The House Cup: An Imagineering Competition

Poe Dameron

Well-Known Member
Ravenclaw Hedge Maze

Coming this Halloween, as part of Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party, a new walk through maze will open at the Haunted Mansion that will take guests through the undiscovered hallways of the Haunted Mansion. Guests will may encounter ghostly appearances from Master Gracey or Ramsley as they search for a way out. They also will pass by the piano, staircases, and library before they find themselves at the dinner party with its fellow deceased guests. As they leave the party and continue, they must beware of hitchhiking ghosts that could be lurking behind them. Finally, they realize they are outside, but soon realize they are in a graveyard and must show their death certificate before they can leave the maze.


Well-Known Member
Open the Door for Gryffindor: Hedge Maze

At some point, Epcot will have to enhance "Journey into Imagination" and what better way than with an imaginative maze right next door! Join Joy and Sadness of "Inside Out' as you weave your way through the ultimate maze: the human brain.

Along the way you'll see colorful characters like Bing Bong, Imaginary Boyfriends, Forgetters Paula and Bob (who always lead you the wrong way), and Rainbow Unicorn. At the center of the maze you will discover abstract thought and can even take your picture as a cubic representation.

And if at any point the journey gets too long, there will be spots to exit and take the train of thought right back to the beginning.

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
The Hedge Maze of Narnia: featuring The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe - for Gryffindor!

Naturally planted in Fantasyland, guests enter this indoor labyrinth via the legendary wardrobe - oversized, dimly lit, with coats hanging from above and all - and exit through the rear first into a snow-covered hedge (a welcome respite from the Florida heat) greeted by an audio animatronic Mr. Tumnus.


The Faun explains to the sons of Adam and daughters of Eve that only one path will lead to Aslan - and another to the White Witch, who will bestow upon you not the good kind of "Frozen Ever After."

As you progress, the snowy forest will change to springtime hedge - and potentially back again, depending on which way you go (the spots of seasonal changes will vary throughout the day) as you hear music from the film along with the occasional RRROAR of our hero Lion and the whip of the White Witch, among other things.) You may encounter the Beavers, the wolves, and/or freshly frozen or newly thawing warriors to guide you - or mislead you.

Ultimately, you will exit after your final encounter with one of two scenes on a floor-to-ceiling screen - either the White Witch greeting you by name (if you are wearing your magic band) and showing you your own frozen likeness (a la the Haunted Mansion final scene) or Aslan telling you that you have done well, with an image of a crown on your head!



Well-Known Member
Ladies and Gentlemen of Hogwarts. Team Hufflepuff is now happy to present the newest continent to Disney's Animal Kingdom. This is


Travel to a place unlike anything Animal Kingdom previously had to offer. Take a voyage to a seaside Italian village in the heart of Europe, Marabecca. Explore myths, legends, and tales of an impressive European village. Take in all this new land has to offer while standing on the edge of a cliff and meandering around cobblestone streets. Dare to journey into back streets seldom done by others, perhaps stumbling upon creatures never before seen.
Adventure into the H.M Gracy's Myths and Legends Sideshow, finding new creatures to spark your imagination.
Take a ride on the once in a lifetime E-Ticket attraction found here in Marabecca.
Lastly dare to eat at one of our restaurants with a beastly interaction.
All of this and more can be found in the town of Marabecca, only at Disney's Animal Kingdom!


Facade: As you make your way into the village, you find yourself in the city square, in the heart of the celebration. Over in the corner you see a makeshift sign with the attraction's name. behind it you can see a great mountain with an ominous castle towering over the town.


Queue: You make your way into the forest and you get a glimpse of the surrounding ruins and cave paintings, warning that this place is inhabited by great beasts for millennia. You can see how they've founded an expedition here, as the artifacts are surrounded with equipment, and covered in light. you wind your way up the mountain and find yourself at a great tent.

Preshow: You enter the tent to find it filled with food, gear, and equipment. (there will be two identical pre-show rooms with a large capacity. The expedition leader will then explain that he’s set up a way for us to get into the castle and see some dragons through the back entrance of the castle. During this time a system of speakers, lights, and other effects will create the illusion of an incoming storm, the lights will flicker, and go out. When he finally gets the generator back on, an old man is standing in the rear opening of the tent. (these humanoids all done through highly advanced animatronics) He steps up, and tells us the real story. How this place is home to a special power which keeps the dragons alive. He explains rather eerily how there was a brave king who had ordered the power to be placed in his castle so that the dragons would protect his castle, but the plan backfired… Our leader cuts him off and with another bolt of lightning and a power flash, he’s gone. The expedition leader then mentions how the storm is picking up, and how we should make our way into the castle before the storm gets bad, besides, what could go wrong?

Queue (Part 2): You exit the tent into a dark forest, (The whole queue is inside a show-building which has a simulated storm inside. You make your way around creepy trees and dark caves, until you find yourself at the back of the grand castle, you go through the big wooden door. You appear to be in a grand entry hall as you prepare to board your vehicle. The temporary lights flicker as the generator struggles to keep up in the storm.

Ride Vehicle: your tour vehicle is a large (trackless) Jeep, much resembling the Indiana jones ride vehicle except larger and more dynamic. I chose this because it best fits what the story demands. There will be an animatronic driver as well.

Ride Layout:


(Exit not marked)


Scene 1: The Entry hall/ Split up

Scene 2: Dragon 1

Scene 2.5: Hallway/ meetup

Scene 4: Chamber/ Second split up

Scene 3: Dragon 2

Scene 3.5: Hallway/ meetup

Scene 4: Dragon 3

Scene 4.5: Chamber/ Second split up

Scene 5: Door

Scene 6: Finale/Crystal

Scene 7: Up, through and down tower.

Scene 8: End


The ride itself will feature encounters with multiple full sized, dynamic animatronic dragons and creatures. As you begin to drive through the eerie castle, signs of the beasts can be found everywhere. More hints to fill in the story can be seen. Like more of the king’s possessions and torn tapestries. (visual storytelling) until you meet your first creature. Since the ride is trackless, the ability for each ride to be different is possible. Therefor you’ll have the chance to meet a good number of different dragons. Some Dragons will be hiding on the walls and ceiling and will crawl down, some will blow fire at you, there’s a huge window for a group of terrifying dragon species. You make your way through the castle, getting deeper and deeper. You will encounter 3 dragons total, not including the scenes in between where you will see what they've done to the castle. Your driver will interact with the dragons as well.

The animatronic dragons will be dynamic. Some will move around the scenes and dramatic lighting and projection effects will enhance and distinguish each dragon. The pace of the ride will slowly turn from scary to suspenseful. By the end of the third dragon, your car will be swiftly carried around ruins to a large wooden door.



(there will be three identical versions of this, see ride layout)

Glowing red the doors open to reveal a huge glowing crystal. The room is filled with it and its red glow consumes all the light. Dragons are all around it hissing right at you. Then you see the biggest dragon yet burst through the wall, he lets out a roar which shakes the whole grand hall. The crystal begins to pulsate and glow more and more. Your car begins to be lifted into the air and shaken about, your driver yells, “I think we’ve angered it!” and you car is thrown up into the castle tower. You crash through the ceiling up into it. The tower is falling apart, and you can see the giant dragon climbing around the turret. Your car lurches forward to escape, dodging falling castle pieces. Then you reach the end of the hall, the castle begins to shake, and the dragon bursts through the wall right in front of you, exhaling a pillar of fire, as you plummet down back into the castle hallway. The lights flicker and turn back on as you adventure is over. The driver asks, “Is everyone okay?” and drives you back to safety. Ending your journey…

H.M. Gracy's Myths and Legends Sideshow
25 minutes
5 performers
  • H.M. Gracy: A lecherous and cruel showman, disguised as a Prince Charming type.
  • Mina Alucard: Gracy's assistant, seems like a ditzy young woman but is the smartest person in the room.
  • Lyall Ulric: A stage hand, extremely dashing with a crush on Mina, becomes cursed during the show.
  • Odette Leda: A young woman who can transform into a swan, a member of Gracy's show.
  • Gallo: One of the protecting spirits of the village, played by either a man or a woman.
3 puppeteers
  • Dahu: the most recent find of Gracy. A mountain goat with different sized legs
  • Swan maiden: Odette's swan form
  • Cheval Mallet: a French creature that looks like a black horse
9 audio animatronics
  • Kelpie: a Celtic water spirit (transforms with projection effects and a turn table with three animatronics)
  • Erymanthian Boar: a Greek beast
  • Bøyg: a Dutch troll (2 animatronics)
  • Werewolf: Lyall cursed into a beast by Gallo to threaten Mina
  • Dragon: a dragon summoned by Gallo at the climax of the show
In the corner of Marabecca, there lies a deceptively large building. This is the Mito Theatre, an indoor state of the art theatre where the all new show H.M. Gracy's Myths and Legends Sideshow plays six times daily. Myths and Legends takes an age old concept: animatronics, puppets, and humans interacting, and updates it to the 21st century. H.M. Gracy, a grand showman, has gone all around the continent to find and capture creatures of myth in his grand spectacular H.M. Gracy's Sideshow of Wonders, but when he forcefully books a show in the village of Marabecca, a safe haven for creatures of myth and legend, one of the guardian spirits of these animals takes control. It's a battle of man vs. nature soon enough as we witness Gracy and his beautiful assistant Mina Alucard try to survive the vengeance of an angry spirit.
Act 1: Intro (1 minute)
  • Curtain Up
  • Gracy and Mina on stage in 19th century showman-esque costumes
  • Curtain Down as Gracy and Mina walk downstage and talk up the show
  • Gracy shoos Mina off and introduces the first act before the lights start flickering
  • Lyall yells about fixing the lights
Act 2: The Nice Ones (4 minutes)
  • Curtain up
  • Gracy introduces the creatures
  • Mina brings out the Kelpie
  • Kelpie gives a transformation demonstration from woman to horse to spirit
  • Lyall comes out with Dahu on a leash and a large rocky mountain set.
  • Dahu demonstrates it's strange legs on the mountain
  • Odette walks out from backstage. Gracy flirts with her and she shrugs him off.
  • Odette goes down a trapdoor and a Swan puppet appears in her place. She flies around the theatre and transforms back into a woman at the opposite side of the theatre she disappeared from
Act 3: The Mean Ones (5 minutes)
  • Mina attempts to end the show but Gracy buts in, wanting to show even more.
  • The Cheval Mallet is brought out by Lyall, who is clearly frightened by the horse
  • The Cheval Mallet goes wild and darts off the stage. We hear the ruckus made by the horse the rest of the act in the background.
  • The Bøyg is brought out in a cage. It clearly is not happy.
  • The Erymantian Boar, the Bøyg's favorite animal, is brought out to calm him down.
  • The lights flicker again and go out this time. Gracy yells at Lyall before laughter is heard
Act 4: Gallo (10 minutes)
  • Gallo appears on top of Bøyg's cage and threatens Gracy for caging and monetizing these creatures
  • Smoke comes up around Gracy and Bøyg and they switch places.
  • An ear piercing scream comes from Odette as the Cheval Mallet barges back onto the stage chasing her.
  • Bøyg goes into a rage, clearly fightened by the disturbance.
  • Gallo calms the horse and sends it away
  • Mina appears with the Boar, calming the troll, who walks off stage trying to catch the animal
  • Gracy calls for Lyall, who arrives and gets Gracy out of the cage.
  • Mina stands up to Gallo for putting the audience in danger, which angers the spirit
  • Gallo curses Lyall, who turns into a werewolf
  • Mina gets threatened by the werewolf while she tries appealing to Lyall's better nature, which eventually works
  • Lyall is turned back into a human, roughed up by the transformation
Act 5: Finale (5 minutes)
  • Gallo is enraged and summons a dragon
  • The dragon flies over the audience, spewing fire, before landing on the stage
  • The dragon (via projection effects) puts a hole through the back of the theatre.
  • The dragon roars and flies through the hole, followed by the other creatures. Only Odette stays behind.
  • Gallo traps Gracy once more and curses him to be their slave for eternity, disappearing with the man and leaving only Mina, Odette, and Lyall.
  • Mina apologizes to the audience, says that H.M. Gracy's Sideshow of Legends is no more, and she gladly walks with Lyall and Odette out the hole of the theatre as the curtain comes down.
Sognare Expedition Trail
The Sognare Expedition Trail is where numerous animals that make their homes in Europe such as bears, wolves, hedgehogs, and countless other animals are showcased. From a beautiful aviary to the hedgehog showcase to the main event of forest bears that make their homes in the European countryside, the Sognare Expedition Trail is sure to make everyone feel closer to the nature in their own backyard.

