The Imagineer 2--R1, Project 3


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Were are hoping it/thking it would be fairer if NO TEAM MEMBERS voted as that would be not even... Its more for the public to vote.. But lets see what TrevorA says..

I think its more for WDWMagic ppl.. NOT teams (hope you understnad... it seems more fairer)


Active Member
Were are hoping it/thking it would be fairer if NO TEAM MEMBERS voted as that would be not even... Its more for the public to vote.. But lets see what TrevorA says..

I think its more for WDWMagic ppl.. NOT teams (hope you understnad... it seems more fairer)
Yeah, that's defintely fair... just wasn't sure.


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In the Parks
The voting's over now, but I'll let you know for next time.

Most likely, I won't be able to tell who is casting their vote. So, use your discretion. Honestly, I don't have a problem with team members voting. But, if that doesn't sit well with you, don't do it.

We'll have the results in the morning.



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I have ALL The votes except one judge,IF they dont send it to me by NOON EST today. I will announce the winner. (NOTE: His vote wont sway the results)

Also, we have added Hack as an official judge to make it and odd 7, so we now have (Me, Trevor, Disneyson, Bam, MadHatter, Nack and Public Poll)

i will notify the BOTTOM 2 ASAP around NOON EST!! HOPEFULLY we can have the eliminee and new project posted by later tonite


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We have a winner!

TrevorA has told me (as he is partner this game), that MadHatter will sadly no longer be with us, as he hasnt posted much in the first five projects to this contest so here is the outcome....

With a vote of 4-2......... Goofy's Brainstormers you are the winner! Congrats! Im sorry Chip n Dale Imagineering Rangers, that means you are he "loosers". Sorry!

The bottom 2 will be notified, and will have 4 hours until 1pm EST) to respond with a "rebuddle" and TrevorA and I will review each of the THREE performance (team leader, and bottom 2) and see who will go home.

Once again congrats Goofy's Brainstormers, sorry Imagineering Rangers!

Judges you can now post your comments for the projects.. Ill post mine later, and a new project will be posted around 1pm EST!


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Kermit you also won under technicallities (sp?) first one Imagineering Rangers didnt turn in on time, then last challenge was messed up judging, so TECHINICALLY this is just one.

Remember we have to be good sports ;)

My comments will be coming soon...


Well-Known Member
Not that it makes a difference at this point, but just like judges posted their feedback after the first round (which didn't matter) I'd still like to see all the feedback from round 2. I mean, even though the other team was late and that's officially why they didn't win, it was still nice to read the feedback and see how we did.


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Project 3 Comments—MaterA113

Overall with both teams I was both disappointed and surprised. First, from the aspect that you took the attractions that were HARD surprised me, but also I was disappointed in the fact that you took outdoor attraction and your layovers could only be seen at night. Look at Haunted Mansion Holiday, Ghost Galaxy, or even It’s a Small World Holiday, all take place during the whole day and night (that was my disappointment, I say Halloween and you think Night). Onto individual teams:

--Goofy’s Brainstormers—Congrats on winning, you were my choice, but it was a hard choice. I liked that you took already existing things and changed them up so they wouldn’t ruin the daytime attraction, other than a couple things. As a team you worked very well together, and Chronyomous you were a GREAT leader, as well as artist (but we already knew that). I liked the story and the scenes, great, and funny, they had that Jungle Cruise charm and such. One thing that “bothered” me was Shrunken Ned, really? Shrunken Ned is NOT in the attraction, I love how everyone thinks that but he is NOT. Everytime someone seems to do Jungle Cruise they base it around Shrunken Ned, why? I don’t know. The Head Salesman is Chief Name’. Why not use Albert Awol the REAL and only fictional character in the attraction. I know when I think of the Jungle Cruise I don’t think of Shrunken Ned, but Albert or even the cute little elephants in the bathing pool. Overall, good job, the Shrunken Ned was my only problem.

--Chip n Dale Imagineering Rangers—I must say that I was pleasantly surprised with your attraction. After days and days and days of basically arguing and non decisiveness I was truly surprised you did well, under your circumstances. Yes I know MathewGW had family emergency, but why couldn’t someone take over the reins earlier? Tazer19 you did a great job rallying the “troops” and such, also last project I didn’t tell you how GREAT your team leadership was. Onto your project, it was ok, not spectacular, but not horrid. I was first BAFFLED why you chose the Railroad. It has no story, and it had to be THE HARDEST thing you could do. I like the individual segments as a separates, but together they seemed jumbled and such. Sorry. If you took the Disney Villains and disbursed them throughout the railroad for little mini encounters ok, but you did villain, legend, villains, then attraction, I was confused. And as many Disney Guests don’t know about Alien Encounter, they would be confused. It was ok with what you had, but for Railroad, I first would not have chosen it, then second if I chose it I would make with what we had, a LONG LONG area to play with and many stops and area to add stuff. The problem with some of your “scenes” is that they were small, and by the time you pass them, either nothing happened, or it was all over. If you did the villains you could do: Main Street to Frontierland—Kaa, Shere Khan, Yzma, Jafar, Dr. Facilier or even JUST PIRATES, then Frontierland to ToonTown—Fantasyland Villains (Old Hag, Evil Queen, Captain Hook, Heffalumps and Woozles, etc.), and ToonTown to Main Street have Zurg, Lilo and Stitch Villians, etc. OR if wanted to use attraction tie ins, MS to Frontierland Pirates, FrontL to ToonTown Ghosts from HM, and Heffelumps and Woozles, and ToonTown to Tmrwland aliens. These are just my opinions, but they connect better (I think) to the park and to each other. Once again sorry, but I thought you did a great job with what you had.


