News The Hall of Presidents is now open


Well-Known Member
Momma always said, If you ain't got sometin' nice to say, don't say nuttin a'tall. A shame some don't take momma's words to heart.


Well-Known Member
Momma always said, If you ain't got sometin' nice to say, don't say nuttin a'tall. A shame some don't take momma's words to heart.
Yeah. I'm not a fan of our current administration, but I really love the HoP show and what it represents. Booing a robot is like slapping a confrontational bumper sticker on your car. It just marks you as low class and changes nobody's mind. Presidents change and the Republic endures.


Well-Known Member
It's a pretty good show. The ending just peters out, unlike the last version which had a grand fanfare. I don't know if intentional or not (that's as close to political as I'm going to get).


Well-Known Member
Been a fan of the show for a long time. And while I haven't had the opportunity to enjoy the new show, I've only ever heard a "boo" once in the HOP. (It was for Clinton!)

I'll admit the last time I saw the show (pre-2017-inauguration), I semi-vocalized a bunch of cheers and boos, mostly for my wife's benefit. Among my 19th century "Boos" were Andy Jackson, Jimmy Polk, Jimmy Buchanan, Andy Johnson and Millard Fillmore (who I believe I was a little louder on - but I think I'm allowed, I wrote my Masters thesis on the guy's fugitive slave act decisions).

But I also realize I'm an extremely odd duck who has strong feelings about folks like Jimmy Polk and Millard Fillmore. Also, they were all done with a smile.


Premium Member
Saw it today finally (didnt watch videos prior). Felt kinda left leaning early... but the screen and imagetry all looked great. I didnt have a problem with how they integrated trump. His pot belly figure stands out more than his facial features IMHO.

Show felt more modern IMO. Its no amercian adventure... but doesnt feel stuffy at least


Well-Known Member
Saw it today finally (didnt watch videos prior). Felt kinda left leaning early... but the screen and imagetry all looked great. I didnt have a problem with how they integrated trump. His pot belly figure stands out more than his facial features IMHO.

Show felt more modern IMO. Its no amercian adventure... but doesnt feel stuffy at least

I saw it this week to and I thought like you it’s was a little left leaning at times and how one man cannot destroy the country. But overall it was a good show and I think formthe first time I can remember really about the presidents.


Well-Known Member
I saw it this week to and I thought like you it’s was a little left leaning at times and how one man cannot destroy the country. But overall it was a good show and I think formthe first time I can remember really about the presidents.
To be fair, the "one man cannot destroy the country" message is a good one for everyone to hear in these days of political polarization. I think we need to be reminded that we are the ones who appoint our leaders and we have the power to replace those leaders, which many people in this world do not have.

Not to say that one truly determined and awful person can't do a lot of damage. History has shown that they can. However, the US is in a better position than a lot of other countries insofar as there are measures set down in our Constitution to remove presidents who overstep their bounds and break the law.

With all of our faults, the US is still looked upon in a lot of ways as an example to which others aspire. We make mistakes, sometimes terrible ones, but we at least have a system of government that allows for change and our presidents throughout our nation's history have been a symbol of that. That's what I love about the HoP. It shows people who see it that, when we are at our best, America is a wonderful country.


Well-Known Member
Never understood why it seems to be such a badge of honor to say that you've fallen asleep at an attraction.

Because it's universally dull and easy to poke fun at. It's one of those things that no matter who you are (except for a small minority) you are all in agreement.
I have yet to make it through the entire attraction, what can I say it puts me to sleep immediately.


Well-Known Member
I think that says more about you than it does the attraction.

Not sure what that means (what deep psychological thing does it say about a person :rolleyes:) but hey I totally admit, I'm a chemist, I hated history and geography in school with the intensity of 10 nuclear explosions.
I totally admit to finding it dull as dishwater. I'm the gal whose mom was a Civil rights attorney and refuses to go the African American museum and I told PBS that I would triple my donation if they agreed to stop showing Ken Burns documentaries :plol

It's boring to me. Now let's get an attraction with the great female scientist and I'm there.

Maybe there's a tee shirt there.


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