Voyage to the Forbidden Castle

People who would rather have a more peaceful experience than the elaborate E-ticket can take this C-ticket boat ride through the moats of the Forbidden Castle and discover the spirits that protect this village and their story. Why do they protect this village? Why is this village a safe haven? Discover in this beautiful and peaceful ride to the caverns below the castle and the home of the spirits.

The Caravan Site

The Roma people of Europe, more commonly known by the denounced term Gypsies, wander across the entirety of Europe. They bring their local color and culture around the world, just as they stop here outside the village of Marabecca. The Marabeccan's peaceful nature have led these people to feel safe and welcome and the wanderers decided to stay around and serve the people their food. This Roma village is filled with food carts featuring traditional food and ethnic performers all around both indoor (themed to the interiors of large caravans) and outdoor dining locations.


This all new table service restaurant is inspired by the enchanting palace gardens of European tradition with dining rooms themed to Versailles, Schönbrunn, Sanssouci, The Prince's Palace of Monaco, and Palazzo Reale. With small magic touches and high quality traditional meals fit for kings. For breakfast, traditional American, French, English, German, Russian, and Italian menus are accompanied by a Princess character meal. For lunch and dinner, options from almost every single European country are served in the elaborate splendor and quality that is in the entirety of the new land of Europe at Disney's Animal Kingdom. Europa is sure to be a new Walt Disney World classic, joining the ranks of Le Cellier, Cinderella's Royal Table, and Be Our Guest as must get reservations.

On behalf of Hufflepuff House, we all thank you for experiencing Europe.
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Original Poster
Gryffindor Presents....


Over 150 Million Years ago, the earth's geography was quite divergent from what we know today. In stark contrast to the varying continents, oceans, and landmarks, scientists and paleontologists have theorized that the continents of the world used to be one large continent, called Pangaea.

Pangaea, deriving from the Ancient Greek word "Pan" (Whole) and "Gaia" (Mother Earth) was a supercontinent that existed for over 100 Million Years before beginning to break up into separate supercontinents during the Jurassic Period. The break up of the supercontinent has been a period of interesting research for science as many have theorized the exact methods for the continental drift. Many have claimed that the earth's tectonic plates began to shift, while others point towards the supercontinent's arid interior and volcanic province in the Permo-Carboniferous transition near the center of the supercontinent. This is also a period of intense research due to the rich proliferation of dinosaurs during this period before the supercontinent's transition. The Jurassic and evolving Late Triassic Periods brought about some of the mightiest animals to ever walk this planet. With their fossilized remains still being uncovered to this day, exploring the past could still give us answers towards the future.

In 2023, Disney's Animal Kingdom invites you to travel back in time 150 Million years ago to witness the peak age of the dinosaurs, walk along the prehistoric alien landscape, and uncover the mysteries of the supercontinent, Pangaea.
Pangaea Map


1 - March of the Sauropods
2 - Pan Air
3 - Top of the World Restaurant and Cable Cars
4 - Glacier Gulch
5 - Alice Springs Water Play Area
6 - Pangaea Expedition Trail
7 - The Good Dinosaur: A Musical

The map above articulates the variety of climates that Pangaea had. Entering from the Discovery Island side of the land you step into lush tropical rainforests and forestation of the terrestrial ecosystem, complete with authentic plants from the time period including conifers, ferns, cycads, and ginkgos. As also seen above, there is a forked pathway that leads to restrooms and additional seating for the Rivers of Light nighttime show on the Discovery River.

The shaded overhanging branches from Discovery Island entrance soon give way to the open and expansive land as a large 54 ft tall semi-audio-animatronic Brachiosaurus comes into view. At certain times throughout the day, the Brachiosaurus will let out a loud bellow, move its neck and reach for one of the nearby trees. The largest animatronic ever built, not only does this sauropad dinosaur act as an icon of the land, it also subconsciously informs guests that this is a living, breathing environment. Pangaea is alive and the Brachiosaurus is just one of several interactive elements in the land.

Transitioning further into the land the landscape becomes more arid and dry, emphasizing the mountain basin deserts on the supercontinent of Pangaea. Looking down, guests notice tectonic plate alternations even in the ground, as the cracks and crevices in the ground are hints at the future continental drift of the supercontinent. Guests can also spot some dinosaurs in the forestation as well, adding to the immersive environment.

Furthermore, from the arid mountain basin, guests gaze up at the sprawling Central Pangaean Mountain Range. A 120 degree curved mountain range that reaches a top peak of 173 feet... this is the heart of the land, and encompasses three of Pangaea's attractions.

Central Pangaea Mountain Range Blueprint

The mountain is divided up into three separate leveled infrastructures.

Level 1 - March of the Sauropods - D-ticket Dark Ride
Level 2 - Pan Am - Pterodactyl E-Ticket
Level 3 - Top of the World Restaurant, Cable Car dispatch, Observation Deck.

Level 1 - March of the Sauropods

When Countdown to Extinction opened in 1998 with Disney's Animal Kingdom, it was met with mixed reviews. With some praising the technological achievements of the audio-animatronics, others criticized the dark tone and essentially the same ride pathway as Indiana Jones in Disneyland. After 20+ years in operation, the transition of Dinoland USA to Pangaea left a timeline gap in the narrative, as the Cretaceous Period (which the ride takes place in) was long after the time of the Jurassic Period. With an emphasis on the majesty of dinosaurs and the natural environment of Pangaea, the attraction has been remodeled and rebranded as March of the Sauropods.

Sauropods, deriving from the Greek root meaning "lizard feet," were some of the largest dinosaurs to ever walk the earth. Known for their long necks and enormous size, sauropods were herbivores that lived throughout the Jurassic Period, leading to a varied and disperse family tree of these dinosaurs. However in today's age, paleontologists struggle to find full fossilized remnants of these massive dinosaurs which leads to difficulty in understanding their movements, tendencies, and more. This could be due to the continental drift, volcanic exhaustion, among others. Which is why on Pangaea, you'll be able to explore the wonder of the sauropods in their natural habitat before the drift that separated Pangaea, to learn more about there indigenous state.


As you meander through the arid desert setting and approach the base of the Central Pangaean Mountains you snake around the lush forestation below and walk under the sign for the attraction. March of the Sauropods and the flying coaster/dark ride hybrid, Gondwana, both originate from this location, with March of the Sauropods veering to the right, and Gondwana to the left.

The forest is ripe with jungle sounds, as you can hear rushing water in the distance, and crickets chirping. In the distance you can hear the faint but noticeable bellow of a sauropod and the sonic boom of its feet stomping on the ground, probably after reaching for a tree branch.

You then come to the mountain base camp set up by the Pangaean Conservation Association (PCA) which spans across the two main attractions of the land. As you enter the base camp you see several scientific documents, notes, research equipment, and gear assorted throughout the camp from prior explorers observing the sauropods. Dr. Zoey Chase, a Paleobotonist, is one of the most prominent figures in the base camp, with her discoveries, drawings, and results lining the walls.

The queue drops off in a loading dock where you will go on an adventure through the Pangaean forest and landscape to discover the secrets of the sauropods.

Vehicle Design
To create a more family friendly attraction without the 40 inch height requirement that Dinosaur had, the new rovers will have a much tamer terrain to travel along. Using the same rovers as Dinosaur, with the 3x4 seating arrangement, the propulsions of the Jurassic terrain will be reduced and slowed to limit the jerking motions of the vehicle and enabled the height requirement to be eliminated.

Similar to Kilimanjaro Safari, there will be a few bumps along the way towards the end of the journey to simulate the Jurassic terrain, but nothing too drastic. The ride vehicles also run on an LPS track around the indoor show building built into Level 1 of the Mountain range.

You board your vehicles at dawn in an enclosed setting, when most of the sauropods are out feeding, providing the opportune time to see the animals, with Dr. Chase narrating your adventure through an on-board radio.

Scene 1 - Datousaurus
As your rover turns towards a meadow on the right hand side you see a Dantousaurus.

"The Dantousaurus at around 50 feet long, was a herbivore with an abnormally large head for sauropods. While a full fossilized structure has not been found, its noted that the elongated vertebrae and enlarged head/mouth of the Dantosaurus could have been utilized for a unique eating strategy, aiming for trees of varying heights which kept it out of competition with the rest of the larger sauropods."

The Dantosaurus AA reaches its neck around to a tree of medium height and bellows.​

Scene 2 - Omeisaurus
You round the corner and see another sauropod feasting on the same tree, called an Omeisaurus.

"The Omeisaurus, another unique sauropod in that its fossilized remnants have still not fully been recovered. One of the larger sauropods, up to 66 feet in length, the omeisaurus was prominent since Middle Jurassic Period on Pangaea."

You drive passed the massive tale of the omeisaurus which sways towards your vehicle and back.

Scene 3 - Rough Terrain
You approach the continuation of the track, however a downed tree in front of the road with a cracked crevice blocks your path.

"Hopefully we won't have to do any evasive maneuvers on this trip, let's head to the coastline and Panthalassa to the larger sauropods"

You head down an incline towards the basement of the show building and into a new environment where you can see the large ocean of Panthalassa reflected in the background to the left and the coastline to the right.

Scene 4 - The Patagosaurus Herd

The most complex audio animatronic and thematically driven seen in the attraction, the patagosaurus herd of five large, dinosaurs is seen towering over the vehicles in a 50 foot atrium complex of the show building, as jungle music swells and you see the patagosaurus feeding.

"Here we can gaze in awe at the majesty of the patagosaurus herd, one of the most intricately studied anatomical dinosaurs, with most of the post-cranial skeleton having been studied and pieced together over the ages. With many anatomical elements assisting its strong vertebrae and physique, these were some of the most powerful beings to ever walk the earth."

Scene 5 - Kota Formation and the Barapasaurus
Traveling into a rocky terrain you approach what is now in northern India known as the Kota Formation, however on Pangaea in the Early Jurassic Period it was known as the location for the Barapasaurus.

"One of the earliest known sauropods, this dino is known for having bones protruding out of its spinal vertebrae, possibly to ward off any intruders or threats. However, given its enormous size, those threats probably wouldn't stand a chance"

Scene 6 - Earthquake
A rumbling below your vehicles makes the vehicles sway and the roadway in front of you cracks open, leaving your vehicle to veer towards the right to avoid the crevice. Molten lava can be seen in the crack to the left as you pass by.

More cracking can be hear all around you as Pangaea begins to slowly break apart.

"I think it might be time to head back to PCA"

Scene 7 - Trapped
Your vehicle gets stuck in a crack in the road and is having trouble getting out. The wind picks up around you and "smellitzers" pump in the "Rome burning scent" (from Spaceship Earth) into the area as the day turns to dusk in the environment.

