going to hang myself :hammer:Sometimes she even put her head down & would cover her ears until she realized all was safe. Her brother was 7 1/2 & other sister was 9. Even her brother was apprehensive. Needless to say when we returned years later all was good.

She's now 23 & remembers ALL of it :lol:... I intend to take my grandchildren (when I become a grandma) when they are 6. Any age is great age for photo opportunities though.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
There is no perfect age. Every age form 1 day to 100 years has its own special set of pros and cons. The question really is are you willing to do what it takes so that whomever you bring with you enjoys themselves.


I took my DS for the first time when he was 6 months old and he had a blast. He could go on a lot of the rides and we had a lot of fun as a family for the first time in Disney. We took him again when he was 15 months old and OMG we had SOOO much fun! He LOVED the characters, LOVED the rides and truely enjoyed himself. No, he won't remember it at that age, but I sure do! I won't trade those memories for anything! He loved dancing with the characters during the H&V Play and Dine breakfast (stole the show to be honest!) and hated to leave the characters when his turn was over. I wouldn't hesitate for a second to take our next child down at that age. We are planning his 3rd trip in September when he'll just turn 2 the month before. We are so excited after seeing how he reacted the last trip.

Just because they can't remember, doesn't mean you shouldn't go. I mean, I don't remember some of my trips or all that happened on my last one. You'll still have memories of them being there and pictures to last a lifetime!

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Im going with the any age is the perfect age theory. We took my daughter when she was just a bit over 1 and it was an AWESOME trip. Even though she doesnt remember it, we have priceless video, pictures and memories. She had a blast and thats all that counts in my book. I have a new baby boy and we are planning are next trip, he will be about the same age my daughter was her first time.

Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
Naturally their not going to remember anything at such a young age. We brought our children as babies. Had a comfortable stroller they took naps in and we all had a good time. I always thought 3 or 4 year olds with the characters made the best photo ops. We got many a precious video and photo at that age. All ages are perfect for a first trip.


Well-Known Member
I would say around 4/5 is the perfect age. That was the age my sister was when we first went and wow she loved it! She may not rememeber it but watching videos and looking at pictures remind us how great a time she had :D


New Member
We took our two sons when they were 5 and 8 and they were absolutely wonderful. They did not complain the 1st time about walking or about it being hot.

However, we now have a 21 mths old son who will be taking his 1st trip next week. I wonder if I have lost my mind by doing this. But I really think he will have a great time. Of course he loves Mickey, and Pooh and Tigger. He also LOVES watching people. We are also taking my parents and my in-laws. :hammer: Which I think will be a priceless trip in itself :p

I think we will make great memories for everyone, even if our youngest doesnt' remember much (or anything). Our parents are not getting any younger and are starting to have minor health problems so I figured it was now or never. Not to mention FIL has NEVER been to WDW.

So anyway, I'll let you know in about 2 weeks if 21 mths is too young.

Wish me luck!!!!!!:lol:


Well-Known Member
we really had no problems taking our toddler--the first time she went was at 1 1/2 and she rode alot of the rides--no fireworks though--then when she was 2 3/4 she had a good time still and last christmas she was 4 and it was absolutely great--she rode most all the big rides and believe it or not she can tell me things that i had forgotten from the trip when she was 2 3/4--so i recommend it at any age!!!!!


You know everyone always says the standard line that "they'll never remember" it if you take them too young. So what! I remember it. It's my vacation too. I have some great pictures of my, then almost 2 year old, dancing with Stitch, hugging Areal and Mickey, etc. There's nothing better than bringing a "first timer" to MK. When we went last April, he was almost 3 and it was like the first time all over again and he is still talking about it. He'll say "remember when I was this many (holds up two fingers..." and tell us something about WDW. It is the funniest thing.


He wasn't even two years old here. He doesn't remember it, but I do. We met up with Stitch in a quiet spot near SM. I wish I knew who the cast member was that played Stitch. It was such a sweet moment and they danced and hugged and had a great moment. That moment wasn't just for him, it was something I'll always remember.


