The Neighbor Lady and TP2000 Walk Into a Bar...


Well-Known Member
That's awesome! Good job!

My mother was saying that what I did today was amazing, and no one thought a year ago I could have progressed so far.

In case you don't know, in February of 2017, my body completely shut down, and I died, if not for machines and modern medicine, I would be 6 feet under. I was in a come for over 2 weeks, and when I woke up, I couldn't even get out of bed. more time in the Hospital, then a nursing home. Walking even a few steps at the Nursing home was hard, and had to have supervision due to being a fall risk.

I had major nerve damage, and surprisingly it has lessened. I know I will never be the old me, but the new me is going to try as hard as I can to get as close to normal as possible.

Today was proof that my spirit can get me over that finish line. And trust me, I knew if I took a break and sat down, I wouldn't have finished.

So just one foot in front of the other until I got to the end.

And I am so blessed to have the spirit I have, and my Wife to help me through this continuing journey.

Life is amazing, enjoy it!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Life is amazing, enjoy it!

Thank you Darkbeer, that is so true and so inspiring to hear your story.

While I have not faced health issues anywhere near what you've been through, none of us are getting any younger. I have been taking early morning walks per the doctor, and I often drive to Downtown Disney and walk through and around at least one park, rewarding myself with a basic black coffee from Starbucks. Or I often do the same walk at Irvine Lake. My neighborhood in Villa Park just has too many darn hills for a guy my age to wander around.

I have a hunch my days of morning walks around Downtown Disney and Disneyland just for fun are numbered (but not because I'm dying! Not yet!), as I really don't know how that piece of property will cope with things 8 months from now when Galaxy's Edge opens. But for now, get out there and enjoy life wherever you find it!


Well-Known Member
So, I did walk the entire 3.1 miles... My wife did it in 44 minutes.... My time was 1 hour, 48 minutes, The entire set up was closed down. The finish arch was already taken down, but I knew where it was, and crossed it.

It was a 2 lap course, surprisingly, 55 minutes was the first lap, the second was 53, so I got faster.

Now, I have been going to the rehab/gym for over a year, but usually on a step machine with a seat.

I can't wait to tell my doctors next month.

Time for a shower, and then an meeting in the evening. And of course, talked to a candidate and some city staff this morning. Everyone was happy with the city attorney news.
That's fantastic! Considering you almost died last year, this is great news. I'm glad you've made such amazing progress.


Active Member
My mother was saying that what I did today was amazing, and no one thought a year ago I could have progressed so far.

In case you don't know, in February of 2017, my body completely shut down, and I died, if not for machines and modern medicine, I would be 6 feet under. I was in a come for over 2 weeks, and when I woke up, I couldn't even get out of bed. more time in the Hospital, then a nursing home. Walking even a few steps at the Nursing home was hard, and had to have supervision due to being a fall risk.

I had major nerve damage, and surprisingly it has lessened. I know I will never be the old me, but the new me is going to try as hard as I can to get as close to normal as possible.

Today was proof that my spirit can get me over that finish line. And trust me, I knew if I took a break and sat down, I wouldn't have finished.

So just one foot in front of the other until I got to the end.

And I am so blessed to have the spirit I have, and my Wife to help me through this continuing journey.

Life is amazing, enjoy it!

I've been "following" you for many years on many disney related boards. I remember you mentioning something last year about the same time my son's appendix ruptured (and we didn't find out for 10 days). Then you just disappeared off the boards and I was concerned about you and what had happened, but had no way to find out. So I'm very happy to have found you on this board and to hear how much you've improved! And your mom is right! It is amazing!!! :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Alright its about time for another exciting installment in the ongoing saga of "TP's Gabfest with the Nice Neighbor Lady".

@TP2000 care to share the "deets" (as the kids say, details for us old folks) and what delicacy was served?

