The Imagineer-- Project 5


Well-Known Member
I knew I was not going to be alone in TL, it really needs a good sit down.

Actually,whaen Jasonflz asked about TL,I had been thinking about it already,and PMd him to make sure he was not using Tom Morrow!:lol:

:lol: I think even then, both projects would have still been considerably different.

Anyway, I am excited to see the judging results.

Disneyson 1

New Member
Here it is...! Generally I was impressed. But...

WDW Vacationer – I liked how through you were with this project! It was truly great. Just some things that could have improved your description (being nit-picky here):

- Even if there’s no AMAZING effect in the bathrooms or anything, I’d still like a short description of at least what it looks like color –wise or something.
- The storyline is good, but there’s not enough backstory. Why does Tom open a restaurant? Is it just because he can rake in the cash with the only sit-down restaurant in Tomorrowland? Does he do something important like run the kitchen or is he just a greeter? Are other aliens and robots allowed in the restaurant? If so, what do they eat? How’d Tom get the bustling city of Tomorrow to actually sit down and eat something when always on-the-go? What sort of music is there? And what significance does the “hanging planets” have to the restaurant/Tomorrowland in general, if any?
- What kind of tables and chairs are used?
- Receptionist/Waiter/Waitress outfits?
- Food choices a bit homogenized, but still good (why can’t adults ha planetary pancakes?!?!?).

I know it’s a lot, but it was actually really good. I like the re-appearances of Tom, which was good. I like that you seemed to have a “specialty”, the steak sandwich, kinda like the Monte Cristo at DL’s Blue Bayou or Food and Wine’s Cheddar Cheese Soup. Good work.

Bamsk8er49 – Okay… another TL sit down. Still a great idea! Although it has a great story, it feels a little weird to eat in an alien’s home with a bedroom and all. The thing with the 50s Primetime Café is that there’s only kitchens and dining rooms, no personal areas. A few nitpicks:

- You never really described the color scheme or anything. It feels like while the inside is VERY homey (almost too close for comfort), the outside sounds like just another TL building, not giving any special signal that it’s a home.
- The rooms feel too big to be single rooms, but I’ll let it slide, as there’s no way to accommodate the people of the MK without a LOT of room.
- Vegetarian entrées? I’m not a vegetarian myself, but I know it’s necessary for them to be on the menu.
- The biggest thing bugging me is the closeness to this character, which is currently portrayed as a sleazy comedian and singer. Having his wife in the kitchen doesn’t really connect for me. I feel like it’s really weird that he’s so desperate that he’s letting people into his HOUSE. It hardly fits into the “feeling” of Tomorrowland; then again, this same thing works in CoP. Hmm. I’ll have to see what the other judges think. P.S. Can I please not eat in his bedroom? That’s gross.
- There’s another “game room” in the form of the arcade at the end of Space Mountain.
- Also, how does Cosmic Ray have his own live streaming T.V. show or money to buy T.Vs for his whole house?

There are things that I love, though. The bathroom idea is great and the game room is something that could give some energy to the restaurant (I guess Ray splurged too much on the game room and now he has to serve dinner in his house?). The playground sounds really nice, and I can tell you really thought of story. Pretty good.

Jasonflz – Owow. Another Tomorrowland entry. But you should have seen the grin on my face when I continued reading. I was literally beaming. The back story is perfect, and the little details such as the beacons on the roof to the news clippings, it’s really just… perfect. Exactly what we were looking for. Of course, the big details such as the T.V. ceiling are great, too. The fun and humor of WDW’s Tomorrowland is perfectly encapsulated here. A few nitpicks:

- No bathroom description.
- The menu is a little ugly and the choices are very limited, although the items are well themed and there was good consideration for people with all dietary needs.
- What does Zaphod look like? Where are the ads displayed? Just printed on the wall or in frames or on the menus? What is the design of the restaurant? Like, layout. And the music in the restaurant; is it lounge-y or what?

Sorry I didn’t get much down for you, but I bet you can figure out the rest. But please expand the menu and put a signature item on there? This is really a great project, you should be proud.

Comics101 – OH NOES ANOTHER COSMIC RAY’S!!!!!!!!!! Oh… wait. CONGRAGULATIONS! You just made the only non-TL sit-down in the whole competition. Pat yourself on the back… no, really, I mean it. That’s a command. A-NE-WAYS… quite an ambitious plan, building on a movie not quite out yet. The only thing is that I can’t grade properly as I can’t see the parallels to the story. BUT I do know that a great opportunity was missed. Tiana's dream is actually to run a restaurant. So a better name would be Tiana’s, unless there’s a story reason you don’t want that… So the idea of the AA show is GREAT! AND the menu is fantastic, too. Just some things…

- How do you get onto the island again? A raft, right? So a diner would theoretically have to board a raft to get to food… I wouldn’t want to be captain on the raft at 7:00 right before Spectromagic…
- Monte Cristo from the Blue Bayou plz?
- Cast Member Costumes, tables and chairs, the other things many others were missing.
- Is character dining available?

It was still great and maybe the most unique.


Sooooooo they were ALL far from perfect, but ideas are never perfect the 1st time, right?


