The official Future Corps Main Street U.S.A. Work Thread


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Alright everyone, I think we've lost a lot of our focus on this land, so I'm making a decision on what we're doing. Sorry if this irritates you, but I want to have this all done and packaged by Tuesday. So, I present you with our new plan for Main Street USA:


Color coding goes as such:
Red: New mega-shop
Light Brown: New parade entrance
Yellow: New location of City Hall (aka Guest Relations)
Dark Green: Queue for CoP that represents an opera house of the 1900's
Olive Green: CoP pre-show
Pink: CoP (preferably with a brand new last scene)
Light Blue: Walt Disney exhibit (including entrance/exit into Inventor's Plaza)
Dark Blue: Inventor's Plaza
Dark Brown: Inventor's Plaza Facade (and maybe a very small specialty shop)
Orange: Quick Service Restaurant

I've also placed out the decades and where they meet. I feel the specialty store on Main Street should echo this somehow.

So here are our project divisions:

Specialty Store (Red):
Inventor's Plaza (Dark Blue and Dark Brown):
CoP (Dark Green, Olive Green, and Pink):
Walt Disney Exhibit (Light Blue):
M&G and filling in the rest of MSUSA: Hack2112

I know I've taken the easiest job, but I've done it in order to make sure if anyone wants help they can get it from me and so I can put it all together cleanly.

I'm now taking requests on the other divisions. First come, first served.

Oh, one more thing, I want this all on Monday, so I can put it together on Tuesday and get it to them no later then Wednesday.


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First come first served. Your choice. And after reading over the rules again, Inventor's Plaza (which also serves to connect MSUSA and Tomorrowland [Think Sci-Fi City]) needs to have some sort of a shop.


New Member
We're not having any other attractions in Main Street apart from the Carousel Of Progress and the railroad are we? I think we should save them up for some epic other lands.

Is the Walt Disney exhibit the pre show to CoP so we can include it all under one attraction?

Now that we've gone with Inventors Plaza shouldn't we have another side street or arcade on the other side just to balance things out and have another way of entering Adventureland/Frontierland.

I like the map but how come the quick service restaurant is all the way out near Tomorrowland and not on Main Street. And I don't understand why the large shop is behind the other shops on the map and not right on the street like the Emporium. This isn't expansion to MK this is our whole new park so we can do whatever we want with it.

How about opposite the street the leads to Inventors Plaza is a small square on the other side called Main Street Marketplace. There can be another quick service restaurant here called The Marketplace Deli (selling sandwiches etc) and a tunnel leading through to the next land.

Can I also suggest putting CoP on the other side of Inventors Plaza, sort of where the Plaza Restaurant is on that map, with the entrance on the corner of Main Street and the street leading to Inventors Plaza (Inventors Street?), and the exit in Tomorrowland so you start in the 1940s and go all the way to 2100- or whatever time our Tomorrowland is set in.

And I'll take the mega shop.


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We're not having any other attractions in Main Street apart from the Carousel Of Progress and the railroad are we? I think we should save them up for some epic other lands.
Yup. We're saving the attractions for other lands.

Is the Walt Disney exhibit the pre show to CoP so we can include it all under one attraction?
It's actually the post-show of CoP.

Now that we've gone with Inventors Plaza shouldn't we have another side street or arcade on the other side just to balance things out and have another way of entering Adventureland/Frontierland.
The problem is that I didn't want to cut off that many of the backstage areas in the land, and the way JC is placed, it is impossible to have another way to get to Adventureland from MSUSA. But we can theme the area that includes the first aid station to be more adventure-y and turn that into a sudo-plaza of sorts if you want.

I like the map but how come the quick service restaurant is all the way out near Tomorrowland and not on Main Street. And I don't understand why the large shop is behind the other shops on the map and not right on the street like the Emporium. This isn't expansion to MK this is our whole new park so we can do whatever we want with it.
Most of the larger quick service restauraunts are placed on the borders of two lands so that more people can go to them. I was merely following the same practice. The super store, by the way, is not behind the other shops. I just placed the marker behind the facades.

How about opposite the street the leads to Inventors Plaza is a small square on the other side called Main Street Marketplace. There can be another quick service restaurant here called The Marketplace Deli (selling sandwiches etc) and a tunnel leading through to the next land.
One quick service restaurant is enough for a land, especially if there has to be one per land.