"We might be in trouble, we'll try to get you out of there hang on"

With a powerful burst combined with another earthquake your vehicle escapes the trap and continues on.

"The tectonic plates are beginning to shift, though we might need to try this some other time, looks like we cut it too short."

Scene 8 - Final Encounter
You see a volcanic eruption in the background and fear it might be heading your way. The earth shakes once more, but now the smaller baby sauropods traveling in a separate herd are scene trying to walk the opposite way of the magma. A fallen tree blocks your way once more and it looks like no escape.

However, on the left hand side, a giant brachiosaurus neck takes your vehicle and pushes it up and away from the tree. Your vehicle ascends up to the unload area being pushed by the giant neck of the brachiosaurus, and as you enter the unload area on the backside of the PCA base camp you hear the sonic boom of the brachiosaurus feet and the bellow of the gentle giant.
Level 2 - Pan Air

To explore the natural wonders of the highest peaks and tallest mountains of Pangaea, the Pangaea Conservation Association designed mechanical flying vehicles designed to camouflage with the dinosaurs of the air, most notably pterodactyls. To soar along with the magnificent creatures of the sky, you board these transport vehicles and explore Pangaea's natural settings as well as some of the most visually astounding wonders of the supercontinent.

Similar to the queue for March of the Sauropods, the queue begins at the base of the Central Pangaean Mountains as you trek through a jungle-like setting to reach the PCA base camp. However this time you go up an elevated lift inside the mountain and base camp to the 2nd Level where you board your ride vehicles either on the "upper deck" or "lower deck"

Ride Vehicle Design

An entirely new ride system patented by Disney, AVTs (Aeronautic Vehicle Transport) incorporates a rotating cylinder in the center of the train that allows the side seats to sway out for certain dark ride scenes as well as the novelty of having the seats off the sides of a roller coaster track.

This provides the most viscerally complex ride experience, as guests soar over Pangaea, through natural terrains and its eclectic biomes, without noticing the roller coaster track, added to the illusion.

The ride vehicle will enable a high capacity as well, with 4 decks of seating per car, and 5 cars per train. Each deck will have 3 passengers. Therefore, each train will be able to hold 12 guests per car, and 60 guests per train.

With the roller coaster track in the center of the cylinder, the cars themselves are floorless, and many of the scenes in Pan Air will incorporate scenes below you (ala Peter Pan's Flight ) but on a more massive scale.

There is also an on-board audio bass built within each car to play quiet yet thematic background music throughout the attraction.

This ride will be mostly indoors using a variety of authentic sets, scenes, and visual illusions. Part of the ride will even pass over the March of the Sauropods attraction. All of the indoor dark ride scenes will take place on the second level of the Pangaean Mountain interior, with the final climax roller coaster portion of the attraction blasting out of the mountain and in the open air around the back area of the Pangaean landscape with views of Animal Kingdom park.
You ride through a cave in the Pangaean Mountains and see the ancient rock formations from a prehistoric world. On the interior of the mountain, you can notice cracks in the rock and some magma forming through the cracks in the rocks. Your cars also turn to either side of the track for a better perspective on the formations.

You then notice that the floor underneath you is gone and you soar over the Patagosaurus Herd scene from March of the Sauropods, as seen through a reflective ceiling mirror. Soaring 50 feet above this you get a different perspective on Pangaea and the natural wonders it incorporates.

You soar in the next environment that is an arid dessert. Scarce forestation is apparent and the air in the interior of the scene feels dry. You see the wind blowing in the distance and smaller dinosaurs running for food or water. This is a scene that is not only themed on the sides of the ride vehicle, but also below as you as the wind swirls sand around by your feet.

The ride then reaches the polar cap and you see glaciers all around. Your vehicles sway from hitting an iceberg in the water as you glide along in this icy terrain, noticing a few aquatic dinosaurs in their natural habitat.

Flying back into the center of the supercontinent, you fly back into the Central Pangaean Mountain and begin to incline slowly. Around you are projection screens that show dozens if not hundreds of pterodactyls flying all around you up the mountain side. You feel a sudden bust of energy, and see a light at the top of the mountain, as an LIM section of the track pumps your train up the mountain.

You fly up with the birds and out of the mountain as "The Egg Travels" song from the Disney film Dinosaur plays on your on-board audio.

Out of the mountain you soar 110 feet above Pangaea and Disney's Animal Kingdom. You see the large AA Brachiosaurus to your right as you tilt downwards and behind the Pangaean Mountains. As you drop you curve around the mountains and glide over the lake behind Pangaea and Asia. After a few curves and sways you arrive outside of the mountain for the covered unloading station where you can walk off towards March of the Sauropods, the interactive walk-through exhibit to your right, or maybe another ride on Pan Air.

Level 3 - Top of the World

With the addition of the Pangaea supercontinent to Disney's Animal Kingdom, the park will also be gaining a brand new, high caliber restaurant unlike any other. Exclusively located on top of Laurasia Mountain, the peak of the Central Pangaean Mountain Range, board a cable car to the "Top of the World" for a once in a lifetime dining experience.

Cable Cars
The Cable Cars to the Top of the World and Observation Deck can be picked up near the entrance from Discovery Island. They are nestled next to the Frozen in Time Ice Cream shop and the jungle entrance from Discovery Island to Pangaea, acting as a transition within the land itself. The 2 minute vertical ascent to the top drops guests off near the restaurant and viewing location.

Please note that some times during the day the cable cars might be closed for capacity. Only people allowed to ride at certain peak hours are guests with reservations at the Top of the World.

There will be two separate lines for the cable cars. One for the observation deck and one for the restaurant and as mentioned before, for capacity concerns, the observation deck line may be closed at certain times of the day.

Once at Top of the World, you'll have 180 degree floor to ceiling views of the park, and amazing perspectives for the Rivers of Light, you'll be surrounded with beautiful landscapes while dining on recipes inspired by flavors from around the world. Overall, Top of the World is so named not only for its location 160 ft above Walt Disney World, but also for its high quality signature dining for breakfast and dinner. Reservations are recommended. Dress code upheld.

Below is a sample dinner menu from the restaurant:

Dinner Menu
Oysters on the Half Shell - $3.25 Each
Fried Calamari - $12.99
fried light and crisp served with garlic dip and cocktail sauce
Avocado Eggrolls - 2 for $9.95
avocado, red onion and cilantro fried in a fried roll; served with a cashew dipping sauce
Ahi Carpaccio - $11.95
thin slices of raw ahi tuna, wasabi pest sauce, creamy rich avocado and aioli
Tomato and Goat Cheese - $9.25
served with pan seared asparagus and vinegar sauce on the side.
Alaskan King Crab - $15.99
served with honey dijon mustard sauce.
Jumbo Shrimp - 2 for $14.99
a really big shrimp served with cocktail sauce and lemon wedges
Seafood Melody - $25.99 (serves 6)
sampler of salmon, shrimp, tuna, crab, lobster, spicy tuna, and halibut with lemon wedges.
Caviar Sampler - $19.99
served with breadsticks

Lobster Bisque - $9.95
creamy lobster cooked with garlic, celery, onions, and sea salt with a pinch of parsley
Mozzarella Caprese - $10.99
served with tomatoes, basil, and house oil
Onion Parmesan Soup - $8.95
cheese, parsley, garlic, and onion creme bisque.
Wegener Drift - $10.99
salad served with lettuce, blue cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, celery, and house ranch dressing.
Svalbard - $9.99
salad served with iceberg lettuce, olive oil, vinegar, spicy red onions

Arctic Roll - 4 for $10.95
alaskan salmon with avocado, cucumber, and soy sauce.
Paleozoic Roll - 4 for $11.95
shrimp tempura, crab bits, cucumber, garlic sauce and lemon squeeze.
Mesozoic Roll - 4 for $10.95
eel, cucumber, avocado, eel sauce
Panthalassa Roll - 4 for $10.95
crab, cucumber, yellowtail, crab sauce
Earth Roll - 4 for $9.95
salmon, spicy softshell crab, yellowtail, ponzu sauce
Eurasia Roll - 4 for $11.95
tuna bits, cucumber, carrots, spicy wasabi
Columbia Roll - 4 for $10.95
deep fried spicy tuny, columbian wasabi
Gondwana Roll - 4 for $10.95
crab, avocado, salmon, eel, and eel sauce.
Congo Roll - 4 for $9.95
spicy crab and cucumber, with wasabi
Laurasia Roll - 4 for $9.95
spicy shrimp filling with avocado crust and cocktail sauce.
Cambrian Roll - 4 for $11.95
crab and spicy tuna melt with cucumber and avocado.
Avalonia Roll - $10.95
spicy shrimp and avocado with ponzu sauce

Entree/Main Course

Grilled Arctic Halibut - $22.95
served with mashed potatoes, grilled onions and mixed vegetables
Broiled Mountain Salmon - $29.75
served with a barbecue glaze and lemon sauce with asparagus
Filet Mignon (14 oz) - $49.95
served well done to medium rare
Bison Porterhouse (28 oz) - $50.75
Bison Porterhouse (48 oz) - $77.95
served well done to medium rare
Seared Duck - $36.95
with maple butter sauce and mixed vegetables
Grouper - $28.95
served with crab sauce and croutons
Lungini alla Pesto - Gluten-Free Option - $24.95
pasta served with creamy house-made tomato sauce

Side Dishes
Baked Potato - $9.95
Cauliflower Mix - $7.75
Grilled Asparagus - $8.95
Spinach and Mushroom - $9.95
Creamed Spinach - $8.95
Steamed Broccoli - $7.75
Brussel Sprouts - $9.95

Creme Brulee - $8.95
Chocolate Moose - $9.95
Tiramisu - $8.95
Gelato - $7.75
vanilla, pecan, chocolate, strawberry, lemoncello, lime, cookies and cream, peanut butter, coffee
Warm Apple Crostada - $8.95

Fountain Drink - $2.75
Coke, Sprite, Fanta, Lemonade, Pink Lemonade, Peach Iced Tea
Sparkling Water - $2.75

Wine Short-List (by Glass)

Cambria - $10.00
Santa Maria. 2011, California
Domaine Laroche - $16.00
Chablis 2013, Burgandy
Far Niente - $18.00
Napa Valley 2014, California
Chateau Montelena - $19.00
Napa Valley, 2012, California

Sauvignon Blanc
Sancerre - $12.00
Loire Valley, 2013, France

Pinot Noir
Smoke Tree - $10.00
Carneros, 2012
Acadia - $11.00
Carneros, 2014
Goldeneye - $11.00
Anderson Valley, 2011

Carpene Malvolti - $10.00
Proscecco, Italy
Cremant Brut Rose - $14.00

Robert Mondavi - $13.00
Napa Valley, 2011, California
Shafer - $15.00
Napa Valley, 2012, California
Franciscan - $16.00
Napa Valley, 2013, California

Beer Selection Short List

Bud, Bud Light, Heineken, Coors Light, Sam Adams Seasonal, Corona, Miller Light

Imported On-Tap

Mixed Drink Short List
Glacier Gulch

Paleoclimatologists have distinguished that on the supercontinent, Pangaea, were Carboniferous glaciation effects in the southern hemisphere due to the earth's axis tilt. This region is present day Antarctica and southern India when separated out to its present day configuration.


