The happiest SMOKEbration on earth !!!

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Smokers are getting more and more by the dozen and walking around swinging buts, flicking them in the water etc. Whens enough, enough? I dont think this is being handled . I watched a guy get burned on his arm last sunday from a non-aware smoker that was swinging her cigerette arm , when the guy went around her they clashed and he shouted !! Then she stomps it out and keeps going oh well.

C'mon someone please sell these people a "MICKOTIONE "patch with a mickey on it !! :)


Well-Known Member
SKYWAY 4 ME said:
Smokers are getting more and more by the dozen and walking around swinging buts, flicking them in the water etc. Whens enough, enough? I dont think this is being handled . I watched a guy get burned on his arm last sunday from a non-aware smoker that was swinging her cigerette arm , when the guy went around her they clashed and he shouted !! Then she stomps it out and keeps going oh well.

C'mon someone please sell these people a "MICKOTIONE "patch with a mickey on it !! :)

Aren't there desginated places for you to smoke?? I can't beleive these people cannot walk to the nearest place to smoke, Disney tries to cater to everyone even is a shame.


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Yes there are designated smoking area's , but obviously people are gonna speed even with the limits. :wave:


New Member
If there are special places for people to smoke they don't follow them. People smoke all over Disney World, at each park, at every ride there is at least one. I wish things there were more like NY (smoke free). I love being able to not breathe in cancer.


Well-Known Member
DisneyRoxMySox said:
Aren't there desginated places for you to smoke?? I can't beleive these people cannot walk to the nearest place to smoke, Disney tries to cater to everyone even is a shame.

I wish they would just ban it all together. Even with the areas they designate, the smoke is very overpowering. Being allergic to it, it becomes unbearable. I hate it when the smoke is everywhere, my oxygen can't kill anyone so why do they shove thier smoke all around? I will stop now because I will get mean and hurt feelings and that's not why I am here. But, I hope Disney can kick this habit right out of the parks.


Well-Known Member
lownalo said:
If there are special places for people to smoke they don't follow them. People smoke all over Disney World, at each park, at every ride there is at least one. I wish things there were more like NY (smoke free). I love being able to not breathe in cancer.

I live in New York. I love it. I need to talk to ol' Jeb and Arnoald.


Active Member
I agree, I wish they will ban smoking all together. I hate it, but then again, some people hate things non smokers do... so it's a catch 22.

I was at SeaWorld on Saturday, and I saw crew members step up and make people put their cancer rods out! I was proud of them and told them thanks! It's nice to know some parks care about their animals and the guests.


Well-Known Member
crazydaveh said:
I agree, I wish they will ban smoking all together. I hate it, but then again, some people hate things non smokers do... so it's a catch 22.

Yeah, that breathing pure air always gets 'em. LOL! It really is a Catch 22 though, some of them think we are self-rightous and some of us think they are self destuctive. Oh well, one day America will get healthy,

I was at SeaWorld on Saturday, and I saw crew members step up and make people put their cancer rods out! I was proud of them and told them thanks! It's nice to know some parks care about their animals and the guests.

And that is one thing SW did right. If they have a policy, they should inforce it. I think if Disney inforced the smoking areas, some would feel denied and not smoke all together becasue they can't enjoy the parks thier way.

It's such a double edge sword, I just wish Disney would get consistant.


Well-Known Member
I am not a smoker and I don't live in a smoke free state. With that being said, on our last 3 visits to WDW we only saw a few people smoking out of area, mostly right down the middle of Mainstreet USA as they were entering the parks and CM's kindly told them to put their cigarettes out. There are so many "annoying" things that people do there is no way Disney can police every person entering the parks every minute of every day. I for one have a weak stomach and when (usually men and boys) go to spit I literally throw up, don't know why, the sound maybe, but its not pretty. Some people are anti strollers, but then some people are antiworn out kids ;) and lets not even start on dress codes....;)
Maybe Disney needs to put up great big signs or perhaps some people would like it if security held onto all cigarettes at the screening checkpoints? Unfortuanately it is human nature to get annoyed with other people, esp. when its hot and crowded to boot!


New Member
I'm a nonsmoker and when I went to WDW I saw smokers all the time. They don't care, they just break the rules were every they want!!


Well-Known Member
My cousin in a CM at Animal Kingdom. He is always telling me horror stories about asking smokers to put out their cigarettes. He said that he usually has to threaten to call security for people to comply with his request. He also says that they curse him out 9 times out of 10. I can't believe people are so rude when THEY are the ones breaking the rules that are CLEARLY posted everywhere!!

He also told me that CM's are required to ask smokers to put out the cigarettes if they are not in a designated smoking area.

DisneyChik17 said:
Yeah, that breathing pure air always gets 'em. LOL! It really is a Catch 22 though, some of them think we are self-rightous and some of us think they are self destuctive. Oh well, one day America will get healthy,

And that is one thing SW did right. If they have a policy, they should inforce it. I think if Disney inforced the smoking areas, some would feel denied and not smoke all together becasue they can't enjoy the parks thier way.

It's such a double edge sword, I just wish Disney would get consistant.


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cowboibabyy said:
If they ban smoking then they should also ban obnoxious mothers with strollers that run over my feet and never even say excuse me.

But do obnoxious mothers give you over 100 deadly chemicals just from smoke inhilation?

Look, it's fairly obvious second hand smoke has been proven to kill people! Basically, allwoing people to walk around the park with a cigarett is no different than allowing a person to walk around the park swinging a razor-sharp sword left and right. Children have been known to have serious asthmatic reactions to second-hand smoke. Now wasn't Disney originally built for children of all ages (both the young and young and heart)!

To me, it's foolish to allow people to smoke wherever and whenever they want in the parks. Look, just because you want to sacrifice the longevity of your life does not mean you should can make that decision for someone else!

Go to your emphysema pit (or as Disney calls them "designated smoking areas") and get on with your life.


New Member
I would just like to point out that smoking is an addiction and a very hard one to break. There are some smokers that follow the rules at Disney World like myself. I do not push my addiction on other people by smoking in the non-smoking sections of Disney World. I am quite sure that none of you have sympathy for these smokers that are killing theirselves but it is very hard to quit.


New Member
Disney is a family resort. It's made for children, smoking should be banned.
Horror story #1. My friend who smokes was in the smoking area at MK. Someone threw a butt on the ground. A duck-ish looking bird came along and ate it.
Horror story #2. In animal kingdom.A women threw her half smoked ciggerette on the ground and a toddler picked it up and imitated her smoking. it was still lit! TERRIBLE!!! His parents snatched i up really quickly but still...he was 2 years old and trying to smoke!


New Member
DisneyChik17 said:
I wish they would just ban it all together. Even with the areas they designate, the smoke is very overpowering. Being allergic to it, it becomes unbearable. I hate it when the smoke is everywhere, my oxygen can't kill anyone so why do they shove thier smoke all around? I will stop now because I will get mean and hurt feelings and that's not why I am here. But, I hope Disney can kick this habit right out of the parks.

I'd back you up there. Smoke in nasty (in my opinion) Yuk!

Dj Corona

Active Member
"If they ban smoking then they should also ban obnoxious mothers with strollers that run over my feet and never even say excuse me."
Add one more vote to that.

These never end on a good note...

Yep, ain't that the truth....didn't realize it was time for the monthly smoker/anti-smoker showdown. :brick:
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