Let me see what I can do, we just waved and said hello this evening as they left for dinner. The holidays are approaching and she usually comes knocking to borrow my tiered shellfish server or extra fondue forks or some such thing, and then we get to talking, and then I offer to make a cocktail, and then she spills the dirt.

I'm hosting a New Year's Eve party this year, but it's with a different social set and she won't be there, so I'll need to rustle up some Hot Toddies before then.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Phew! This afternoon I emptied the house of a gaggle of relatives here for Thanksgiving. I've got a young niece and nephew who live up in the Bay Area; one finishing up at Stanford and one at a hipster tech company in San Francisco, and my gosh they are invigorating when they are here yet incredibly tiring when they leave. Their parents are wonderfully smart and fun, and yet my gosh am I getting old!

But you know who else I chatted with this afternoon who was also recovering from a hectic Thanksgiving weekend? The neighbor lady. We didn't have cocktails, and didn't get too scandalous, but we did have a coffee with some of the leftover rolls and Knott's preserves.

She didn't have much specific info, other than that the Disneyland Resort is doing gangbuster business this fall into winter, and that the TDA execs had expected business to slow down in 2018 and die off completely in 2019 as people defer visits until after Star Wars Land opens. But that isn't happening, and crowds keep flooding the parks and spending big money. Disney's theme park division keeps printing money for Burbank, and the Anaheim property is the best at it.

That said, she said the passage of Measure L in Anaheim sent a new chill through TDA. They are holding off on any further announcements for park expansion until after Mayor Elect Sidhu takes office and it's more clear what may be possible and what may not be. TDA and Burbank suits are both battening down the hatches for an ugly lawsuit filed by the Hotel union who will claim they totally meant the 1996 parking structure bonds to be included when they wrote out their "tax rebate" language for Measure L, even though it's fairly obvious they failed at that and forgot to include the parking structure bond agreement in their legal language they crafted for Measure L. But the union will try to pretend that's what they meant, and it will get ugly with a pliant local media happy to parrot the union's talking points. TDA expects it to get ugly.

See my comments in the Downtown Disney thread about some other info I recently got from friends in the commerical real estate investment business. But from those men and the neighbor lady, it's clear TDA is trying to plan for massive crowds in 2019 while spending as little of Burbank's money as possible and relying on outside firms to open restaurants and infrastructure that limits Disney's exposure to the continuing hostile business climate in Anaheim.


Well-Known Member
Phew! This afternoon I emptied the house of a gaggle of relatives here for Thanksgiving. I've got a young niece and nephew who live up in the Bay Area; one finishing up at Stanford and one at a hipster tech company in San Francisco, and my gosh they are invigorating when they are here yet incredibly tiring when they leave. Their parents are wonderfully smart and fun, and yet my gosh am I getting old!

But you know who else I chatted with this afternoon who was also recovering from a hectic Thanksgiving weekend? The neighbor lady. We didn't have cocktails, and didn't get too scandalous, but we did have a coffee with some of the leftover rolls and Knott's preserves.

She didn't have much specific info, other than that the Disneyland Resort is doing gangbuster business this fall into winter, and that the TDA execs had expected business to slow down in 2018 and die off completely in 2019 as people defer visits until after Star Wars Land opens. But that isn't happening, and crowds keep flooding the parks and spending big money. Disney's theme park division keeps printing money for Burbank, and the Anaheim property is the best at it.

That said, she said the passage of Measure L in Anaheim sent a new chill through TDA. They are holding off on any further announcements for park expansion until after Mayor Elect Sidhu takes office and it's more clear what may be possible and what may not be. TDA and Burbank suits are both battening down the hatches for an ugly lawsuit filed by the Hotel union who will claim they totally meant the 1996 parking structure bonds to be included when they wrote out their "tax rebate" language for Measure L, even though it's fairly obvious they failed at that and forgot to include the parking structure bond agreement in their legal language they crafted for Measure L. But the union will try to pretend that's what they meant, and it will get ugly with a pliant local media happy to parrot the union's talking points. TDA expects it to get ugly.