Known as the Gondwanan Ice Sheet (named for the sub-supercontinent in the Cretaceous Period) this ice sheet was connected and a part of the supercontinent Pangaea

As you approach from the Discovery Island hub, to the right of the Central Pangaean Mountain Range are large 30 foot glaciers superimposed against the side of a show building that's covered by the glacial facade. This interior infrastructure is home to Glacier Gulch, an indoor climate controlled environment themed to Pangaea's south polar boarders.

Inside it gives the illusion that you are surrounded by a massive iceberg, as the walls and ceiling are painted to illustrate the water's frozen surface and the icy crests surrounding you.

This air-conditioned environment is home to two small flat rides and an ice cream shop on the outside carved into one of the glaciers outside.

Lizard Leaner
An attraction based on the sea dinosaur, the Ichthyosaurus, (Greek for lizard) found in the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic Period.

The attraction will use a similar technology to Mater's Junkeyard Jamboree, however instead of cars, the vehicles will be Ichthyosaurus dinosaurs traveling around pieces of glacier in "freezing" water of the Panthalassa Ocean (the one ocean that surrounded Pangaea)

There is no height requirement for this attraction.

Plesiosaur Plunge
An underwater attraction (below Lizard Leaner) in the Lower Deck of the Glacier Gulch Pavilion, where you board a Sea Pod and attempt to find the massive sea creature, the Plesiosaurus. This 2 minute attraction takes your pod around the gulch in the center of the pavilion and culminates in the discovery of the sauropterygian reptile in projection form before approaching the dock for unloading.

There is no height requirement for this attraction.

Ice Cream Shop - Frozen in Time
Outside of Glacier Gulch is a makeshift designed Ice Cream venue for the hot days walking around Disney's Animal Kingdom and themed along with the polar caps of Pangaea.

Below is a sample of the menu offered at the shop:

Ceratosaurus Cremery

Land, Air, Sea - $4.25
2 scoops of vanilla chocolate chip ice cream with and infused caramel dipped in sprinkles with whipped cream wrapped in tin foil.

Banana Bronto - $4.00
2 scoops of strawberry ice cream with banana bits and a cracker jack topping.

Continental Drift - $18.00 (serves 3-5)
7 scoops of ice cream (1 coffee, 2 vanilla, 1 strawberry, 1 lime, 1 cookies and cream, 2 chocolate), with milky way candy bar toppings, twizzler pieces, and a creamy chocolate covering sauce.

Make Your Own
Small (1 scoop) - $2.00
Medium (2 scoops) - $3.50
Large (3 scoops) - $5.00

Choice of vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, lemon, peanut butter, cookies and cream, coffee, lactose free, caramel, lime, cherry, orange, pineapple as well as choice of assorted toppings.

Diplodocus Desserts

Triassic Triumph - $4.50
2 scoops of ice cream with a chocolate chip brownie

The Herbivore - $4.00
2 scoops of Lime Ice Cream with a slice of crunchy key-lime pie.

Carboniferous Whisper - $4.75
2 scoops of cherry ice cream, a chocolate covering, whipped cream, with a side of assorted fruit.

Alice Springs Water Play Area and D-Zone

Replacing the area previously occupied by The Boneyard Dig area, enjoy the cool down and wilderness aesthetics of Alice Springs. Based on the Springs of the same name on Pangaea, Alice Springs is a water play area for children with sprouting geysers and other aquatic interactive areas. A great shady is located on the sides of the Springs for parents and children to sit as well and possibly eat some ice cream from Frozen in Time. There's also a small rocky area acting as a transition point between the entrance/exit to Discovery Island and Glacier Gulch, adding to the ambiance and environment with a waterfall into Alice Springs.

Pangaea Walking Trail

In the same vein as Pangani Forest Exploration Trail and Maharajah Jungle Trek, our new land will add another walking trail to the mix: Pangaea Path. Here, guests will explore a well-worn trail through the various regions of Pangaea while being able to watch dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures in their native habitat. Animatronic dinosaurs and other creatures of the Triassic and Jurassic periods will thrill guests with their life-like movements ranging from breathing, snorting, crying, walking, and even roaring. While these creatures were known to be destructive and menacing as well, this path will explore the majesty and beauty of these creatures while allowing young and young at heart to revel in the wonder of these ambassadors of the past. This family-friendly attraction will not terrify young ones or make them believe they are counting down to their own extinction.

Winding through the densely forested region, guests will walk down this ancient path and step back in time as they spot creatures come to life in a way never experienced before. Guests will hear the calls of pterodactyls, feel the rumble of the earth as mammoth dinosaurs stroll through the forest, and even get to meet some of the prehistoric beasts up close. Guests will be able to interact with digital message boards located at each stop along the way so they can read, listen, and watch videos to gain insight into the creatures before them. Or, if they prefer a human touch, cast members will be standing by ready to offer more information to guests as well.

As day turns to night, guests will still be able to enjoy seeing these creatures in their habitat as soft lighting and illuminated paths make for easy travel down the Pangea Path. All paths are ADA compliant and signs will offer braille as well.

Specific Stops:

The specific stops along the way will introduce guests to an array of colorful and intriguing characters:

Stop #1: A Herrerasaurus lurks in the forest while smaller animals cower in fear. Herrerasaur fossils are some of the oldest fossils ever discovered which date back about 228 million years to the mid-Triassic.

Stop #2: Guests watch a Stegomus, an early relative of the crocodile dating back to the Triassic Period, walk by the water.

Stop #3: Coelophysis, carnivores of the Late Triassic Period, walk amongst the bushes in search for food.

Stop #4: A Triceratops and its young share a meal.

Stop #5: Park guests come face to face with the King of the Jurassic period: the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Stop #6: Walking into an indoor air-conditioned cavern, guests begin to descend below sea level where they are faced with aquatic creatures of the Triassic and Jurassic period swimming in the waters. These HD television screens will shows these aquatic animals swimming right by the glass for visitors to watch.

Stop #7: Pterodactyl Perch: Allows guests to view Pterodactyls as they rest and sleep on a man made mountain and surrounding trees. Every now and then guests may see these flying reptiles take flight to find a new resting spot.

Stop #8: Next guests will find a Karamuru, a genus of prestosuchid archosaur from the Middle Triassic-age, and get to see it up close and even feel its fur.

Stop #9: Guests will enjoy watching gentle Sauropods drink by the water. But, watch out, you may get sprayed with water. Fog effects will hover over the water.

Stop #10: Watch as a Stegosaurus and its young walk by swishing their large plated tails.
The Good Dinosaur: A Musical

In the musical, it will take you through different scenes and sequences throughout "The Good Dinosaur" following Arlo and Spot on their many adventures to find home. The musical is 30 minutes long in a fully enclosed theatre. The theatre is shaped in a square format, much like "Finding Nemo: The Musical". At the top of the stage, the audience will see Clawtooth mountain where Arlo and his family live in the film. The costumes will be puppets, as the Dino's will go over the actors head, much like in Lion King the musical. The only costume who will not be a puppet is Spot, who is played by a "face character". There will be multiple costume changes throughout the show depending on the character. There is a chorus included for background song sequences.
Songs included are:
-"On that Wall" which is in the end of the first scene.
-"The Storm Provides" which is in the end of the third scene.
-"The Multiple Campfire Songs" which is in scene four.
--"Clawtooth Mountain" - which is in scene five.
-"The End is a New Beginning"- which is shown in the last scene of the show.

Scene one
The scene opens up with Arlo and his brother and sister farming. The audience hears Arlo talking to his mother saying: "This is so complicated! I won't ever get to put my mark on the wall." As he says that, on the right side of the stage, you see a stone wall show up, with everyone's mark on the stone wall, except for Arlo's.
Arlo's mother follows saying:" One day you will be ready and will have enough in you to put the mark on the wall, don't worry Arlo, your time will come."
Arlo sings the song, "On that Wall", and the lights fade out.

Scene two:
The scene then fades out to a river with Arlo's dad and Arlo trying to catch their critter (Spot)
Arlo's dad:" Arlo! Hurry we must catch that critter before the storm comes in!"
*lightning sequence, white flashes and thunder noises go among the theatre*
Arlo's dad: "Alright Arlo, maybe we've gone too far. We should head back"
*a few seconds pass by*
Arlo:" Dad! The river! The water is rising too fast! We're going to be swept away"
Arlo's dad: "Arlo, go! Hurry!"
*They look at each other, and the audience hears a crashing sound, with that the stage turns black*

Scene three:
This shows Arlo and Spot talking, bonding, and beginning to learn about each other's history. Arlo begins talking about his adventures, with what he's been through and how he wants to find his family. The background includes a "river" with a blue sheet of glass, with blue flashes of light, followed by a rock wall in the back. At the end before the scene goes black, Arlo and other "creatures" who will be ensemble, sing "The Storm Provides".

Scene four:

This shows Arlo meeting three dinosaurs, T-Rex's, sitting around a fire. Through this sequence, there will be campfire songs and a dog explaining the father T-Rex's story. The scene closes out by the lights shining out, and going black after the finished songs.

Scene five:
This scene shows Arlo and Spot traveling on a walkway through the mountains. Through this sequence, a song "Clawtooth Mountain" plays as Arlo sings while touring the mountains on his way home. A fog machine is shown, along with pictures on the side screens of the stage showing different sunsets and dinosaurs.

Scene six:

This is the final scene of the show. This scene shows Arlo and Spot coming back. While Arlo and Spot are walking on stage, the audience sees Spot's family come in greet him on one side of the stage. On the other side, the audience sees Arlo's family there to welcome him back home. After this, Arlo and Spot meet in the middle, hugging while saying goodbye. Through this sequence, a song called "The End is a New Beginning" sung by Arlo and backup dancers is played. The lights fade out, and curtain call begins.

Towards the entrance/exit of the land and near the new Pangaea side seating area for the Rivers of Light and restrooms, walk through Pangaea's resident giftshop, Triceroshops. Designed like a walk through attraction, guests walk into the entrance of the shop on a pathway that snakes through the interior towards the exit. This design s based on Main Street USA, in order to keep guests in the shop and keep flow going through the entire shop. Inside you'll find merchandise ranging from clothes, memorabilia, trading pins, and much more.

On behalf of the cast of Gryffindor; @Tony the Tigger @disneydf @Fox&Hound @deere839 @Brer Panther @Mattyice16 and @spacemt354 - thank you for visiting the newest continent of Disney's Animal Kingdom...Africa, Asia, Pandora, and now...Pangaea.
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Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
Gryffindor Presents....


Over 150 million years ago, the Earth's geography was quite divergent from what we know today. In stark contrast to the varying continents, oceans, and landmarks, scientists and paleontologists have theorized that the continents of the world used to be one large continent, called Pangaea.

Pangaea, deriving from the Ancient Greek word "Pan" (Whole) and "Gaia" (Mother Earth) was a supercontinent that existed for over 100 million years before beginning to break up into separate supercontinents during the Jurassic Period. The break up of the supercontinent has been a period of interesting research for science as many have theorized the exact methods for the continental drift. Many have claimed that the Earth's tectonic plates began to shift, while others point towards the supercontinent's arid interior and volcanic province in the Permo-Carboniferous transition near the center of the supercontinent. This is also a period of intense research due to the rich proliferation of dinosaurs during this period before the supercontinent's transition. The Jurassic and evolving Late Triassic Periods brought about some of the mightiest animals to ever walk this planet. With their fossilized remains still being uncovered to this day, exploring the past could still give us answers towards the future.

