The Hall of Presidents to reopen before Christmas

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No Name

Well-Known Member
When I was little, my mom would threaten to make me sit through the Hall of Presidents if I had poor behavior. This shell of an attraction is boring, the format is unengaging, the roll call prompts reaction, and overall, it does nothing to spark an interest in history. You have to make noise every once in a while just to check that you're still alive. Why not present history through action on stage? Heck, how about a presidential rap battle? A dance battle? A comedy thing? The bigger problem we have is not a lack of access to information, it's a lack of desire to learn that information. Get people interested.

The only reason this hasn't been shuttered or fundamentally changed, I suspect, is because they're holding off for the future. You bet the 2020 election refurbishment will see the seats replaced with pews so that we can worship at the heels of President Bob Iger. It won't be hard to turn him into an animatronic, all they have to do is make a copy of the current one.


Well-Known Member
There is a third choice, close it down for rehab and open it up again when the clouds have gone away. He did get to be president so he has to be represented in the lineup, but, he doesn't have to be featured. Featuring the current president was a relatively recent happening. Go back to the way it was and little will happen.
They did try to wait for the clouds to clear. It doesn’t seem they will clear, so they’ll quietly reopen and hope most people don’t notice. Opening it around Christmas also helps keep the story quiet as people are less glued to CNN.


Well-Known Member
They did try to wait for the clouds to clear. It doesn’t seem they will clear, so they’ll quietly reopen and hope most people don’t notice. Opening it around Christmas also helps keep the story quiet as people are less glued to CNN.
They have shut down other attractions for very extended periods of time. Some they reopened, some they didn't. Because of its potential for problems even if some are so naive that they don't think there is any reason for them, opening it is a real threat to it's continued operation. If Disney has enough hassles they will just shut it down because it will require to many CM's to keep the peace. Regardless, of what side one is on in this situation, it represents the chance of real deep set emotions that can lead to very bad things. Is it worth it? Not for a Theme Park it isn't. At some point in time, it will become clear which side is correct, but, until that time the mood is as volatile as Nitro Glycerin. Both view points think they are correct, but, factually only one side can be. Which side we fall on determines how we feel about it. The future will show who had insight and who did not.


Well-Known Member
They have shut down other attractions for very extended periods of time. Some they reopened, some they didn't. Because of its potential for problems even if some are so naive that they don't think there is any reason for them, opening it is a real threat to it's continued operation. If Disney has enough hassles they will just shut it down because it will require to many CM's to keep the peace. Regardless, of what side one is on in this situation, it represents the chance of real deep set emotions that can lead to very bad things. Is it worth it? Not for a Theme Park it isn't. At some point in time, it will become clear which side is correct, but, until that time the mood is as volatile as Nitro Glycerin. Both view points think they are correct, but, factually only one side can be. Which side we fall on determines how we feel about it. The future will show who had insight and who did not.
My issue is that there was a time not so long ago, when people were able to disagree with who was in the Presidential office, but they didn't bring those opinions out into the public with them unless it was appropriate to do so. This is no longer the case, unfortunately, and these days people will use literally ANYTHING to start a ruckus.

Lets Respect

Well-Known Member
I meant to write more above about the wax museums, but why would this be any different?

If no one has freaked out at a wax museum, which are also in high-traffic, touristy areas, like NYC, DC and.....Orlando... maybe WDW won't be any different


Well-Known Member
My issue is that there was a time not so long ago, when people were able to disagree with who was in the Presidential office, but they didn't bring those opinions out into the public with them unless it was appropriate to do so. This is no longer the case, unfortunately, and these days people will use literally ANYTHING to start a ruckus.
I would argue it is both necessary and appropriate to publicly share views of this President. Just not in a theme park. I enjoy purposely DISCONNECTING from the real world on vacation. If a tweet causes nuclear war, at least I’m with those I love in a place I love.


Well-Known Member
My issue is that there was a time not so long ago, when people were able to disagree with who was in the Presidential office, but they didn't bring those opinions out into the public with them unless it was appropriate to do so. This is no longer the case, unfortunately, and these days people will use literally ANYTHING to start a ruckus.
In this country it has never been acceptable to not speak out when government strayed from it's basic design. Only people that are subservient and to meek to speak out have kept quiet. If our ancestors had kept quiet you would still be singing God save the queen. The revolutionary war was indeed a major "ruckus". But, were they wrong? And since nothing in recent times has generated this form of descent after an election, then perhaps we should look at the reason why instead of attempting to bully people into quiet submission.


Well-Known Member
I would argue it is both necessary and appropriate to publicly share views of this President. Just not in a theme park. I enjoy purposely DISCONNECTING from the real world on vacation. If a tweet causes nuclear war, at least I’m with those I love in a place I love.

