Well-Known Member
I've seen quite a few more places down here with outdoor seating. We were in Redondo Beach this weekend and they've basically taken all the parking spots from in front of the restaurants along Catalina Ave and created good sized outdoor seating areas. Large, painted wooden barriers that cover where the parking was and artificial grass. It's very well done and I believe they are doing similar things in Orange at the traffic circle (maybe temporarily). They actually closed the main road in the village in Big Bear this weekend, made it a walking street/promenade and allowed restaurants to put seating outdoors where the side walk and street parking is.Happy almost birthday to your daughter! I agree it is really sad about all the experiences teens especially missed this year like prom or graduation or even getting to see their high school friends in person for the rest of the year because I know I cherish a lot of the times towards the end of my senior year with people I never saw outside of school. Palm Springs sounds fun! My family has a cabin in Lake Tahoe we have gone up to as a little getaway during quarantine, we don't go to the actual lake just a small lake with almost nobody around it that's near the house so we are able to fully distance. I know my twin brother wanted to go to Vegas for our 21st together but now we are trying to see if we'll even go down in the future, hopefully we will but I'm not sure at this point when that would even be. It's funny, I am just disappointed that now if I go out to dinner with my family or girlfriend or whatever I can't order a drink with my meal since restaurants are closed here. It sounds like a weird / silly thing to be sad about but I guess I was looking forward to it and now I can't.