In 2023, Disney's Animal Kingdom invites you to travel back in time 150 million years ago to witness the peak age of the dinosaurs, walk along the prehistoric alien landscape, and uncover the mysteries of the supercontinent, Pangaea.
Pangaea Map


1 - March of the Sauropods
2 - Pan Air
3 - Top of the World Restaurant and Cable Cars
4 - Glacier Gulch
5 - Alice Springs Water Play Area
6 - Pangaea Expedition Trail
7 - The Good Dinosaur: A Musical

The map above articulates the variety of climates that Pangaea had. Entering from the Discovery Island side of the land, you step into lush tropical rainforests and forestation of the terrestrial ecosystem, complete with authentic plants from the time period including conifers, ferns, cycads, and ginkgos. As also seen above, there is a forked pathway that leads to restrooms and additional seating for the Rivers of Light nighttime show on the Discovery River.

The shaded overhanging branches from Discovery Island entrance soon give way to the open and expansive land as a large 54 ft tall semi-audio-animatronic Brachiosaurus comes into view. At certain times throughout the day, the Brachiosaurus will let out a loud bellow, move its neck and reach for one of the nearby trees. The largest animatronic ever built, not only does this sauropad dinosaur act as an icon of the land, it also subconsciously informs guests that this is a living, breathing environment. Pangaea is alive and the Brachiosaurus is just one of several interactive elements in the land.

Transitioning further into the land, the landscape becomes more arid and dry, emphasizing the mountain basin deserts on the supercontinent of Pangaea. Looking down, guests notice tectonic plate alternations even in the ground, as the cracks and crevices in the ground are hints at the future continental drift of the supercontinent. Guests can also spot some dinosaurs in the forestation as well, adding to the immersive environment.

Furthermore, from the arid mountain basin, guests gaze up at the sprawling Central Pangaean Mountain Range. A 120 degree curved mountain range that reaches a top peak of 173 feet... this is the heart of the land, and encompasses three of Pangaea's attractions.

Central Pangaea Mountain Range Blueprint

The mountain is divided up into three separate leveled infrastructures.

Level 1 - March of the Sauropods - D-ticket Dark Ride
Level 2 - Pan Am - Pterodactyl E-Ticket
Level 3 - Top of the World Restaurant, Cable Car dispatch, Observation Deck.

Level 1 - March of the Sauropods

When Countdown to Extinction opened in 1998 with Disney's Animal Kingdom, it was met with mixed reviews. With some praising the technological achievements of the audio-animatronics, others criticized the dark tone and essentially the same ride pathway as Indiana Jones in Disneyland. After 20+ years in operation, the transition of Dinoland USA to Pangaea left a timeline gap in the narrative, as the Cretaceous Period (which the ride takes place in) was long after the time of the Jurassic Period. With an emphasis on the majesty of dinosaurs and the natural environment of Pangaea, the attraction has been remodeled and rebranded as March of the Sauropods.

Sauropods, deriving from the Greek root meaning "lizard feet," were some of the largest dinosaurs to ever walk the Earth. Known for their long necks and enormous size, sauropods were herbivores that lived throughout the Jurassic Period, leading to a varied and disperse family tree of these dinosaurs. However in today's age, paleontologists struggle to find full fossilized remnants of these massive dinosaurs which leads to difficulty in understanding their movements, tendencies, and more. This could be due to the continental drift, volcanic exhaustion, among others - which is why on Pangaea, you'll be able to explore the wonder of the sauropods in their natural habitat before the drift that separated Pangaea, to learn more about their indigenous state.


As you meander through the arid desert setting and approach the base of the Central Pangaean Mountains you snake around the lush forestation below and walk under the sign for the attraction. March of the Sauropods and the flying coaster/dark ride hybrid, Gondwana, both originate from this location, with March of the Sauropods veering to the right, and Gondwana to the left.

The forest is ripe with jungle sounds, as you can hear rushing water in the distance and crickets chirping. In the distance you can hear the faint but noticeable bellow of a sauropod and the sonic boom of its feet stomping on the ground, probably after reaching for a tree branch.

You then come to the mountain base camp set up by the Pangaean Conservation Association (PCA) which spans across the two main attractions of the land. As you enter the base camp, you see several scientific documents, notes, research equipment, and gear assorted throughout the camp from prior explorers observing the sauropods. Dr. Zoey Chase, a Paleobotonist, is one of the most prominent figures in the base camp, with her discoveries, drawings, and results lining the walls.

The queue drops off in a loading dock where you will go on an adventure through the Pangaean forest and landscape to discover the secrets of the sauropods.

Vehicle Design
To create a more family friendly attraction without the 40 inch height requirement that Dinosaur had, the new rovers will have a much more tame terrain to travel along. Using the same rovers as Dinosaur, with the 3x4 seating arrangement, the propulsions of the Jurassic terrain will be reduced and slowed to limit the jerking motions of the vehicle and enabled the height requirement to be eliminated.

Similar to Kilimanjaro Safari, there will be a few bumps along the way towards the end of the journey to simulate the Jurassic terrain, but nothing too drastic. The ride vehicles also run on an LPS track around the indoor show building built into Level 1 of the mountain range.

You board your vehicles at dawn in an enclosed setting, when most of the sauropods are out feeding, providing the opportune time to see the animals, with Dr. Chase narrating your adventure through an on-board radio.

Scene 1 - Datousaurus
As your rover turns towards a meadow on the right hand side you see a Datousaurus.

"The Datousaurus, at around 50 feet long, was a herbivore with an abnormally large head for sauropods. While a full fossilized structure has not been found, it's noted that the elongated vertebrae and enlarged head/mouth of the Datousaurus could have been utilized for a unique eating strategy, aiming for trees of varying heights which kept it out of competition with the rest of the larger sauropods."

The Datousaurus AA reaches its neck around to a tree of medium height and bellows.​

Scene 2 - Omeisaurus
You round the corner and see another sauropod feasting on the same tree, called an Omeisaurus.

"The Omeisaurus is another unique sauropod in that its fossilized remnants have still not fully been recovered. One of the larger sauropods, up to 66 feet in length, the Omeisaurus was prominent since the Middle Jurassic Period on Pangaea."

You drive past the massive tail of the Omeisaurus which sways towards your vehicle and back.

Scene 3 - Rough Terrain
You approach the continuation of the track, however a downed tree in front of the road with a cracked crevice blocks your path.

"Hopefully we won't have to do any evasive maneuvers on this trip, let's head to the coastline and Panthalassa to the larger sauropods"

You head down an incline towards the basement of the show building and into a new environment where you can see the large ocean of Panthalassa reflected in the background to the left and the coastline to the right.

Scene 4 - The Patagosaurus Herd

The most complex audio animatronic and thematically driven seen in the attraction, the Patagosaurus herd of five large dinosaurs is seen towering over the vehicles in a 50 foot atrium complex of the show building, as jungle music swells and you see the Patagosaurus feeding.

"Here we can gaze in awe at the majesty of the Patagosaurus herd, one of the most intricately studied anatomical dinosaurs, with most of the post-cranial skeleton having been studied and pieced together over the ages. With many anatomical elements assisting its strong vertebrae and physique, these were some of the most powerful beings to ever walk the Earth."

Scene 5 - Kota Formation and the Barapasaurus
Traveling into a rocky terrain you approach what is now in northern India known as the Kota Formation, however on Pangaea in the Early Jurassic Period it was known as the location for the Barapasaurus.

"One of the earliest known sauropods, this dino is known for having bones protruding out of its spinal vertebrae, possibly to ward off any intruders or threats. However, given its enormous size, those threats probably wouldn't stand a chance"

Scene 6 - Earthquake
A rumbling below your vehicles makes the vehicles sway and the roadway in front of you cracks open, leaving your vehicle to veer towards the right to avoid the crevice. Molten lava can be seen in the crack to the left as you pass by.

More cracking can be heard all around you as Pangaea begins to slowly break apart.

"I think it might be time to head back to PCA"

Scene 7 - Trapped
Your vehicle gets stuck in a crack in the road and is having trouble getting out. The wind picks up around you and "smellitzers" pump in the "Rome burning scent" (from Spaceship Earth) into the area as the day turns to dusk in the environment.

"We might be in trouble - we'll try to get you out of here - hang on!"

With a powerful burst combined with another earthquake, your vehicle escapes the trap and continues on.

"The tectonic plates are beginning to shift, though we might need to try this some other time, looks like we cut it too short."

Scene 8 - Final Encounter
You see a volcanic eruption in the background and fear it might be heading your way. The earth shakes once more, but now the smaller baby sauropods traveling in a separate herd are seen trying to walk the opposite way of the magma. A fallen tree blocks your way once more and it looks like there is no escape.

However, on the left hand side, a giant Brachiosaurus neck takes your vehicle and pushes it up and away from the tree. Your vehicle ascends up to the unload area being pushed by the giant neck of the Brachiosaurus, and as you enter the unload area on the backside of the PCA base camp you hear the sonic boom of the Brachiosaurus feet and the bellow of the gentle giant.
Level 2 - Pan Air

To explore the natural wonders of the highest peaks and tallest mountains of Pangaea, the Pangaea Conservation Association designed mechanical flying vehicles to camouflage with the dinosaurs of the air, most notably pterodactyls. To soar along with the magnificent creatures of the sky, you board these transport vehicles and explore Pangaea's natural settings as well as some of the most visually astounding wonders of the supercontinent.

Similar to the queue for March of the Sauropods, the queue begins at the base of the Central Pangaean Mountains as you trek through a jungle-like setting to reach the PCA base camp. However, this time you go up an elevated lift inside the mountain and base camp to the 2nd Level where you board your ride vehicles either on the "upper deck" or "lower deck."

Ride Vehicle Design

An entirely new ride system patented by Disney, AVTs (Aeronautic Vehicle Transports) incorporate a rotating cylinder in the center of the train that allows the side seats to sway out for certain dark ride scenes as well as the novelty of having the seats off the sides of a roller coaster track.

This provides the most viscerally complex ride experience, as guests soar over Pangaea, through natural terrains and its eclectic biomes, without noticing the roller coaster track, added to the illusion.

The ride vehicle will enable a high capacity as well, with 4 decks of seating per car, and 5 cars per train. Each deck will have 3 passengers. Therefore, each train will be able to hold 12 guests per car, and 60 guests per train.

With the roller coaster track in the center of the cylinder, the cars themselves are floorless, and many of the scenes in Pan Air will incorporate scenes below you (a la Peter Pan's Flight) but on a more massive scale.

There is also an on-board audio bass built within each car to play quiet yet thematic background music throughout the attraction.

This ride will be mostly indoors using a variety of authentic sets, scenes, and visual illusions. Part of the ride will even pass over the March of the Sauropods attraction. All of the indoor dark ride scenes will take place on the second level of the Pangaean Mountain interior, with the final climax roller coaster portion of the attraction blasting out of the mountain and in the open air around the back area of the Pangaean landscape with views of Animal Kingdom park.
You ride through a cave in the Pangaean Mountains and see the ancient rock formations from a prehistoric world. On the interior of the mountain, you can notice cracks in the rock and some magma forming through the cracks in the rocks. Your cars also turn to either side of the track for a better perspective on the formations.

You then notice that the floor underneath you is gone, and you soar over the Patagosaurus Herd scene from March of the Sauropods, as seen through a reflective ceiling mirror. Soaring 50 feet above it, you get a different perspective on Pangaea and the natural wonders it incorporates.

You soar into the next environment, which is an arid desert. Scarce forestation is apparent and the air in the interior of the scene feels dry. You see the wind blowing in the distance and smaller dinosaurs running for food or water. This is a scene that is not only themed on the sides of the ride vehicle, but also below as you as the wind swirls sand around by your feet.

The ride then reaches the polar cap and you see glaciers all around. Your vehicles sway from hitting an iceberg in the water as you glide along in this icy terrain, noticing a few aquatic dinosaurs in their natural habitat.