In this country it has never been acceptable to not speak out when government strayed from it's basic design. Only people that are subservient and to meek to speak out have kept quiet. If our ancestors had kept quiet you would still be singing God save the queen. The revolutionary war was indeed a major "ruckus". But, were they wrong? And since nothing in recent times has generated this form of descent after an election, then perhaps we should look at the reason why instead of attempting to bully people into quiet submission.

Okay...apparently you guys missed where I said "unless it was appropriate"?

I definitely think we need to be vocal about our opinions, but there is a proper time and place for it, and lately the world seems to have forgotten that. I'd never try to bully anyone into quiet submission, but these days things are way out of hand.


Premium Member
I am glad HoP is reopening and I look forward to seeing the video of the new show and hearing reports from the front lines. Unfortunately I just got back from WDW and won’t be back for a little while so I am depending on you guys to keep me updated.

For anyone interested in a “politics accepted” discussion on this feel free to use this thread:
Even if you have nothing to add stop in to see the picture of the inside of a dog’s ear that looks just like Trump;)


Well-Known Member
Y'know,...the thing is; We are ALL a big forum of Disney fans here and literally NONE of us would ever dream of shouting out something political or responding to somebody else doing it at HoP. This behavior just doesn't exist in us, especially in a place we love and respect sooooo much. So, by nature, we simply think that nothing will EVER happen.

However, there are PLENTY of people who dont share our love of these things and really dont give a damn about anything at Disney. There are many people that care more about pushing political ideas in a public and famous venue because political causes are all they think about everyday. There are plenty of people that "want" to get dragged out kicking and screaming on YouTube, CNN and Fox that night. It happens in Washington DC protests all the time.

Last year, I went to BOTH Trump's and Hillary's rallies. I saw plenty of "normal" people at both....but I also gotta say that I saw MANY weird and scary, overly zealous, crazy people in BOTH events too! And,...of these people, we wouldn't want to see any of "these" folks at HoP...lemme tell you.

So, some people say everything will be fine and others say it wont,...but judging at what I saw last year? I dont want any of THOSE crazies on either side sitting next to each other in HoP when Trump is talking. It's a recipe for nastiness.

Luckily I saw more "normal" people than crazy people at both rallies...but it only takes one to start something.

Who the Hell knows? Hopefully we will look back and laugh at this thread a year from now.



Well-Known Member
However, there are PLENTY of people who dont share our love of these things and really dont give a damn about anything at Disney. There are many people that care more about pushing political ideas in a public and famous venue because political causes are all they think about everyday. There are plenty of people that "want" to get dragged out kicking and screaming on YouTube, CNN and Fox that night. It happens in Washington DC protests all the time.

Last year, I went to BOTH Trump's and Hillary's rallies. I saw plenty of "normal" people at both....but I also gotta say that I saw MANY weird and scary, overly zealous, crazy people in BOTH events too! And,...of these people, we wouldn't want to see any of "these" folks at HoP...lemme tell you.

So, some people say everything will be fine and others say it wont,...but judging at what I saw last year? I dont want any of THOSE crazies on either side sitting next to each other in HoP when Trump is talking. It's a recipe for nastiness.

Luckily I saw more "normal" people than crazy people at both rallies...but it only takes one to start something.

I too saw both of their rallies, and I think that is one reason both you and I come at this similarly and see it pretty much the same way.

Here is the thing about the Trump rally I saw - I saw him speak for about 35 minutes (he went a few minutes longer, but we left because the crowds were huge and we wanted to get to our cars ahead of them - which of course made us a target for the hecklers as we left, and we just kept going and didn't engage to explain that we went to rallies to see what both had to say).

In any case, of that 35 minutes I heard him speak about various topics (the majority of it was actually about the opiate problem and mental health, as well as health care, as the area we saw him at was particularly affected by both) before I even got home I knew instantly the 20 seconds or so that would appear on the news networks that night. And sure enough, I was dead on. It was a snotty comment about his opponent. They didn't even mention a single thing about the positions expressed on issues (so people could decide if they agreed or disagreed), just the one brief sound bite they knew would rile people up. Riled up people = ratings. That's all they care about. That's why he is all they talk about 24/7. There has been more coverage of him in one year than Obama in eight.

So, perhaps you and I are wrong - maybe things will largely go smooth as silk (and since it's going to be opened very quietly, I am rather sure). But all it's going to take is one person with one cell phone camera capturing one other person standing up and screaming "NAZI!" when he speaks, and that ten second clip is going to be played over...and over...and over all over the national media and be passed around social media so fast it will create an instant cultural firestorm.

There is just no way it is not going to go down that way, and with Disney involved, it's going to be the biggest clip since the Access Hollywood scandal. And that's the least of what could possibly happen.


Premium Member
I too saw both of their rallies, and I think that is one reason both you and I come at this similarly and see it pretty much the same way.

Here is the thing about the Trump rally I saw - I saw him speak for about 35 minutes (he went a few minutes longer, but we left because the crowds were huge and we wanted to get to our cars ahead of them - which of course made us a target for the hecklers as we left, and we just kept going and didn't engage to explain that we went to rallies to see what both had to say).

