The part that you ALL have been waiting for
Before i comment, i must say I DONT HAVE A PROJECT FROM disneyman82 and _Scar.. FYI: If you both DONT turn in a project NEXT time (P5) YOU WILL BE ELIMINATED
NOw to the comments:
bamsk8er49- When first reading it i cant tell where exactly it will be taking place, but im guessing the Castle Stage, correct?? The one "problem" that i cant really see being able to see is a projection of Tinkerbell on the castle, since this is during the day it would be HARD to see her on the castle, why not just like on the little "rope" like in fireworks. You seem to be using projections A LOT and this is during the day, and to me it might be a problem becasue of the sun and such. The part with Captain Hook, seems forced, but is ok. The ONE thing for me, that seems random is Chernabog, why is he in Neverland... THat is really my only complaint, overall well done, i like the story, but it could have a bit more "extras" and some songs. ALso, could use some more characters, like even if just Wendy and John and Michael from Peter Pan.
comics101- I love the little summary before your "script" i also like the concept behind it I like how you have the "tv" come out of the stage, great showpiece. Even though you dont have a script , you do have a GREAT story and scene outline. The TOmorrowland scene seems a bit weird, becasue TL is more than just buzz, but it is ok. The pirates would be a bit forced, becasue for AdveL you wanted to PUT EVERYTHING in and it just wouldnt fit, i dont think, the JC part is good. Overall, it is good, i like it and was impressed, with a few MINOR tweaks i could definately see it in a Disney Theme Park, good job!
WDW Vacationer- I really LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea of the boats in the moat

Im glad you did use them. THe theme of Pirates and Princesses at first i was a bit confused, but your story was good, with a few tweaks i could also see it happening in the parks... Good Job! Some parts seem a bit forced, but everyones is like that (sorry your comments are kinda short, i couldnt think of anything else to say) Good or bad!
Jasonflz- I want to commend you for being the ONLY one to use the Golden Horseshoe, and you made an original show at that. Great job! Im not sure whether or not i like the "mini" segments that are performed throughout the day.. FOr me its hard to say. I can see some good, but also some bad:shrug: But i liek the ideas, and how you basically ENHANCED the story of Frontierland, and you probably didnt even know it... Good job

I like the songs they are funny
OVERALL COMMENTS: I was PLESANTLY suprised on how well your 4 shows came out

Im glad, for me there were really little to NO negatives about any of these. Of course since this is most likjely your first show youve created from scratch i really do commend you and of course youd have SOME problems, but i didnt see that many... GREAT JOB AGAIN!! :sohappy:

So i know you are still with me
PS I will post the next project within the next couple of hrs. Here is a "hint" a restaurant...