Flying back into the center of the supercontinent, you fly back into the Central Pangaean Mountain and begin to incline slowly. Around you are projection screens that show dozens if not hundreds of pterodactyls flying all around you up the mountain side. You feel a sudden burst of energy, and see a light at the top of the mountain, as an LIM section of the track pumps your train up the mountain.

You fly up with the birds and out of the mountain as "The Egg Travels" song from the Disney film Dinosaur plays on your on-board audio.

Out of the mountain, you soar 110 feet above Pangaea and Disney's Animal Kingdom. You see the large AA Brachiosaurus to your right as you tilt downwards and behind the Pangaean Mountains. As you drop, you curve around the mountains and glide over the lake behind Pangaea and Asia. After a few curves and sways you arrive outside of the mountain for the covered unloading station where you can walk off towards March of the Sauropods, the interactive walk-through exhibit to your right, or maybe another ride on Pan Air.

Level 3 - Top of the World

With the addition of the Pangaea supercontinent to Disney's Animal Kingdom, the park will also be gaining a brand new, high caliber restaurant unlike any other. Exclusively located on top of Laurasia Mountain, the peak of the Central Pangaean Mountain Range, board a cable car to the "Top of the World" for a once in a lifetime dining experience.

Cable Cars
The Cable Cars to the Top of the World and Observation Deck can be picked up near the entrance from Discovery Island. They are nestled next to the Frozen in Time Ice Cream shop and the jungle entrance from Discovery Island to Pangaea, acting as a transition within the land itself. The 2 minute vertical ascent to the top drops guests off near the restaurant and viewing location.

Please note that sometimes during the day the cable cars might be closed for capacity. Only people allowed to ride at certain peak hours are guests with reservations at the Top of the World.

There will be two separate lines for the cable cars - one for the observation deck and one for the restaurant - and as mentioned before, for capacity concerns, the observation deck line may be closed at certain times of the day.

Once at Top of the World, you'll have 180 degree floor to ceiling views of the park, and amazing perspectives for the Rivers of Light. You'll be surrounded with beautiful landscapes while dining on recipes inspired by flavors from around the world. Overall, Top of the World is so named not only for its location 160 ft above Walt Disney World, but also for its high quality signature dining for breakfast and dinner. Reservations are recommended. Dress code upheld.

Below is a sample dinner menu from the restaurant:

Dinner Menu
Oysters on the Half Shell - $3.25 Each
Fried Calamari - $12.99
fried light and crisp served with garlic dip and cocktail sauce
Avocado Eggrolls - 2 for $9.95
avocado, red onion and cilantro fried in a roll; served with a cashew dipping sauce
Ahi Carpaccio - $11.95
thin slices of raw ahi tuna, wasabi pesto sauce, creamy rich avocado and aioli
Tomato and Goat Cheese - $9.25
served with pan seared asparagus and vinegar sauce on the side.
Alaskan King Crab - $15.99
served with honey dijon mustard sauce.
Jumbo Shrimp - 2 for $14.99
a really big shrimp served with cocktail sauce and lemon wedges
Seafood Melody - $25.99 (serves 6)
sampler of salmon, shrimp, tuna, crab, lobster, spicy tuna, and halibut with lemon wedges.
Caviar Sampler - $19.99
served with breadsticks

Lobster Bisque - $9.95
creamy lobster cooked with garlic, celery, onions, and sea salt with a pinch of parsley
Mozzarella Caprese - $10.99
served with tomatoes, basil, and house oil
Onion Parmesan Soup - $8.95
cheese, parsley, garlic, and onion creme bisque.
Wegener Drift - $10.99
salad served with lettuce, blue cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, celery, and house ranch dressing.
Svalbard - $9.99
salad served with iceberg lettuce, olive oil, vinegar, spicy red onions

Arctic Roll - 4 for $10.95
alaskan salmon with avocado, cucumber, and soy sauce.
Paleozoic Roll - 4 for $11.95
shrimp tempura, crab bits, cucumber, garlic sauce and lemon squeeze.
Mesozoic Roll - 4 for $10.95
eel, cucumber, avocado, eel sauce
Panthalassa Roll - 4 for $10.95
crab, cucumber, yellowtail, crab sauce
Earth Roll - 4 for $9.95
salmon, spicy softshell crab, yellowtail, ponzu sauce
Eurasia Roll - 4 for $11.95
tuna bits, cucumber, carrots, spicy wasabi
Columbia Roll- 4 for $10.95
deep fried spicy tuna, columbian wasabi
Gondwana Roll - 4 for $10.95
crab, avocado, salmon, eel, and eel sauce.
Congo Roll - 4 for $9.95
spicy crab and cucumber, with wasabi
Laurasia Roll - 4 for $9.95
spicy shrimp filling with avocado crust and cocktail sauce.
Cambrian Roll - 4 for $11.95
crab and spicy tuna melt with cucumber and avocado.
Avalonia Roll - $10.95
spicy shrimp and avocado with ponzu sauce

Entree/Main Course

Grilled Arctic Halibut - $22.95
served with mashed potatoes, grilled onions and mixed vegetables
Broiled Mountain Salmon - $29.75
served with a barbecue glaze and lemon sauce with asparagus
Filet Mignon (14 oz) - $49.95
served well done to medium rare
Bison Porterhouse (28 oz) - $50.75
Bison Porterhouse (48 oz) - $77.95
served well done to medium rare
Seared Duck - $36.95
with maple butter sauce and mixed vegetables
Grouper - $28.95
served with crab sauce and croutons
Linguini alla Pesto - Gluten-Free Option - $24.95
pasta served with creamy house-made tomato sauce

Side Dishes
Baked Potato - $9.95
Cauliflower Mix - $7.75
Grilled Asparagus - $8.95
Spinach and Mushroom - $9.95
Creamed Spinach - $8.95
Steamed Broccoli - $7.75
Brussels Sprouts - $9.95

Creme Brulee - $8.95
Chocolate Mousse - $9.95
Tiramisu - $8.95
Gelato - $7.75
vanilla, pecan, chocolate, strawberry, limoncello, lime, cookies and cream, peanut butter, coffee
Warm Apple Crostata - $8.95

Fountain Drink - $2.75
Coke, Sprite, Fanta, Lemonade, Pink Lemonade, Peach Iced Tea
Sparkling Water - $2.75

Wine Short-List (by Glass)

Cambria - $10.00
Santa Maria. 2011, California
Domaine Laroche - $16.00
Chablis 2013, Burgandy
Far Niente - $18.00
Napa Valley 2014, California
Chateau Montelena - $19.00
Napa Valley, 2012, California

Sauvignon Blanc
Sancerre - $12.00
Loire Valley, 2013, France

Pinot Noir
Smoke Tree - $10.00
Carneros, 2012
Acadia - $11.00
Carneros, 2014
Goldeneye - $11.00
Anderson Valley, 2011

Carpene Malvolti - $10.00
Proscecco, Italy
Cremant Brut Rose - $14.00

Robert Mondavi - $13.00
Napa Valley, 2011, California
Shafer - $15.00
Napa Valley, 2012, California
Franciscan - $16.00
Napa Valley, 2013, California

Beer Selection Short List

Bud, Bud Light, Heineken, Coors Light, Sam Adams Seasonal, Corona, Miller Light

Imported On-Tap

Mixed Drink Short List
Glacier Gulch

Paleoclimatologists have distinguished that on the supercontinent, Pangaea, were carboniferous glaciation effects in the southern hemisphere due to the Earth's axis tilt. This region is present day Antarctica and southern India when separated out to its current configuration.


Known as the Gondwanan Ice Sheet (named for the sub-supercontinent in the Cretaceous Period) this ice sheet was connected and a part of the supercontinent Pangaea

As you approach from the Discovery Island hub, to the right of the Central Pangaean Mountain Range are large 30 foot glaciers superimposed against the side of a show building that's covered by the glacial facade. This interior infrastructure is home to Glacier Gulch, an indoor climate controlled environment themed to Pangaea's south polar borders.

Inside, it gives the illusion that you are surrounded by a massive iceberg, as the walls and ceiling are painted to illustrate the water's frozen surface and the icy crests surrounding you.

This air-conditioned environment is home to two small flat rides and an ice cream shop on the outside carved into one of the glaciers outside.

Lizard Leaner
An attraction based on the sea dinosaur, the Ichthyosaurus, (Greek for lizard) found in the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic Period.

The attraction will use a similar technology to Mater's Junkyard Jamboree, however instead of cars, the vehicles will be Ichthyosaurus dinosaurs traveling around pieces of glacier in "freezing" water of the Panthalassa Ocean (the one ocean that surrounded Pangaea)

There is no height requirement for this attraction.

Plesiosaur Plunge
An underwater attraction (below Lizard Leaner) in the Lower Deck of the Glacier Gulch Pavilion, where you board a Sea Pod and attempt to find the massive sea creature, the Plesiosaurus. This 2 minute attraction takes your pod around the gulch in the center of the pavilion and culminates in the discovery of the sauropterygian reptile in projection form before approaching the dock for unloading.

There is no height requirement for this attraction.

Ice Cream Shop - Frozen in Time
Outside of Glacier Gulch is a makeshift designed Ice Cream venue for the hot days walking around Disney's Animal Kingdom and themed along with the polar caps of Pangaea.

Below is a sample of the menu offered at the shop:

Ceratosaurus Creamery

Land, Air, Sea - $4.25
2 scoops of vanilla chocolate chip ice cream with an infused caramel dipped in sprinkles with whipped cream wrapped in tin foil.

Banana Bronto - $4.00
2 scoops of strawberry ice cream with banana bits and a cracker jack topping.

Continental Drift - $18.00 (serves 3-5)
7 scoops of ice cream (1 coffee, 2 vanilla, 1 strawberry, 1 lime, 1 cookies and cream, 2 chocolate), with milky way candy bar toppings, twizzler pieces, and a creamy chocolate covering sauce.

Make Your Own
Small (1 scoop) - $2.00
Medium (2 scoops) - $3.50
Large (3 scoops) - $5.00

Choice of vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, lemon, peanut butter, cookies and cream, coffee, lactose free, caramel, lime, cherry, orange, pineapple as well as choice of assorted toppings.

Diplodocus Desserts

Triassic Triumph - $4.50
2 scoops of ice cream with a chocolate chip brownie

The Herbivore - $4.00
2 scoops of Lime Ice Cream with a slice of crunchy key-lime pie.

Carboniferous Whisper - $4.75
2 scoops of cherry ice cream, a chocolate covering, whipped cream, with a side of assorted fruit.

Alice Springs Water Play Area and D-Zone

Replacing the area previously occupied by The Boneyard Dig area, enjoy the cool down and wilderness aesthetics of Alice Springs. Based on the Springs of the same name on Pangaea, Alice Springs is a water play area for children with sprouting geysers and other aquatic interactive areas. A great shady is located on the sides of the Springs for parents and children to sit as well and possibly eat some ice cream from Frozen in Time. There's also a small rocky area acting as a transition point between the entrance/exit to Discovery Island and Glacier Gulch, adding to the ambiance and environment with a waterfall into Alice Springs.

Pangaea Walking Trail

In the same vein as Pangani Forest Exploration Trail and Maharajah Jungle Trek, our new land will add another walking trail to the mix: Pangaea Path. Here, guests will explore a well-worn trail through the various regions of Pangaea while being able to watch dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures in their native habitat. Animatronic dinosaurs and other creatures of the Triassic and Jurassic periods will thrill guests with their life-like movements ranging from breathing, snorting, crying, walking, and even roaring. While these creatures were known to be destructive and menacing as well, this path will explore the majesty and beauty of these creatures while allowing young and young at heart to revel in the wonder of these ambassadors of the past. This family-friendly attraction will not terrify young ones or make them believe they are counting down to their own extinction.

