The Xbox one is really angering me. With the elimination of used games and letting your friends borrow games, how they're stressing TV instead of actual gaming, and the whole kinect mess where it senses the amount of people in the room for movies and stuff like that, I'm not sure if I'm getting one anymore...
Im going to give a personal anecdote as to why locking down games is a bad idea.
I am a slow mover into new consoles after getting burned as an Atari fan in the late 80s, early 90s. The only thing that has enticed me to purchase a console, ever, has been games and experiences playing them at friends houses, or arcade play.
Playing Super Mario Bros. at an arcade version outside of an AAFES made me want to buy the NES, which I did. Renting and/or borrowing titles from friends is what turned me on to Ninja Gaidon, and many other titles.
I skipped the SNES and went with a Lynx. Bad idea. I later got a Gameboy, but again, building my title library was partially a function of a friend letting me borrow, or us trading games, for a limited period.
I got a Nintendo 64 after sampling the games at a friends house and someone had brought their copy of Goldeneye for us to try. We were hooked, and I rushed out to get one (well after launch).
Then, I graduated, and ended up doing other things for a while. I bought a used PS One with a library of games from my friend (years after release) because I was addicted to Tenchu and Gran Turismo. Of course I expanded the title library over the years, and it was just fine. I felt no need to move to Xbox.
Then, at a friends house, another similar story. I got to play GTA 3. I was hooked, but it wasnt until I heard about Vice City that I ran out and bought a PS2, on Vice City's release date, just to play the game, and again started to build a game library, renting games that interested me to be sure I enjoyed them.
I was happy with my PS2, and saw no reason to move to a 360...until I heard about GTA IV. At this point, I had a choice, go to a 360, or go with PS4. I chose 360, primarily due to the availability of titles currently available and regularly discounted ( for older games). I also liked the media center options it had, as I ran a media center in my, I could use it as an extender. But, that wasn't the driving force in my choice. Cost and games were.
Locking down games kills the rental market and friends sharing with friends, which when a new title has a $70 price tag, it's not something that many people decide lightly.
I have so many gripes with their plans for this console...I will be keeping a very close eye on Sony, and they will probably win me back...but, for now, I'll just tootle on with my 360.