Well-Known Member
Comics101 – OH NOES ANOTHER COSMIC RAY’S!!!!!!!!!! Oh… wait. CONGRAGULATIONS! You just made the only non-TL sit-down in the whole competition. Pat yourself on the back… no, really, I mean it. That’s a command. A-NE-WAYS… quite an ambitious plan, building on a movie not quite out yet. The only thing is that I can’t grade properly as I can’t see the parallels to the story. BUT I do know that a great opportunity was missed. Tiana dream is actually to run a restaurant. So a better name would be Tiana’s, unless there’s a story reason you don’t want that… So the idea of the AA show is GREAT! AND the menu is Just some things…

- How do you get onto the island again? A raft, right? So a diner would theoretically have to board a raft to get to food… I wouldn’t want to be captain on the raft at 7:00 right before Spectromagic…
- Monte Cristo from the Blue Bayou plz?
- Cast Member Costumes, tables and chairs, the other things many others were missing.
- Is character dining available?

It was still great and maybe the most unique.

First thing's first, *pats self on the back...*

I did know about "Tiana's", but (based on the 5 min clip I saw) It seemed to me that would be located in the French Quater, not the bayou, and since Ray was from the bayou, I figured it'd work better.

In my plans to turn the TSI into Bayou Country, the rafts wouldn't be the main mode of transportation to the island. The island would be reworked almost completely, and a bridge to Frontierland would be constructed. The Liberty Belle would become the restaurant, so it would be perminatly docked. Sorry about the confusion, I should've included that...

I didn't know we were supposed to include CM costumes, table/chair designs, etc. I guess I should've read the guidelines a little more closely. I suppose the CM costumes would be your traditional "fancy-shmancy" restaurant-wear, with a 1920's New Orleans twist. The tables would be covered with white paper, to give the apperance of a white table cloth. kids could color on it, etc.

I didn't think about character dining, but I don't see why not. Thinking about it, not only would Character Dining feature characters from The Princess and the Frog, but also from Song of the South.

Thanks for the comments, and hopefully that clears things up!!!:)

WDW Vacationer

Active Member
Thanks! I guess I looked over those things. I am glad you liked it overall.

I am assuming you include tables/chairs/costumes in themeing? I thought of themeing as what does it look like?,What announcements are made?... stuff like that...


New Member
Original Poster
Ok, disneyman82 and scar offically DQ'd.. I will post my comments later today.... ANd i will let KM and Trendicoff what else is happening and that they can post comments here...

COngrats to you 4 for making it to the final 4...

Also, later today will be the SUPRISE!!!


Well-Known Member
:) Thanks for the comments Disneyson.

I am hitting myself on the head for not including a description of the bathrooms with color changing toilets.:lol:

Anyway, thanks again.


New Member
Original Poster
Comment Time:
Overall, good job, as disneyson said there can be many improvements… Also please note im not trying to be mean, I want you all to get better and such… And I can tell that you already are… Also, why all the love for Tomorrowland.. I mean its good, but I was weirded out.. like WOW too many ppl think alike.. lol (I was thinking something would happen to Fantasyland or even in Frontierland)
WDW Vacationer- The story is ok, but a little bit generic, ANYONE can open a restaurant in Tomorrowland, why is Tom Morrow (FYI I didn’t know that Tomorrow is out of TTA, I will need to check that out when there next weekend)
--The menu seems ok, theme it more though, you know like in Chef Mickey’s where they have the Chip and Dale pizza or the Pooh something… its themed.. keep that in mind. You do have SOME themed, (but I don’t see how Monsters Inc Mac ties into Tmrw but its ok)
--The dinner menu is good, has good DINNER foods, but once again theme them a bit more.. give descriptions…
--(other than those, I have the same feelings as Disneyson… please themed the tables, signs, outfits everything… maybe even add some AA… like Rainforest or T-Rex)

Bamsk8er49- I don’t see why Cosmic Ray needs another restaurant.. But it’s a good idea, maybe theme it to something else, or ANOTHER alien/creature. But the story was ok. Will we have 2 restaurants called Cosmic Ray’s , if so, that will be confusing… MAYBE you can theme it to kinda like CoP.. and connect it to that, instead of Cosmic Ray OR just make up a WHOLE NEW CHARACTER
--Once again, please theme the menu items
--(same thing as Disneyson… I don’t want to be redundent)

Jasonflz- I like the story it fits PERFECT with the NEW tomorrowland theme… Great job… Also I like that you somehow themed the menu items.. Good job…
--But as Disneyson said, the menu is lacking.. not that much to choose from, and it is a TABLE SERVICE, not a quick service, so you need a more variety…
--(sorry that is all from me… Disneyson once again said what I was gonna say)

Comics101- OMG! I really do like this restaurant.. Great job… I like the AA show, I read something a while back ABOUT possibly having a AA Dinner type show on TSI for PatF, but you did it, and differently I might add.. Great idea.. The only thing I feel WEIRD about is the possiblitity of seeming you are on a boat… I would be as a guest, confused, I would be like, there is a boat over there, why arent we over there… I would suggest to have it in a Bayou “outside” or on a dock… NOT on a boat…
--I like the menu, seems good “bayou-ian” food…
--(once again I agree with Disneyson on the whole “crowd control” issue it might bring up)

OVERALL—Please add more themed menus with DESCRIPTIONS, Outfits for CMs, and TABLES and such…

You will will see why we are tellin gyou this now…

(We are waiting on Trendicoff and King Mickey, but your supirse WILL be posted SHORTLY)


Well-Known Member
^ Thanks! Looking at it now, I can see that my menu pales in comparison to everyone else's. Also, I'm getting really anxious for this surprise.:D

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