Winding through the densely forested region, guests will walk down this ancient path and step back in time as they spot creatures come to life in a way never experienced before. Guests will hear the calls of pterodactyls, feel the rumble of the earth as mammoth dinosaurs stroll through the forest, and even get to meet some of the prehistoric beasts up close. Guests will be able to interact with digital message boards located at each stop along the way so they can read, listen, and watch videos to gain insight into the creatures before them. Or, if they prefer a human touch, cast members will be standing by ready to offer more information to guests as well.

As day turns to night, guests will still be able to enjoy seeing these creatures in their habitat as soft lighting and illuminated paths make for easy travel down the Pangaea Path. All paths are ADA compliant and signs will offer braille as well.

Specific Stops:

The specific stops along the way will introduce guests to an array of colorful and intriguing characters:

Stop #1: A Herrerasaurus lurks in the forest while smaller animals cower in fear. Herrerasaur fossils are some of the oldest fossils ever discovered which date back about 228 million years to the mid-Triassic.

Stop #2: Guests watch a Stegomus, an early relative of the crocodile dating back to the Triassic Period, walk by the water.

Stop #3: Coelophysis, carnivores of the Late Triassic Period, walk amongst the bushes in search for food.

Stop #4: A Triceratops and its young share a meal.

Stop #5: Park guests come face to face with the King of the Jurassic period: the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Stop #6: Walking into an indoor air-conditioned cavern, guests begin to descend below sea level where they are faced with aquatic creatures of the Triassic and Jurassic period swimming in the waters. These HD television screens will shows these aquatic animals swimming right by the glass for visitors to watch.

Stop #7: Pterodactyl Perch: Allows guests to view Pterodactyls as they rest and sleep on a man made mountain and surrounding trees. Every now and then guests may see these flying reptiles take flight to find a new resting spot.

Stop #8: Next guests will find a Karamuru, a genus of prestosuchid archosaur from the Middle Triassic-age, and get to see it up close and even feel its fur.

Stop #9: Guests will enjoy watching gentle sauropods drink by the water. But, watch out, you may get sprayed with water. Fog effects will hover over the water.

Stop #10: Watch as a Stegosaurus and its young walk by swishing their large plated tails.
The Good Dinosaur: A Musical
In the musical, it will take you through different scenes and sequences throughout the good dinosaur following spot on their many adventures to find home. The musical is 30 minutes long in an inside theatre. The theatre is shaped in a square sequence, much like finding nemo the musical. At the top, you see the top of the tree tipped mountain where Arlo lives in the good dinosaur. The costumes will be puppets, as the Dino's will go over the actors head, much like in Lion King the musical. The only costume who will not be a puppet is Spot, who is played by a "face character". There will be multiple costume changes throughout the show depending on the character. There is a chorus included for background song sequences.
Songs included are:
-"On that wall" which is in the end of the first scene.
-"The storm provides" which is in the end of the third scene.
-"The multiple campfire songs" which is in scene four.
--"the tree tooth mountain" - which is in scene five.
-"the end is a new begging"- which is shown in the last scene of the show.

Scene one
The scene opens up with Arlo and his brother and sister, farming. You hear Arlo talking to his mother saying: "This is so complicating! I won't ever make it to put my mark on the wall." As he says that, on the right side of the stage you see a stone wall show up, with everyone's mark on the stone wall, except for Arlo's.
Arlo's mother follows saying,:" One day, you will be ready and will have enough in you to put the mark on the wall, don't worry Arlo, your time will come."
Arlo sings the song, "On that wall", and the lights fade our.

Scene two:
The scene then fades out to a river with Arlo's dad and Arlo, trying to catch their critter(spot)
Arlo's dad:" Arlo! Hurry we must catch that critter before the storm comes in!"
*lightning sequence, white flashes and Thunder noises go among the theatre*
Arlo's dad: "Alright Arlo, maybe we've gone too far.. We should head back"
*a few seconds pass by*
Arlo:" Dad! The river! The storm is making it come near us!"
Arlo's dad: "Arlo, go! Hurry!"
*they look at each other, and the audience hears a crashing sound, with that the stage turns black*

Scene three:
This shows Arlo and spot talking, bonding, and beginning to learn about each other's history. Arlo begins talking about his adventures, with what he's been through and how he wants to find his family. The background includes a "river" with a blue sheet of glass, with blue flashes of light, followed by a rock wall in the back. At the end before the scene goes black, Arlo and other "creatures" who will be ensemble, sing "the storm provides".

Scene four:
This shows Arlo meeting three dinosaurs, T-Rex's, sitting around a fire. Through this sequence, there will be campfire songs and a dog explaining the father T-Rex's story. The scene closes out by the lights shining out, and going black after the finished songs.

Scene five:
This scene shows Arlo and spot traveling on a walkway through the mountains. Through this sequence, a song "The three tooth mountain" plays as Arlo sings while touring the mountains on his way home. A fog machine is shown, along with pictures on the side screens of the stage showing different sunsets and dinosaurs.

Scene six:
This is the final scene of the show. This scene shows Arlo and spot coming back. While Arlo and spot are walking on stage, you see spots family come in greet him on one side of the stage. On the other side, you see Arlo's family there to welcome him back home. After this, Arlo and spot meet in the middle, hugging while saying goodbye. Through this sequence, a song called "The end is a new beginning" sung by Arlo and backup dancers is played. The lights fade out, and curtain call begins.

Towards the entrance/exit of the land and near the new Pangaea side seating area for the Rivers of Light and restrooms, walk through Pangaea's resident gift shop, Triceroshops. Designed like a walk through attraction, guests walk into the entrance of the shop on a pathway that snakes through the interior towards the exit. This design s based on Main Street USA, in order to keep guests in the shop and keep flow going through the entire shop. Inside you'll find merchandise ranging from clothes, memorabilia, trading pins, and much more.

On behalf of the cast of Gryffindor; @Tony the Tigger @disneydf @Fox&Hound @deere839 @Brer Panther @Mattyice16 and @spacemt354 - thank you for visiting the newest continent of Disney's Animal Kingdom...Africa, Asia, Pandora, and now...Pangaea.
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President of Progress City

This is what the headmaster; the greatest imagineer of all time; sent for his defenders against the basilisk! Its native country and its old relatives! Do you feel brave, Imagineers? Do you feels safe now?
Voldemort used to be cute?

What happened to you Tommy? What happened to your nose? Why are your ears weird? What happened?
Guys move all non-relavent discussion to discussion boards or I will be force to destroy another one of your Horcrux.


Original Poster

Silence, mudblood! I have tamed the basilisk for I am the heir of Salazar Slytherin, and Ginny Weasley, has opened The Chamber of Secrets when she found me, brought my soul back by accident. Now she will lie in the chambers forever, and you will be in the stomach of the serpent king.

*speaks in Parseltounge
Kill them all!
Guys the main reason why I just ask to keep the Main thread clear for just sign-ups, announcements, challenge prompts, and projects is because I've gotten some feedback from newer members who are having trouble finding important stuff when they have to search through a bunch of discussion.

So please...I don't mean to lay down the law or anything...but just for the future if we could keep all this stuff to the discussion thread where we can go nuts - that would be really appreciated!!


Well-Known Member
Imagineers and The Lost Continent:
A Slytherin Presentation

In the late 19th century, a mysterious and whimsical scientist known as Professor David Polar went on an expedition into Antarctica. There, he discovered the science and beauty of one of the most unexplored lands on Earth. He studied the distinct species of the continent, created a submarine fleet, and even unearthed a forgotten ruin. However, upon his death, it seemed his research was lost for the ages… until his grandson, a scientist named Henry Polar, created the International Center for Exploration of Ice-Covered Earth, or Ice^2 in 1954. His mission was “to give to the world a dedicated place to study the landscape and creatures of the poles, particularly the desolate, mysterious continent of Antarctica.” And today, here at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, the scientists at ICE^2 are inviting you to join them on their expedition. Welcome to…


Antarctica is the newest continent to appear at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, located in the unused plot in between Asia and DinoLand, U.S.A., towards the Everest side of the river. In an unique twist, the land is almost entirely indoors in a huge show-building; the setting being a mixture of Antarctic labs and huge ice caverns on the continent. The feeling of being in an icy, chilly wonderland is simulated by this indoor land, giving the hottest theme park in Florida some much-needed relief from the heat. The land has two distinct sections once inside; the sleek and modern labs of ICE^2, and the whimsical and colorful ice caves that include the lost research stations of Professor Polar. The land combines a 19th century steampunk aesthetic, modern scientific research and knowledge, and the beauty of a winter wonderland to make an interesting, engaging, and immersive land that all ages can enjoy.

Attractions of this land include: Legend of the Leviathan, an E-ticket high-speed dark ride through the lost ruins of an ancient civilization, culminating in an encounter with the legendary sea monster, the Leviathan. Submarine Voyage: Journey into the Antarctic, a D-ticket dark ride where guests board submarine pods to explore the ecosystems below Antarctica’s waters. Antarctica Ice Trail, a trail through the wilderness of the South Pole, featuring penguins, seals, and more. However, before we get into detail about these attractions, how about we take a walk through this land?


Basic map of the land.
The entrance to this land stems from the bridge in between Asia and DinoLand, U.S.A. Guests cross the bridge and pass through an arch transporting guests to “Antarctica,” and walk to the icy rocks pictured below surrounding the entrance to the land. The ice-capped rocks are the same color as Everest and are meant to shield view of the center from Asia and DinoLand. At night, they glow vibrantly in pink, purple, and blue. Now, let’s walk through that entrance and explore the land!


Exterior entrance to the rest of the land.

Inside, the Center is colored violet, pink, and white, and very bright. This keeps an appropriate feeling of ice and snow in the Center for the guests, but at the same time it’s still more warm and welcoming than the darkness, blue, and green that will characterize the “outside” portions of the land. The style of the center is modern and sleek. There are doors with signs that are labeled as offices, labs, dormitories, kitchen, and storage, and there are a few windows into a couple “Offices”. However, all of the Center the guests can access is the visitor’s area, filled with many different exhibits detailing Antarctica. Guests may find dioramas about Antarctic weather and seasons, a regularly-updated film about the effect of Global Warming on both poles, an interactive exhibit comparing the Arctic to the Antarctic, a three-dimensional timeline of a penguin’s life, and a large interactive map of Antarctica.

The dioramas of Arctic weather work a lot like the dioramas inside the old Tortilla Factory in California Adventure: There are forced perspective physical sets, and a screen that will show the wind, snow and Aurora Australis for winter, and the sun and some penguins in the summer.The film about global warming will be relatively small, playing to a full audience of about thirty guests every 8 minutes. The three-dimensional timeline of a penguin’s life has pedestals on which sit audio-animatronic penguins. One at a time, each pedestal is lit up and the penguins move for a few seconds, until continuing to the next. The map of Antarctica will take up the space in the middle of the Center. A model of antarctica showing it’s mountains, valleys, peninsulas, and so forth sits on a table. By pressing buttons on the side of the map, projectors above the map will switch between projecting the political areas of Antarctica, the settlements, known zones for different animals, and labels for the physical features. These exhibits even utilize MyMagic+, to display any needed secondary languages on a screen below the primary English text.

