The People that don't get it.

Lord Alfred

There's another issue that we need to bring up.

There are really two types of "vacations".

One is where you rest and relax and get away from it all.

The other is one where you seek fun and adventure and get away from your normal life.

Some people prefer to rest and relax. For them a cruise or beach trip is the perfect vacation.

Others like to go seek out a good time and have fun. WDW is a good choice for those folks. Heaven knows I often come home from WDW more tired than before I went!

I like to alternate personally. I'll go to WDW and then a couple of years later I'll get pampered and fed (and fed and fed :slurp: ) on a cruise. Then a couple years later I go back to WDW. It's perfect for me.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Just A Big Kid
I know plenty of people who think that they couldn't have fun at a "kiddie"park... well, i'm 28 and damn proud to say i've been to Disney in 2000,2001,and 2002 :) True some of the rides are a tad aimed way more towards kids than some would like but i think it's a great getaway and gives me a MUCH NEEDED mental break from real life. And tell me someone in today's society who doesn't need a place to go and just get away from the craziness.. Ok.. i'm done blabbing..:lol:

You know I never really thought about the dark rides in Fantasyland as being kiddie rides, until our recent trip when my sister reffered to them that way! I always just thought of them as classics.:)


New Member
I know a lot of people who think that WDW is boring or will get boring after a certain point, they complain about the lines, about maintenance, etc. But you know what, I love WDW and it's too bad if they don't like it.....they are just going to miss out on the fun!


Active Member
I can relate to everyone on this subject! My coworkers keep busting my chops about WDW, especially since I'll be going for my honeymoon in November! I keep telling them, "don't knock it, until you've tried it," considering they've never been!! I've been going every year since 1989 (only missing two years - one being 2001). I don't get tired of it one bit and get 'homesick' from not going. My fiance has never been and I can't wait to show him the ropes! :)

Port Orleans Riverside - 54 days to go!!!! :sohappy: :D


Here's my 2 cents.......

People who don't "get" Disney World (or Disney in general) just grew up. They let their sense of wonderment and imagination die prematurely. It's really too bad. Walt designed the parks to bring our imaginations to life and to help people never forget their inner youth and to feel young again. Maybe if more people weren't so "grown up", they would not only enjoy Disney things more, but life itself.

And you don't think if they were "X" years old again, they wouldn't have the time of their lives?? Oct. 17 is my return to the "Disney fountain of youth" and I'm ready for it!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Lord Alfred

Some people prefer to rest and relax. For them a cruise or beach trip is the perfect vacation.

Lord Alfred, you really need to take a Disney cruise. You can have your adventure, food, and relaxation all at the same time. The Disney cruise does not sacrifice any of the magic.

Alot of my friends couldn't possibly understand why i wanted to go on a Disney cruise, until after i got back and showed them pictures and souveniers with my animated descriptions of the trip. Then they were jealous.


Well-Known Member
LOL Celtic!! Yes Oh Master Yoda!!! We will DO this!!!! :lol: :lol:
As far as going with a Disney Nut I am lucky in that I have several very good friends who are, just no romantic types!!:( :( Id be willing to change that for the right "Beast" Belle


New Member
My husband used to be one of those "Disney is for kids" kind of guy until I decided to show him otherwise. When we were still dating I took him to Disney for his Grad School Graduation in 1998. When we were on the plane goign down to Disney, he even stated this is the last time we go before we have kids. I just ignored him. Well no sooner than that same night while we were swimming, he was so excited and couldn't stop talking about Disney how awesome it was. Needless to say, we have been back every year since. He has become such a Disney he certainly can't wait to go with kids so he can see Disney in there eyes.

:sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
People look at me when I say the whole intire HM opening spiel as though it was odd. My sister believed I was the only one untill we went to DL and there were 6 other people (guys, girls, old, young) who recited the whole thing.


Account Suspended
Original Poster
Have any of you turned someones opinion around on Disney??

Have you got someone that hated Disney to love it?


New Member
TestTrack - I can also do the HM speil, along with those of BTMRR, most of Spalsh Mountain, the annoying people in Space Mountain, the Tower of Terror, Rock N Roller Coaster, Millionaire, GMR, The American Adventure, the Hall of Presidents, and many others. Now it does help that I have a photographic memory and can recite an entire movie after only watching in 3 times.

On a side note - Here is a trivia question that even Disney gets wrong in all of their guidebooks....

How many people have served in the office of the President?

All of Disney's guidebooks and websites say that all 43 presidents are represented in a life-like appearance at the Hall of Presidents.

Answer - 42 - a little known piece of American Presidental History (which surprises me that more people do not know this) is that only 42 people have served as President. Even though G.W. Bush is the 43rd President, Grover Cleveland served two non-consecutive terms at the 22nd and 24th Presidents. That is right, he was so bad in office, that the people elected Benjamin Harrison to replace him. Benjamin Harrison was so much worse that the people reelected Grover Cleveland to replace Harrison. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mickeyfanatics
TestTrack - I can also do the HM speil, along with those of BTMRR, most of Spalsh Mountain, the annoying people in Space Mountain, the Tower of Terror, Rock N Roller Coaster, Millionaire, GMR, The American Adventure, the Hall of Presidents, and many others. Now it does help that I have a photographic memory and can recite an entire movie after only watching in 3 times.

On a side note - Here is a trivia question that even Disney gets wrong in all of their guidebooks....

How many people have served in the office of the President?

All of Disney's guidebooks and websites say that all 43 presidents are represented in a life-like appearance at the Hall of Presidents.

Answer - 42 - a little known piece of American Presidental History (which surprises me that more people do not know this) is that only 42 people have served as President. Even though G.W. Bush is the 43rd President, Grover Cleveland served two non-consecutive terms at the 22nd and 24th Presidents. That is right, he was so bad in office, that the people elected Benjamin Harrison to replace him. Benjamin Harrison was so much worse that the people reelected Grover Cleveland to replace Harrison. :lol:

I can do ToN and ToD along with TT when I feal like it :D . I also am pretty good at the ending of SE and The Great Movie Ride. Don't forget to mention Timekeeper (ahh, the ice age, daquiries for everyone!) and Jungle Cruse (that's harapshat, the ancient indian goddes of peac and happyness, that's bob, he invented the churro)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
It's true. Most people believe it's "kid stuff" actually, it's "family stuff"...and even half of those who enjoy it don't understand its message.

I guess people like to dissociate with it for their "cool" reasons...:brick:

In order to truly enjoy Walt Disney World, you have to lose all your inhibitions, anxieties, curiosities, and your daily stressors of your ordinary everyday life at the gate and just let your hair down! When you step foot on Main Street for the first time at MK, you really have to have fun and have so much fun that when at the end of your vacation, you can sit down at home and say to yourself... "That was the best disney vacation I've ever been on..."

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