The "ONE" Ride or Attraction You Would Love to See RETURN


Journey Into Imagination most definitely. As much as I would also love to see Kitchen Kabaret, Horizons or Alien Encounter back, I think JII fits the best and is still relevant.


Well-Known Member
i never got to ride mr toad, 20k or cranium command, so any of those would be awesome. they bought back EO, which was another one i wanted to see (woo) and the original tiki room (which is also happening, woo!)


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
There are a zillion I'd love to ride/see again. But the only one that continually leaves me with an empty feeling when I think about it is the Adventurers Club.


New Member
Horizons, but NEW HORIZONS, (It's original name), completely new and updated. Epcot has to be next on the "E-Ticket" list and New Horizons should be the way to go. Just knock down UOE and start from scratch. But I want the same ride system from the original. The reason Epcot has lost all it's appeal in the last 10 years is because it is not the "Future" it once was. Tell me one thing in Epcot today that makes you look to the future like Epcot did from 83-late 90's. Just recreate the horizons story using more modern tricks and imagineering they are using everywhere else and give us the next vision of the future. I am sure Disney would cringe at any ride that would be 20 min +, but it would give us something more to do at this park than MS & Soarin.


New Member
You know what I miss? The body ride in Epcot! I used to be SOOOO scared of it as a kid and yeah I know its basically the same thing as Star Tours which is probably why it's gone.... but I loved it! :)D


Well-Known Member
Alien Encounter. The drama builds as the story line unfolds... the brief sight of the thrashing Alien in the glass transporter tube... the lights go out as the protective tube is broken through and the Alien escapes...Then it begins. The heart beats faster, the excitement builds as the Alien draws near. What an experience. I'm so glad I was able to live through this before (cough, cough) Stitch came along.


Active Member
Alien Encounter. The drama builds as the story line unfolds... the brief sight of the thrashing Alien in the glass transporter tube... the lights go out as the protective tube is broken through and the Alien escapes...Then it begins. The heart beats faster, the excitement builds as the Alien draws near. What an experience. I'm so glad I was able to live through this before (cough, cough) Stitch came along.

When Disney finally puts me in charge of TDO, I'm putting Alien Encounter in DHS next to Tower of Terror, swapping Aerosmith for KISS, and adding a Nightmare Before Christmas darkride and changing that section of the park to a "spooky entertainment" area.


Active Member
My first impulse was to say 20K but everyone's posts has me wondering. There was quite a bit I didn't get to ride. Body Wars, 20K, Alien Encounter, Timekeeper, or Horizons. I miss the Skyway and Mr. Toad. It's hard to narrow down to just one!

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
I would love to see 20,000 Leagues return maybe they could retheme it to something like Atlantis. Plus I always thought the lagoon looks so nice with Tommorrowland in the background.
You could see Space Mountain soarin' up in the distance.

The rockwork on the left is 20K.



Well-Known Member
Put me down for Horizons. No ride by TDO has ever given such inspiration and optimistic view of the future. I remember getting off horizons thinking how great the future is going to be.

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