Exit the center to enter the vast and colorful ice caves. On end of the cave has some water below the walkways, and guests may walk on a dock created by ICE^2 leading to the Submarine Voyage: Journey into the Antarctic. On the other end of the cave, stands a grand mysterious ship frozen into the ice, drawing guests to the Legend of the Leviathan. Beside the Leviathan is the Antarctica Ice Trail, where guests can leave the caves to view the natural environments of several antarctic species. In the center of this section of the land is a large spotlight in the ceiling showing the skies of Antarctica. Here, aurora australis is created by projections and lighting effects, adding all the more to the wonder and beauty of this land.

And now that we know the layout of the land… let’s go into the details of the attractions themselves!

Legend of the Leviathan

The exterior facade of the ride.

The exterior is a large ship lodged in the ice, slightly back-lit so you can see it's "outline" in the ice. Outside of the ride is a mixture of strange steampunk equipment from the original expedition and modern excavation tools. The queue leads you through the ship and then out into the cavern. As you travel through the ship, you see artifacts from the unknown ship, from Professor Polar’s initial expedition of this odd ship, and recent technology from ICE^2. Each room has a tape player, and every few minutes, a voice of Professor Polar will come on and explain the story of the ride through a "recording" on the tape. You are in the ruins of the "Blue Whale," a pirate ship that was searching for the lost city of Atlantis, before becoming lost at sea. Before the loading room, there is a short pre-show, where you
"meet" (through a musion effect) the Professor. He excitedly explains he has rediscovered something amazing in the caverns, and a mysterious voice is calling him to it, but is unable to venture into the caverns on his own, and introduces the ride vehicle.


The ride vehicle, which is a similar vehicle and track system to Tokyo DisneySea’s Journey to the Center of the Earth.

Before you enter the loading space, you are handed a pair of "protective eyewear" (3D glasses), for your protection against whatever may await you ahead. You load the ride vehicles in a space where the ship's hull has been busted out, revealing a cavern of dimly glowing lights. The loading dock is lit by lanterns. When a ride vehicle is ready to depart, the ship’s lanterns dim and the lights in the cavern glow brighter and briefly, Atlantean symbols flash around the cavern. When the vehicle departs, the lanterns come back up as normal and the cavern lights dim back to normal.

The ride descent begins, still in ice caverns, and the professor comments on the scenery you pass by. After about 30 seconds, you hear him mentioning that he "forgot to account for the interference of the ice" and he gets cut off, leaving you alone. The riders pass through a cave of solid see-through ice. On the other side of the ice, swimming next to your car, is a giant killer whale. (An illusion achieved with screens hidden behind the sheets of ice.) The vehicle goes back into caves, but it starts to "warm" up in climate. Flowing waterfalls and strange plants and animals greet you as you pass into a large showroom. The largest showroom is a section of Atlantean ruins, using actual sets interspersed with screens that give depth to things further off in the distance.

Riders move into a "temple room" of sorts and then all hell breaks loose. The car loses power and the lights shut off. Suddenly from above, floating masks with glowing blue runes appear and strange voices explain: "You should not be here. Your presence has disturbed our magical wards. It won't be long now. Nothing can stop the curse. If you do not flee, you will become-" *the voices are cut off, the room rumbles and you hear a great curdling roar* "It is too late. Flee, mortals. Lest you wish to perish here below the sea." The lights come back up and the car decides it's time to get out of there. The car rushes into another room with high ceilings and large columns, surrounded by short tunnels that lead to different exits, the "Throne of Leviathan." The ground in the center of the room bursts open and from the water below, a giant figure rises. There, in front of you is the menacing Leviathan.


A diagram of the room with the encounter with the Leviathan.

The car rushes out of the room and into a cave, where your vehicle turns it up to 11. You reach a speed of 45 mph, speeding back "up" to the surface. As you turn corners in your ascent, you hear the menacing roars of the Leviathan behind you. The vehicle slows down as you enter the ice caves again. Riders are back in a room where there is a screen and the "ocean" behind a sheet of ice. Suddenly, the professor flickers back on the radio and exclaims that he saw what happened through the vehicle’s remote camera, and set off charges in the cave. The cave suddenly turns dark, and before one can realize what happened, a large glowing eye opens on the other side of the ice and the Leviathan roars again. The ride vehicle shoots off again and a flash of light and fog cannons signal an explosion behind you. The tunnel crumbles behind the riders in the darkness, and the cars arrive back into the original caverns. The professor expresses his excitement at your survival, and thanks you for your bravery. This thrilling experience exits into a nearby gift shop.

Submarine Voyage: Journey into the Antarctic

The exterior facade of the ride.

Inside the ice caves of Antarctica, stands the lost laboratory of the mysterious Professor Polar. Today being restored by the scientists at ICE^2, enter this facility to discover the lost submarine fleet. Guests will walk through the lab, seeing gadgets, blueprints, and notes left behind, all giving insight into this professor’s inventions, discoveries, and thoughts. Midway through this queue, guests will discover the submarine fleet is being restored by ICE^2 and are now ready to be used. Guests then board submarine pods, using the same ride system as 20k Leagues Under the Sea from Tokyo Disneyland, but with whole new vehicles that blend together a 19th century steampunk aesthetic and a modern science feel.

Once guests board, the submarine pod goes down into the water as the ride begins. Also like the Tokyo DisneySea submarine attraction, the suspended vehicles do not go underwater, and there is an effect using two glass panes that fill with water to give the illusion of going underwater. At first, it remains just below the water, and drifts slowly by some animatronic divers rescuing an animatronic injured penguin beside the ice. Soon after, the submarines dive much deeper into the Arctic ocean, descending right beside the large ice caps. The submarine descends into the first major show scene. The lighting is dim, but the outside of the submarine can be seen very clearly. The pod drifts by an enclave along the cliff, full of Arctic ocean animals. Specifically, multiple walruses are resting on an edge of the cliff, and some seals are floating along, greeting the riders. Clever lighting and animatronic placement gives the seals the illusion of swimming. But that’s not all; the submarines then swim beside a massive beluga whale animatronic, which also looks as if it’s swimming due to clever lighting and hidden supports. This grand encounter with a whale serves as the highlight for this first half of the ride.

After the encounter with the whale, the subs come across an opening in the ice. The scientists piloting the sub remotely decide to venture into this cave, and the sub slowly drifts in. Inside, it is extremely dark, so the scientists turn on a spotlight, that the riders can control; also like TDS’s 20k ride. The sub slowly goes through this cave, discovering a lost ruin, and an occasional shifting or rumbling is seen in the environment. This builds up until a tentacle bursts through a hole in the cave. The sub turns and out comes the giant squid! The giant squid is holding an older model of the submarine, similar to the restored one guests are riding. The scientists discover a way out of the cave, and drag the submarine pod to the exit, narrowly escaping the huge squid.

After the escape from the cave, the submarine is brought back up to the surface, arriving right below the surface once again. The scientists apologize about that encounter with the squid, and bring the submarine back into the boarding station. Then, the riders exit into the gift shop, which is shared between this attraction and the Legend of the Leviathan.

Antarctica Ice Trail
Like the rest of the lands at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, this area includes a trail to see the habitats of several species. The entrance to this attraction can be found in the “outdoor” ice caverns and leads “out of the caves,” into natural-looking and feeling habitats. The first half of this trail is by a penguin habitat, featuring a large lake for the many penguins to swim in. Species of penguin featured include emperor penguins, king penguins, and more. The penguins can be viewed from viewing spaces above the water by the dry ground, or from under the water through glass for when penguins are swimming around. The room is very large to give the penguins adequate homes and usually, animal trainers (themed as ICE^2 researchers) will be out and teach guests about penguins.

The next portion of the trail winds around a bit into a habitat for different species of seals. This habitat is similar to the penguin one, featuring a large body of water along with icy areas of land, with adjustments made for these other species and with different types of trainers out.

The final room of this trail is different, and includes several other bird species native to the antarctic. Species here include the wandering albatross, the snow petrel, and several other birds either native to the Antarctic or that often migrate to it. This room is also shaped around the needs of these birds, having a smaller and more shallow body of water. After this room, guests exit the trail close to the entrance of the trail, back into the ice caves.


    • ICE^2 Cafeteria - This land’s main dining option is a quick service restaurant located within the ICE^2 labs. It is themed similarly to the labs, however this section has large windows that show the “outside the caves,” with large ice caps looming off in the distance. Occasionally, a “snow storm” will come in outside the caves, using a similar effect to the rain in the Enchanted Tiki Room, except with snow. Food-wise, it is mostly standard quick service fare, with a few unique options such as chocolate lava cake so guests can warm up.
    • ICE^2 Gear - This is another, smaller gift shop located inside the laboratory area of the land. The merchandise here includes ICE^2 expedition gear, shirts, and more generic Antarctic themed merchandise such as plushes of penguins or seals.
    • Polar Outpost - This gift shop is themed to part of the outpost of Professor Polar. Being the exit shop of both the Submarine Voyage and the Legend of the Leviathan, it has plenty of merchandise of both of those attractions. Other merchandise options include steampunk decorations/outfits/etc., scientific toys, and more.
Overall, Antarctica is a grand, unique, and immersive new addition to the Animal Kingdom that brings new experiences, environments, and edutainment opportunities. From exploring lost steampunk labs, going on deep sea adventures, to learning about the modern research of the poles… this new continent rounds out the park in all new ways that anyone can enjoy. If you’re looking to explore a wondrous new land at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, look no further than Antarctica!

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Well-Known Member
Since Hollywood Studios is going to have have two new lands in the next couple of years. I thought up a brand new restaurant/night club called "Hollywood Land Club and Show" (The name is a work in progress) which is open all day from morning to park closing. The restaurant is themed after the Chip N Dale short "Two Chips And A Miss".

The Hollywood Land Club and Show is set during 1940s/1950's Hollywood and while it's never stated where the Night Club Chip and Dale are seen in the cartoon. This restaurant is similar to "Minnie's Seasonal Diner" at Hollywood & Vine but alot more fancier and relaxing. Night Clubs were a common trope during the golden age of Hollywood as seen in classic movies mainly Casablanca. The waiters and waitress are dressed in 1940s era clothing and tuxedos worn by males waiters. There will also be a stage in the middle of the building where guests can see Clarice along with Chip N Dale perform complete with a piano and Bass which can be performed live every few minutes during the evening. Unlike Club Villain/Club Mickey this place won't be seasonal.

This restaurant and Night Club can also be the new meet and greet location for Clarice. When guests go inside the place there is a section/room where people can be able to find Clarice. Clarice's meet and greet area is at a "Backstage" room near a hallway. The queue displays various photos and pictures taken of Clarice from her various Club performances since she's a singer and dancer as well as a few featuring her with Chip N Dale and a few love letters written from the duo. As you get much closer there is a door displaying Clarice's room name and a flower and Kiss mark from her is on the day. When you get past the door, you will find Clarice in her room complete with a desk with a perfume bottle,powder and makeup on her desk and a wardrobe containing the other clothes she wears each night. There is also a chair near the desk which also contains a mirror with a picture of Clarice kissing Chip or Dale. The room where guests meet Clarice also contains the song "My Destiny" which is the first song Clarice is singing in that short which can be heard in the room where you meet the beautiful and lovely chipmunk.

(So that is what my idea for what a new restaurant at would be at HS. I'm not done yet with this idea and will make a follow up post to this idea in the future. If anyone on here has any good knowledge with old Disney cartoons and has seen the short a couple times or has seen this short and are knowable with old school night clubs and diners feel free to give me some recommendations or some help by sending me a PM or reply to this post in order to help me with some great additions for this new restaurant. Who knows this idea might give Clarice more exposure to the public besides Japan and Paris and became an easy location to find her and making her a common character instead of being extremely rare.)
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