In any case, of that 35 minutes I heard him speak about various topics (the majority of it was actually about the opiate problem and mental health, as well as health care, as the area we saw him at was particularly affected by both) before I even got home I knew instantly the 20 seconds or so that would appear on the news networks that night. And sure enough, I was dead on. It was a snotty comment about his opponent. They didn't even mention a single thing about the positions expressed on issues (so people could decide if they agreed or disagreed), just the one brief sound bite they knew would rile people up. Riled up people = ratings. That's all they care about. That's why he is all they talk about 24/7. There has been more coverage of him in one year than Obama in eight.

So, perhaps you and I are wrong - maybe things will largely go smooth as silk (and since it's going to be opened very quietly, I am rather sure). But all it's going to take is one person with one cell phone camera capturing one other person standing up and screaming "NAZI!" when he speaks, and that ten second clip is going to be played over...and over...and over all over the national media and be passed around social media so fast it will create an instant cultural firestorm.

There is just no way it is not going to go down that way, and with Disney involved, it's going to be the biggest clip since the Access Hollywood scandal. And that's the least of what could possibly happen.
Trump’s son already brought up ABC/Disney as the enemy in response to the Pochahontas comment so I would assume the media on both sides would love to have a clip of a Disney employee forceably removing a Trump supporter.


Well-Known Member
I find it interesting how they phrased things though. They only said Trump has a "speaking role". That's kind of vague. It's possible he'll just have a carefully picked voice clip in a new video if they've thrown one together, or just have his AA get sworn in, and not a full on speech. Which would kind of make sense, as I can't really think of anything he'd WANT to say in one that Disney would be okay with.


Well-Known Member
I too saw both of their rallies, and I think that is one reason both you and I come at this similarly and see it pretty much the same way.

Here is the thing about the Trump rally I saw - I saw him speak for about 35 minutes (he went a few minutes longer, but we left because the crowds were huge and we wanted to get to our cars ahead of them - which of course made us a target for the hecklers as we left, and we just kept going and didn't engage to explain that we went to rallies to see what both had to say).

In any case, of that 35 minutes I heard him speak about various topics (the majority of it was actually about the opiate problem and mental health, as well as health care, as the area we saw him at was particularly affected by both) before I even got home I knew instantly the 20 seconds or so that would appear on the news networks that night. And sure enough, I was dead on. It was a snotty comment about his opponent. They didn't even mention a single thing about the positions expressed on issues (so people could decide if they agreed or disagreed), just the one brief sound bite they knew would rile people up. Riled up people = ratings. That's all they care about. That's why he is all they talk about 24/7. There has been more coverage of him in one year than Obama in eight.

So, perhaps you and I are wrong - maybe things will largely go smooth as silk (and since it's going to be opened very quietly, I am rather sure). But all it's going to take is one person with one cell phone camera capturing one other person standing up and screaming "NAZI!" when he speaks, and that ten second clip is going to be played over...and over...and over all over the national media and be passed around social media so fast it will create an instant cultural firestorm.

There is just no way it is not going to go down that way, and with Disney involved, it's going to be the biggest clip since the Access Hollywood scandal. And that's the least of what could possibly happen.
THIS ^^^^
Mass media are quite adept at manipulating the general public and it's a shame that they do so at all, and an even bigger shame that so many of the general public are unaware that they're doing it ALL.THE.TIME.


Premium Member
THIS ^^^^
Mass media are quite adept at manipulating the general public and it's a shame that they do so at all, and an even bigger shame that so many of the general public are unaware that they're doing it ALL.THE.TIME.
Mass media has adapted to become just like the social media echo chamber that people tend to flock to these days. People want to hear a bunch of people who agree with them. Plain vanilla news doesn’t sell. You need the sensationalism and the conspiracy theories and the talking heads spouting their opinions.


Premium Member
I find it interesting how they phrased things though. They only said Trump has a "speaking role". That's kind of vague. It's possible he'll just have a carefully picked voice clip in a new video if they've thrown one together, or just have his AA get sworn in, and not a full on speech. Which would kind of make sense, as I can't really think of anything he'd WANT to say in one that Disney would be okay with.
They said “Trump will have a speaking role just like every president since 1993”. I wouldn’t expect it to be any different than the past presidents since Clinton. I’m sure the speech will be written for him and he will essentially be reading off a script. It will likely be mostly the same as the past handful of presidents. He won’t be making a campaign speech.


Well-Known Member
Trump’s son already brought up ABC/Disney as the enemy in response to the Pochahontas comment so I would assume the media on both sides would love to have a clip of a Disney employee forceably removing a Trump supporter.

Conversely, "the resistance" would adore a clip of Disney dragging an anti-Trump activist out of the theater, proving how "the man" is working for him.
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