See my comments in the Downtown Disney thread about some other info I recently got from friends in the commerical real estate investment business. But from those men and the neighbor lady, it's clear TDA is trying to plan for massive crowds in 2019 while spending as little of Burbank's money as possible and relying on outside firms to open restaurants and infrastructure that limits Disney's exposure to the continuing hostile business climate in Anaheim.

Sorry I haven't posted. But as someone that has been dealing with the Measure L issue, TP2000's Neighbor Lady is right on point in regards to Disney's thoughts.

At an afterparty with a new Councilperson tonight, when Measure L came up, he says the actual language fairly well protects the city from lawsuits, so the City Attorney will just be a spectator. UNITE HERE has a lawsuit ready to go, something might get filed this week (The law became official tonight), but more than likely in January where a Disneyland CM that makes less than $15 per hour files a claim with the City Manager, who refuses it based on the City Attorney's opinion, and then off to the courts it will go. You also have GardenWalk businesses ready to file to get them out of the ALWI, and that Wincome will file a lawsuit claiming the ALWI is illegal and should be voided. It will be a three ring circus.

Also, the Head of UNITE HERE 11, Ada Briceno wants to become the Head of the Democratic Party of Orange County.

Well, at least I got three chances to eat, a going away party after the 3 PM Council session for Mayor Tait and others (Cookies, cupcakes and coffee), And after the Swearing In Ceremony, an expanded dessert and coffee, now with Mexican Pastries and Indian Sweets (I forget the name, but the Donut Hole like balls covered with Honey and has way too much sugar (but why they taste so good).

And then Italian Food for the after party for one Councilperson.

On the way home, I was asking my wife if I am going to be a puppet, a puppet-master, or more than likely a combination of the two, with a bunch of extra crap thrown in.

But it is amazing how many folks sought me out tonight, many folks from the 1990's-2000's decades related to the prior Disney vs the City issues, to new folks including Media members who have been told by their colleagues of my history.

One story is that a councilmember used by name as a threat as to getting something major done as in having a Council meeting held this Thursday compared to next week. As in if it doesn't happen, I will get David to make Bloody Hell for all of us in starting a revolt for the city residents. And it worked, which was good, I have enough crap on my plate.

And thinking of that, I am stuck with Dr. Moreno for the next 4 years, unless he decides to run for another office (a Rumor, I think it is mentioned in the news link above).

3 AM, time for bed, more later.....


Well-Known Member
Well, life has been insane, but progress has been made, so good insane, and just had something added today, a Saturday....

Just wanted to say hello, and give a quick update in regards to my Christmas. Two folks that came over for Dinner have strong ties, and solid inside info. I kept my mouth shut, and while I can't discuss what I learned, I can say I got some strong confirmation about items I have discussed here, but that is all I am comfortable to say.

As for the city, the focus is on the Homeless problem, and wow, what a difference a week makes. It started last Thursday, and with two days, the homeless either were in a shelter, or moved on to a city that isn't enforcing the laws. (Maxwell Park is just blocks from my house).

I started the day at 4 AM at the park, then drove around the city, including a visit to the new shelter. Ended it with a walk with my wife (OK, I was in my ECV) in the park after Dinner. Never seen my wife so happy, and it has remained free of problems, just a nice clean park and library for use by the residents as attended. And to those who accepted help, they got full services including medical, and a nice place to stay.

And in a couple of years, we will have the Center of Hope.

The hour is late, so I want to wish everyone a belated Merry Christmas, and that you got what you wanted.

I have been blessed with a second chance of life, a wonderful wife, and new challenges, and I welcome them. The gifts under the tree were nice, but then, I already have what I needed.... Now, getting an UpWalker, that should help my recovery, but as all things, it is the person using it that is the key.....

