The Hall of Presidents to reopen before Christmas

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Well-Known Member
Doesn't that (4 + 5) just exacerbate the situation?
Number 4 seems like a preventive measure to protect their property.
Number 5 seems like a reinforcement of 4, and a security measure to protect other guests if the situation gets out of hand.
Not sure how or why that would exacerbate the situation. Disney's own 4-keys state "Safety, Courtesy, Show, Efficiency", so I see items 4/5 hitting at least the Safety and Show. Not having someone in there to monitor and control the situation would be reckless, maybe even negligent and open them up to a potential lawsuit if things were to get out of hand.

I wonder what their procedure will be if they have an incident during a show. Full stop, lights on, additional security? Recycle all guests except those who were disruptive?


Well-Known Member
Mass media has adapted to become just like the social media echo chamber that people tend to flock to these days. People want to hear a bunch of people who agree with them. Plain vanilla news doesn’t sell. You need the sensationalism and the conspiracy theories and the talking heads spouting their opinions.

Mass media in all of its forms has been engaged in this long before social media showed up.
Yes, it's certainly gotten worse - but American mass media has been feeding us a biased agenda since as long as I became old enough to become aware of it - which was around high school in the late 70's.


Well-Known Member
There is a lot at stake here for this county whether you or others care to acknowledge it or not. This is not a game for a 3 year old. Nor is it a time to be silent. Because of that... I feel that opening it back up at this time would be a major mistake.
It's also a show meant to highlight the office of President. And no, it's not a game for a 3-year-old - any adult with respect for the office of President and for the people around them in the attraction should behave themselves. Whether or not you like who is in office is irrelevant to the attraction and what it stands for. It's not about the current president - it's about the office itself and it's history.


Well-Known Member
It's also a show meant to highlight the office of President. And no, it's not a game for a 3-year-old - any adult with respect for the office of President and for the people around them in the attraction should behave themselves. Whether or not you like who is in office is irrelevant to the attraction and what it stands for. It's not about the current president - it's about the office itself and it's history.


Why people can’t grasp that is beyond me.
Want to protest our brand of democracy? Our highest office? Your system of government? Want to Rant and Rave and Act Foolish because you can’t accept the results of an election?

Don’t do it at a theme park


Well-Known Member
Emotions do not have a particular time and place. If you feel them you have them. There should never be a boundary. Of course, doing that in a theme park attractions is probably non-productive, so perhaps it is even better that it happen there. Just don't sit here and say that expressing those beliefs is wrong because of location or that thinking that "it shouldn't happen there" will stop it from happening. We are discussing the pro and cons of having that show open at this time, not whether or not we can of should control the emotions of this country.

Self control should have a time and place.
And yes, it IS wrong to express your beliefs out loud at a show that others are trying to enjoy.
Consideration for those around you should, pun intended - "trump" ones need for self expression at a shared event such as HoP, a movie, etc.


Well-Known Member

Why people can’t grasp that is beyond me.
Want to protest our brand of democracy? Our highest office? Your system of government? Want to Rant and Rave and Act Foolish because you can’t accept the results of an election?

Don’t do it at a theme park

Exactly! Hopefully Disney is taking a hard stand on this as well, and anyone choosing to be disruptive will be dealt with quickly and silently.


Well-Known Member
Exactly! Hopefully Disney is taking a hard stand on this as well, and anyone choosing to be disruptive will be dealt with quickly and silently.


This is not a country where we omit history to cater to someone’s “feelings”.
The fact that people here seem to want that, is nothing short of crazy.

Let’s see what happens. I have faith in the vast majority of people at Disney. I think the ruckus will be few and far between.


Active Member
What is wrong with people?!?!?!

Seriously. What is wrong?
Have we forgotten how to act like civil beings?

If one can NOT control themselves when faced with their country’s own history.. then that is a Deep Personal Issue, which probably requires therapy. End of story.
I'm not sure you can call something that is happening as we speak history?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure you can call something that is happening as we speak history?

Do you not think that others on the other side of the political table did not view some of those recent Presidents as threats to the existence of the free world?
As steering the country right into the rocks?


Well-Known Member
It's madness to go to a themepark and heckle an animatronic.

What is wrong with people?!?!?!

Seriously. What is wrong?
Have we forgotten how to act like civil beings?

If one can NOT control themselves when faced with their country’s own history, by itself, but especially when represented in a theme park attraction.. then that is a Deep Personal Issue, which probably requires therapy. End of story.

Agree 100%. Stating one's political opinions or pitching a fit in a theme park attraction over who is currently in the oval office is the equivalent of a child having a temper tantrum, and will have zero affect on anything. (Other than possibly ejection from the park and looking like a complete jack-you-know-what on cell phone video.)


Well-Known Member
Agree 100%. Stating one's political opinions or pitching a fit in a theme park attraction over who is currently in the oval office is the equivalent of a child having a temper tantrum, and will have zero affect on anything. (Other than possibly ejection from the park and looking like a complete jack-you-know-what on cell phone video.)

As would be omitting a current President, due to fears over such behavior.
As I said:
Post a sign warning against it, stating that it will not be tolerated.
Station security to swiftly remove a person who causes such a disruption.


Well-Known Member
Right! There are many laws on the books about that. I'm sure!
Did I say it was illegal or did I say it was unacceptable?
The latter
Firstly, just because something is not banned by U.S. law, doesn’t mean that it’s allowed. HoP is situated on private property, so Disney can set its own rules regarding behavior at the attraction (whether it’s in their interest to have hecklers forcefully removed is a separate discussion, but they 100% can).

But aside from that, even if such behavior were permitted, that doesn’t make it appropriate or acceptable - it’s selfish. Disturbing the show for others is problematic on a moral level. There very well may be people in that theater who will never again have the opportunity to visit WDW or guests for whom HoP is the highlight of their trip. You would be ruining the experience for them.

If you believe it appropriate to use your political beliefs as grounds to make a scene at a show and ruin it for others, you would be entitled to that opinion. And I would be entitled to my opinion, which would be that that would make you selfish and a despicable excuse of a human being.

Jedi Stitch

Well-Known Member
Everyone thought Obama was polarizing, and in Jan 2016 I saw the ride. I enjoyed it, but had to live with a bit of booing and heckling, not just of Obama, but of the last few commentary presidents. I only hope people would learn to respect the presidency. It is larger than one man, and this attraction show cases the presidency very well.
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