Can I also suggest putting CoP on the other side of Inventors Plaza, sort of where the Plaza Restaurant is on that map, with the entrance on the corner of Main Street and the street leading to Inventors Plaza (Inventors Street?), and the exit in Tomorrowland so you start in the 1940s and go all the way to 2100- or whatever time our Tomorrowland is set in.
Then that makes it two attractions instead of one. There's also not enough space for it there, unfortunately.

And I'll take the mega shop.

I'll take the Walt Exhibit then.


Specialty Store (Red): CharlieD
Inventor's Plaza (Dark Blue and Dark Brown):
CoP (Dark Green, Olive Green, and Pink):
Walt Disney Exhibit (Light Blue): Techiegsy
M&G and filling in the rest of MSUSA: Hack2112

Strat and Fig, please pick your projects!


New Member
I really would like Frontierland next to Main Street, they fit together so much better and it's more original than putting Adventureland there. Plus Pirates of the Caribbean goes really well with Peter Pan in Fantasyland, like how Paris is laid out. Then Jungle Cruise can be up in the north western corner of the part. Seeing as it is an original park, I don't want it to be too similar to the parks already existing.

Yeah one quick service is enough, but what I meant for the Marketplace Deli to be was sort of like the Main Street Bakery in Florida- take away sandwiches cakes etc. It would also be themed to the 1940s.

Also, when I suggested putting CoP on the other side of Inventors Plaza I intended to take the Walt Disney exhibit with it. So you enter through a grand facade on the corner of Main Street and Inventors Avenue and there's a pre show all about the life of Walt Disney then that is followed by 'Walt Disney's Carousel Of Progress' with the scenes being: 1950s, 1980s, 2010s and 2100s, exiting into Tomorrowland set in the year 2100.

Well that was just what I envisaged but I'm happy with you're idea. Also, Main Street in Florida has 3 table service restaurants so I reckon we should have one in the Town Square based on the 1900s, and one by the plaza based on the 50s then the quick service restaurant based on the 20s/30s/40s in the middle.


New Member
I'll take CoP. Do we have to include sketches? I'm a bad artist.
Will our CoP have any sponsors? If so, who.
Besides a brand new last scene, do you want new stuff on the other scenes?
Full script?

I'm Stratofarius on Google Wave.
On another note, Hack, I liked your drawing. I just thought that perhaps the CoP+Walt Disney exhibit were cramped together. And I liked the idea of the Walt Disney exhibit being the pre-show for the CoP, but eh.

And do we have to create a parade?


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I'll take CoP. Do we have to include sketches? I'm a bad artist.

Will our CoP have any sponsors? If so, who.

Besides a brand new last scene, do you want new stuff on the other scenes?
Your choice, but since this is part of a larger Walt Disney exhibit, you may not want to.

Full script?
Only the things you change

I'm Stratofarius on Google Wave.
On another note, Hack, I liked your drawing. I just thought that perhaps the CoP+Walt Disney exhibit were cramped together. And I liked the idea of the Walt Disney exhibit being the pre-show for the CoP, but eh.
It's really not as cramped as you think it is, but it is placed together very tightly.

And do we have to create a parade?

Alright. Here's the final list:
Specialty Store (Red): CharlieD
Inventor's Plaza (Dark Blue and Dark Brown): figmntal95
CoP (Dark Green, Olive Green, and Pink): Stratofarius
Walt Disney Exhibit (Light Blue): Techiegsy
M&G and filling in the rest of MSUSA: Hack2112

Let's get cooking!


New Member
Well, I would love to show the full script anyway.

But Hack, you're doing a p'etty good job as an leader. Just saying that, cause I liked how you just said: "folks, no more talking, lets get to working".


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Actually, upon further review, PM me your email addresses that you connected your Wave account with. That seems to be how it's connected.


New Member
Hmm, I'm struggling on a name for the mega store. If it is in the same location as the Emporium it would be themed to the 1900s and 1920s. I was thinking of naming it after something to do with Walt's early life but I can't think of anything.

Any ideas?

Also Stratofarius, seeing as you're doing CoP I was wondering if you were changing the years it is set in?

EDIT: Oh right, you guys are using Wave now, I'll PM you my username then

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