Active Member
I have ALL The votes except one judge,IF they dont send it to me by NOON EST today. I will announce the winner. (NOTE: His vote wont sway the results)

Also, we have added Hack as an official judge to make it and odd 7, so we now have (Me, Trevor, Disneyson, Bam, MadHatter, Nack and Public Poll)

i will notify the BOTTOM 2 ASAP around NOON EST!! HOPEFULLY we can have the eliminee and new project posted by later tonite

That's right, I'm official now. I'll post my results a little later as I'll be on a 4 hour bus ride down, but good job to both teams!


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In the Parks
I'll go ahead and post P2 and P3's comments here, since at least one person still wants to read them.

Project 2 - DHS Restaurant

Goofy's Brainstormers (Walt's) - You guys started out with the better idea in this project. The restaurant is filled with so much (dare I say it) character. As far as practicality goes - and I'm glad you didn't think about this - the two levels may have been a bit much, but you made it work. I really feel that you could've done more with the idea, but I'm glad that you're working so well as a team.

Chip & Dale's Imagineering Rangers (Luxo's) - The story of this team is quite the opposite of Goofy's Brainstormers. You had something of a rocky start, with a little disagreement and arguing. But - in my opinion - you ended up with the better project this time. I like that you set aside a specific room to promote the upcoming Pixar movies, and I love the menu. Good work, and I'm sorry that I didn't vote for you sooner; that might have changed the outcome.

Project 3 - Halloween Overlay

Goofy's Brainstormers (Jungle Cruise) - Most of what I am about to say can be summed up in one sentence. You picked a hard attraction. The Jungle Cruise does not lend itself to many changes like some of its attraction brothers. Conversely, I enjoyed the UV lighting ideas that you had for some of the scenes. Had you given the whole attraction that sort of feel, I may have voted for you. I was not a fan of the multiple scene changes to add demons and gremlins. Oh, and Mater is right - what's with Shrunken Ned?

Chip & Dale's Imagineering Rangers (WDW Railroad) - Second verse, same as the first. You also picked a hard attraction, and your project could have been a little more cohesive. But, you finally pulled together as a team. MathewGW had to leave for a bit, and Tazer stepped right up to the plate. You stopped complaining (for the most part), and worked as a group to finish the project. E for effort, and you had my vote!



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Here are my Project 2 comments (sorry for not being very detailed):

Project 2 - DHS Restaurant

Goofy's Brainstormers (Walt's) - I originally liked your ideas, then i think you put TOO MUCH in it. Yes the story was GREAT, but i think it was too much. And as TrevorA said the problem was probably practicality. Even though this is an "imagineering contest" and wotn ever happen, BUT its good to think of what possibly could happen, not just what you would like to see IF EVEN if space is an issue.

Chip & Dale's Imagineering Rangers (Luxo's) - I LOVED it from teh start. I saw your ideas, and HOPED so much that you'd choose the Luxo's idea. I have to say though i liked your original idea for Luxo's better, with a generic art deco restaurant with a character/movie based menu. Which you stil had which was great. I liked it, and you did have my vote as well..

Overall it was a great for BOTH teams. And iliked them a lot, personally it was a hard choice for me...


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Its about 1pm EST and neither of the bottom twohave PM'd me back, so TrevorA and I discussed who will be going home. THis was based on projectS involvement, etc. As well as what MathewGW sent me.

Lets start with MathewGW, i know you had a family emergency, so i have given you a basic "pass" because the part that you DID participate on you did a good job with your team, even within all its "madness.

THe bottom two that MathewGW sent me was Tiki and Plutomyismyhero. After looking thru the projects, i have noticed that Tiki is involved and does have potential, i feel that he has valid ideas, just no one seemed to pay attention. Yes he did seem to "argue" but he did have many valid points, and did participate well (in Trevor and I's opinion). So Plutoismyhero, im sorry to say that you are the first official eliminee of The Imagineer Season 2, just for the fact that you hadnt seemed to participate that much, you only had 4 posts this last project.

Congrats all.. teams are now even out. And once again plutoismyhero im sorry.

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