The Official "I Miss Disney Dammit" Rant Thread


Well-Known Member
here we go people... this thread is needed! It's been a little over a month since I came back to the real world (bills, work, ughhhhh) and I am in such a withdrawal. I say this becomes the official rant page for those of us who are frustrated! I find myself living vicariously through people's planning and itinerary threads.... I can't get a Disney fix now since returning.
I went last June.. My parents are going in December to stay at AKL..

I'm hoping to take my GF next September/October..

I listen to park music everyday going into work.. Its necessary.
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I went last June.. My parents are going in December to stay at AKL..

I'm hoping to take my GF next September/October..

I listen to park music everyday going into work.. Its necessary.

My fiance is headed down to Orlando with a whole bunch of her friends. One of her friends parents have a timeshare down there and they are letting them all use their room. They are only headed to WDW for ONE day and they haven't decided what park.

1.) my fiance is definitely a WDW freak / geek so I feel bad that she's going with newbies, or shall I say people who aren't so into it.
2.) I want to shove myself in her suitcase so I can go
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Well-Known Member
I've started having withdrawls when I found this site, lol. Coming on here and seeing pics of the parks and hearing other peoples stories everyday doesnt help, just makes it worse because I want to be there, haha. I cant imagine planning a trip now and not going until the end of the year or early next year. I couldnt wait that long, i'd go nuts, lol. Each of my trips have been made within about 3 months of the actual trip itself.
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I've started having withdrawls when I found this site, lol. Coming on here and seeing pics of the parks and hearing other peoples stories everyday doesnt help, just makes it worse because I want to be there, haha. I cant imagine planning a trip now and not going until the end of the year or early next year. I couldnt wait that long, i'd go nuts, lol. Each of my trips have been made within about 3 months of the actual trip itself.

We're the same way... luckily we got a nice 45% off room rate at the Beach Club... otherwise it was another trip off site. I will say though that while I didn't really enjoy the Beach Club (a little pricey in my opinion) I may never stay off site again. The first night there we had a 3AM MK EMH... yeah, 3! For the luxury of EMH it is worth the money... next time I'll just stay moderate tops, probably a value to save coin.
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Well-Known Member
I want to go back so bad this year but I don't have enough points to do so. I already borrowed points from next year. Ugh I feel your pain.
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you guys want to talk about Disney Wthdrawal? I HAVEN'T BEEN THERE IN 15 YEARS!! :eek: I'm going crazy! I'm planning a trip for this year with my mom, and a couple of days ago she said we might have to cancel it because she doesn't know if she'll be able to spend the money and I seriously wanted to slap her. How bad is it that I feel like I want to slap my own mom? :lookaroun That's how far my depression goes, I'm not willing to let anyone take that trip away from me.

Mom, this is war!
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Well-Known Member
It's been 6 months since my last visit, my BF and I can only go every 2 years so the next year and a half will be tough! We both go on this site daily (he's a lurker I'm a poster! he's not brave enough!) we talk about WDW every day, our home is full of Disney things. We both feel life is not worth living if it's not in WDW/Florida! We only have 3 happy weeks in 2 years!! Loving WDW sometimes feels like a curse! We desperately want to be there but can't. We only truly feel happy there. It's quite depressing actually!! :(
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It's bad for me because this is all pretty recent. I had been to Disney 5 times throughout my childhood and in fact I went three times from August 1998 through August 1999. The first trip we stayed off site in a rental home located in Kissimmee... we spent 2 weeks and because of our length we purchased AP passes. We have family friends in the Orlando area who also own a home in Costa Rica... the 3rd trip we stayed at their house while they were gone and used our AP passes before they expired, a real savings. The middle trip was my 8th grade trip with classmates.

While I enjoyed it... I was a kid, no idea the value of my exepriences and memories. I probably thought Disney was all for little kids... fast forward to May 2010 as a 25 year old, what an explosion of emotions after a week back at the world. I had always loved the movies and music but it was this trip that sealed the deal for me. As soon as I came back I joined this site and its been a daily stop pretty much Monday through Friday since last year.

So many cool people here... I am now not ashamed to tell people how much I love the world.
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Well-Known Member
I totally feel the pain. My trip is 117 days away, too far!! The funny thing that I do is get excited for my friends and family's trips that are coming up sooner! I have a friend that goes in 23 days, a sister in law that goes in about 5-6 weeks and a brother in law going a month after them. So this keeps me getting a little Disney fix talking plans with them and then I'll get to hear about their trips.
We always have our trip planned almost a year in advance which is torture. We just went in October and have our next trip in August and as long as we survive our first August trip will be going next August again.
Once you've got everything totally booked, resort, airfare, ADRs, car, etc....the waiting game is torture. Can't wait to be in the double digits in 18 days!! :brick::hammer::D
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I just got back from a trip 2 weeks ago and I'm already thinking about when I can get my next trip in. It's looking like the next will be to DL & DCA and not WDW though :lookaroun we will possibly be moving stations to CA. I have a really bad craving for some teriyaki chicken from WS right now! Maybe I can convince my husband to do a "Goodbye Florida" WDW trip. :lol: I would love to be a DVC member too!
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We're the same way... luckily we got a nice 45% off room rate at the Beach Club... otherwise it was another trip off site. I will say though that while I didn't really enjoy the Beach Club (a little pricey in my opinion) I may never stay off site again. The first night there we had a 3AM MK EMH... yeah, 3! For the luxury of EMH it is worth the money... next time I'll just stay moderate tops, probably a value to save coin.

Yea, the EMH are a good reason to stay on property. My next trip will be my first off property though and thats because the EMH for the week we're going is mostly in the mornings. They have a few at night but its not open late enough to make it worth the extra $$ to stay on property for us.
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New Member
We were there September '10 and December '10 and will be back July 30-August 14th this year. We are AP holders and it KILLS me to see those tickets laying around! If airfare wasn't so high we would've done a quick 4 nighter in May. My daughter is 12 and she is going on her "18th" trip this summer. We can't get enough!!!
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Yea, the EMH are a good reason to stay on property. My next trip will be my first off property though and thats because the EMH for the week we're going is mostly in the mornings. They have a few at night but its not open late enough to make it worth the extra $$ to stay on property for us.

that is smart... how far in advance do they publish the EMH hours? The 3am was amazing. We landed at MCO at 10:30AM, hopped on the ME bus and got to the resort roughly 11:00. Waited about 10mins for our room to be ready, changed up real quick and we were in MK by 12:30 straight through to 3AM. I was literally dozing while waiting for SM but it was amazing.
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Well-Known Member
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We were there September '10 and December '10 and will be back July 30-August 14th this year. We are AP holders and it KILLS me to see those tickets laying around! If airfare wasn't so high we would've done a quick 4 nighter in May. My daughter is 12 and she is going on her "18th" trip this summer. We can't get enough!!!

that is sick... I wish I traveled for work. I have a friend who does two weeks in the office, one week on the road, final week in office. Well, during that week on the road he might fly 4 times... from MA to Texas, AZ, to CA and then back home to Boston. He gets 250 dollars every time he boards a flight, so that is 500 a roundtrip times 3 trips... and keeps all his miles as his fringe benefits.

If I had that... I would be at Disney 3 weeks a year, easy with an AP
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Well-Known Member
I have 10.5 years of Post WDW pent up inside.. it will not go away until the second I arrive in my room at PoP in 128 days either. this trip has been so long coming I can't help but think it won't happen!
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