Happy New Year.
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Well-Known Member
Anaheim Shelter Plan update: Park encampments cleared

More than 150 people have moved to an interim emergency homeless shelter from Maxwell, La Palma and Schweitzer parks, a west Anaheim street corner, an underpass at Gene Autry Way and Santa Cruz Street and elsewhere, and the parks and other spaces have been cleared, cleaned and restored.

The clearing of the encampments was the result of extensive outreach by the city and our nonprofit partners, who have been working for days with those living in the parks and on the streets to offer them services and a bed at Anaheim’s newly opened interim emergency homeless shelter.

For the past two weeks, our team of social workers from the city’s nonprofit partners, along with Anaheim Police, Anaheim Public Works, Code Enforcement, Community Services, Anaheim Fire & Rescue and others, have been out helping people transition out of homelessness while also addressing unsustainable encampments in our parks and public spaces.

Since the 200-bed interim emergency homeless shelter opened on Dec. 20 -- after an astounding 14-day buildout -- we have been able to clear encampments at Maxwell Park, La Palma Park, Schweitzer Park, Gene Autry Way, Katella Avenue and at the corner of La Palma Avenue and Magnolia Street.

As of Thursday, the shelter is now home to about 160 people who previously were living outdoors amid colder weather and other risks.

The shelter, at 2040 S. State College Blvd., is a safe, warm and inviting alternative for those living on the streets, in parks and other public spaces in Anaheim.

Operated by Orange-based nonprofit partner Illumination Foundation, the shelter is a first step out of homelessness with case management, counseling, job assistance and other ongoing services.

Features include:

-Family living space with room for up to four families before they move to other accommodations
-Men’s living space
-Women’s living space
-All single beds with individual nightstands
-Transportation service
-Personal storage space
-Dining area, kitchen
-Pets, outdoor dog run
-Covered outdoor space
-Lounge area with TV
-Wireless internet
-Inspirational murals

The interim emergency shelter is the result of a public-private partnership with the business community to benefit the homeless and Anaheim’s neighborhoods.

Major Anaheim businesses have committed $350,000 in funding for the shelter plus donations of furniture, building materials and services.

The donations from the business community will help offset the use of city resources for the shelter construction and operation.

The city of Anaheim has provided up to $1.4 million for buildout of the shelter and its operation by Illumination Foundation.

The interim emergency shelter is expected to operate for about 90 days, closing once two temporary shelters in the works open in late January and February.

Anaheim is building a total of 325 temporary shelter beds for those living in homelessness in Anaheim at two temporary shelter sites at 3035 E. La Mesa St. and 1455 S. Salvation Place.

Some furnishings and other resources from the State College site will transfer over to the La Mesa site.

Down the road, the city also has plans to partner with The Salvation Army Orange County for a 400-600 bed homeless care center that will be part of the city’s long-term solution to addressing homelessness.

All of Anaheim’s shelter sites will include extensive operational and security oversight to ensure they are good neighbors.

Anaheim Police will oversee security planning and conduct regular patrols of the sites, supplemented by onsite security and rules barring loitering, walk-ups and drop-offs.

You can learn more about the shelters at

To learn more about all we are doing to address homelessness, visit

[City of Anaheim Press Release]

Model3 McQueen

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Anaheim Shelter Plan update: Park encampments cleared

More than 150 people have moved to an interim emergency homeless shelter from Maxwell, La Palma and Schweitzer parks, a west Anaheim street corner, an underpass at Gene Autry Way and Santa Cruz Street and elsewhere, and the parks and other spaces have been cleared, cleaned and restored.

The clearing of the encampments was the result of extensive outreach by the city and our nonprofit partners, who have been working for days with those living in the parks and on the streets to offer them services and a bed at Anaheim’s newly opened interim emergency homeless shelter.

For the past two weeks, our team of social workers from the city’s nonprofit partners, along with Anaheim Police, Anaheim Public Works, Code Enforcement, Community Services, Anaheim Fire & Rescue and others, have been out helping people transition out of homelessness while also addressing unsustainable encampments in our parks and public spaces.