Active Member
Original Poster
You know everyone always says the standard line that "they'll never remember" it if you take them too young. So what! I remember it. It's my vacation too. I have some great pictures of my, then almost 2 year old, dancing with Stitch, hugging Areal and Mickey, etc. There's nothing better than bringing a "first timer" to MK. When we went last April, he was almost 3 and it was like the first time all over again and he is still talking about it. He'll say "remember when I was this many (holds up two fingers..." and tell us something about WDW. It is the funniest thing.


He wasn't even two years old here. He doesn't remember it, but I do. We met up with Stitch in a quiet spot near SM. I wish I knew who the cast member was that played Stitch. It was such a sweet moment and they danced and hugged and had a great moment. That moment wasn't just for him, it was something I'll always remember.

THAT is precious! :)


The first time we took our kids to Disneyworld was when my daughter was 9 months old and my eldest son was 3 years old. We travelled from Ireland and there were no direct flights from Dublin to Orlando at the time. So it was an 8 hour flight to New York with a five hour time difference on arrival and then a connecting flight to Orlando. So it was some journey. My daughter of course doesn't remember this trip but watches it many times on video and loves watching herself shouting at all the characters when she was a baby. She now is the biggest Disney fan and we have been many times since. We took our youngest son when he was only 12 months old and this year it will be his fourth time to Disneyworld and he will celebrate his fourth birthday there. We all love to look back on old videos and photos of our previous trips so even if you are too young to remember you still have great memories.


Active Member
I really thing the "perfect" age does not exsist. It depends a lot on the parents and the kid. If you have a whinny kid that throws fits when you take them to the gorcery store, I would not take them to Disney World, no matter what age they are. If you have a hyper active kid that can't wait their turn on the play ground, waiting in a 90 minute line for a ride is not going to be a fun place for them.

My daughter went for the first time when she was 2 and had a great time, but she is just really easy going by nature. My nephew on the other had, was a really hyper kid who threw fits and once even ran from his mom during a visit at the zoo. They didn't take him to Disney World until he was 7 and for him, that was the perfect age.

So to the OP, I would suggest that you watch your child as they grow and take their temperment into consideration when you start to plan that first Disney trip.


Active Member
We waited until our youngest was 4. But there is no reason to wait. The perfect age for your children is whatever age they are right now. Don't wait. Start the magic now.

Fe Maiden

Well-Known Member
Every age is the perfect age, except for one: 10 months old.
That was the age of our youngest son's first trip and that happened to be the week he decided he wanted to learn how to walk.

Each line we got in he wanted to stand. Half the pictures of that vacation are of me and my wife hunched over.

In August we'll be down again with a 7yo, 4yo, and 4 month old and I'm sure we'll all have fun.


Well-Known Member
I hear the phrase "they won't remember anything" all the time from people about Disney and those taking young kids

my wife and I just had out first baby last week and plan to take her for the first trip when she is 1 1/2....when people say "they won't remember anything" I usually just say "but they will have a great time while they are there and that's all that matters". Plus let's not forget... you will remember it and get some great photo opportunities with your little ones. Truely a magical experience.

Also, sometimes I say "why buy them certain toys when they are little, they may not remember them either". :)

I completely agree. When I took my DS when he was almost 3, I heard the same thing from other adults "he won't remember a thing." I grew up goung to the Magic Kingdom, but I have the greatest memories of experiencing the park through my sons eyes. And as for not remembering, I am amazed when he brings up stories about that vacation and asks to go back. He is almost 5 now and his brother is almost 3. In a few months, both will have a wonderful time and all will have great memories!


New Member
I have twin boys that will be 4 next week. We have been taking them to Disney since the were 14 months old. This will be their 4th trip in July. They have had a blast every year. There are different attractions they are able to visit every year we go. Now they are able to go on Big Thunder Mountain, Splash Mountain, etc. Every year is a new adventure. I could not imagine going anywhere other than Disney for vacation.:sohappy:

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