Well-Known Member
Probably not biology (unless they've expressly stated that).
They mean classes that have to have hours for credit (welding, fire tech., etc.). Our campus' original announcement read "most classes online", and a lot of us in Chemistry and Biology got excited, but it was not to be.
Interesting, my school doesn't have things like welding or fire tech, one of the few things that we do have that comes to mind is the viticulture program. My girlfriend is actually going to school for viticulture and is transferring eventually to a school in Napa to focus on viticulture but the program at our school was 100% hands on so I imagine classes like that will be included hopefully. I have already finished my biology requirements for my associate's to transfer with so it won't affect me personally I just was assuming / hoping lab classes like that would still be in person but we will have to wait and see.