Since the 200-bed interim emergency homeless shelter opened on Dec. 20 -- after an astounding 14-day buildout -- we have been able to clear encampments at Maxwell Park, La Palma Park, Schweitzer Park, Gene Autry Way, Katella Avenue and at the corner of La Palma Avenue and Magnolia Street.

As of Thursday, the shelter is now home to about 160 people who previously were living outdoors amid colder weather and other risks.

The shelter, at 2040 S. State College Blvd., is a safe, warm and inviting alternative for those living on the streets, in parks and other public spaces in Anaheim.

Operated by Orange-based nonprofit partner Illumination Foundation, the shelter is a first step out of homelessness with case management, counseling, job assistance and other ongoing services.

Features include:

-Family living space with room for up to four families before they move to other accommodations
-Men’s living space
-Women’s living space
-All single beds with individual nightstands
-Transportation service
-Personal storage space
-Dining area, kitchen
-Pets, outdoor dog run
-Covered outdoor space
-Lounge area with TV
-Wireless internet
-Inspirational murals

The interim emergency shelter is the result of a public-private partnership with the business community to benefit the homeless and Anaheim’s neighborhoods.

Major Anaheim businesses have committed $350,000 in funding for the shelter plus donations of furniture, building materials and services.

The donations from the business community will help offset the use of city resources for the shelter construction and operation.

The city of Anaheim has provided up to $1.4 million for buildout of the shelter and its operation by Illumination Foundation.

The interim emergency shelter is expected to operate for about 90 days, closing once two temporary shelters in the works open in late January and February.

Anaheim is building a total of 325 temporary shelter beds for those living in homelessness in Anaheim at two temporary shelter sites at 3035 E. La Mesa St. and 1455 S. Salvation Place.

Some furnishings and other resources from the State College site will transfer over to the La Mesa site.

Down the road, the city also has plans to partner with The Salvation Army Orange County for a 400-600 bed homeless care center that will be part of the city’s long-term solution to addressing homelessness.

All of Anaheim’s shelter sites will include extensive operational and security oversight to ensure they are good neighbors.

Anaheim Police will oversee security planning and conduct regular patrols of the sites, supplemented by onsite security and rules barring loitering, walk-ups and drop-offs.

You can learn more about the shelters at

To learn more about all we are doing to address homelessness, visit

[City of Anaheim Press Release]

Bout time!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Dose the neighbor lady have any new information about marvel land or overhauls for tomorrow land or fantasy land


But just before Christmas she did gift me with a hip new recipe for Bearnaise sauce that is very easy to do because you melt the butter first in the microwave and use a hand mixer, instead of the traditional and much longer recipe done by hand whisking in a double boiler. I tried it for the Rose Bowl steaks I prepared, and it's just as good as the traditional recipe.

I'm sure she and I will catch up more this winter though.

The Mur

Well-Known Member

But just before Christmas she did gift me with a hip new recipe for Bearnaise sauce that is very easy to do because you melt the butter first in the microwave and use a hand mixer, instead of the traditional and much longer recipe done by hand whisking in a double boiler. I tried it for the Rose Bowl steaks I prepared, and it's just as good as the traditional recipe.

I'm sure she and I will catch up more this winter though.
How about sharing the bearnaise sauce recipie!?

Disney Irish

Premium Member

But just before Christmas she did gift me with a hip new recipe for Bearnaise sauce that is very easy to do because you melt the butter first in the microwave and use a hand mixer, instead of the traditional and much longer recipe done by hand whisking in a double boiler. I tried it for the Rose Bowl steaks I prepared, and it's just as good as the traditional recipe.

I'm sure she and I will catch up more this winter though.

So its gonna be a quarterly gabfest, it'll be interesting what details she shares as we get closer to SW:GE opening and D23.

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