News The Hall of Presidents is now open


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Additionally, unless this type of behavior is acceptable at any other Disney attraction, it's not acceptable at HoP.
If someone screamed at metal and wires on Pirates, at Haunted Mansion, in Dinosaur etc. would we use dismissive language?


Well-Known Member
Who knew that in the real world of reality, it is perfectly acceptable behavior to yell in a theater during a show. I think I’ll go to the Shakespeare Festival and yell about how Shakespeare was pretentious and tried to act smart by using hard words.
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Well-Known Member
You knew that in the real world of reality, it is perfectly acceptable behavior to yell in a theater during a show. I think I’ll go to the Shakespeare Festival and yell about how Shakespeare was pretentious and tried to act smart by using hard words.
I went to a performance of the Florida Orchestra the other night where they played John Williams' music while the Harry Potter film Chamber of Secrets was shown on a big screen above them. We were encouraged to cheer and shout, boo and hiss during the performance. It was a great time!
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Well-Known Member
The idiot who heckled is a comedian who wants 15 minutes of fame (and seems to have found it). Otherwise, reports seem to be pretty much business as usual (barring security’s presence).

While I acknowledge our society is as fractured politically as ever, I think that largely the response (non?) to this show so far shows that a vast majority of us are indeed civilized, mature adults. I know much talk is focused on this stupid attention-seeker, but the bigger story is what hasn’t been happening - mass chaos and heckling.


Well-Known Member
As an old-timer who saw Disney's "Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln" at the 1964 World's Fair, audio-animitronic presidents have come a long way.
That Lincoln is (or was) in the One Man's Dream exhibit.
Another World's Fair breakthrough was the Carousel of Progress that used huge computers w/tape drives and balky switching equipment housed in the center of the carousel. That equipment now fits in a small laptop.
No longer do you strap sensors to a person to program the movements.
Now a computer generated AI is directed by clicks of the mouse and saved for final tweaking.

Side note: the father in Carousel of Progress is also the narrator in A Christmas Story, Gene Shepard.

The biggest breakthrough for more natural movement was creation of "compliance", software and hardware that
create more fluid - less jerky and natural movement. Marty Sklar and Bob Gurr come to mind.
Motive hardware continues to shrink as does the size of computers that operate them.©
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Well-Known Member
Who knew that in the real world of reality, it is perfectly acceptable behavior to yell in a theater during a show. I think I’ll go to the Shakespeare Festival and yell about how Shakespeare was pretentious and tried to act smart by using hard words.

Except that's exactly what people did at Shalespeare's plays...

"Shakespeare's audience was far more boisterous than are patrons of the theatre today. They were loud and hot-tempered and as interested in the happenings off stage as on. One of Shakespeare's contemporaries noted that "you will see such heaving and shoving, such itching and shouldering to sit by the women, such care for their garments that they be not trod on . . . such toying, such smiling, such winking, such manning them home ... that it is a right comedy to mark their behaviour" (Stephen Gosson, The School of Abuse, 1579). The nasty hecklers and gangs of riffraff would come from seedy parts in and around London like Tower-hill and Limehouse and Shakespeare made sure to point them out:

These are the youths that thunder at a playhouse,
and fight for bitten apples; that no audience, but
the Tribulation of Tower-hill, or the Limbs of
Limehouse, their dear brothers, are able to endure.
(Henry VIII, 5.4.65-8)

Mabillard, Amanda. Shakespeare's Audience: The Groundlings. Shakespeare Online."


Well-Known Member
The biggest breakthrough for more natural movement was creation of "compliance", software and hardware that
create more fluid - less jerky and natural movement. Marty Sklar and Bob Gurr come to mind.
"Compliance" was originally developed by a company called SARCOS, not Disney. As an aside, SARCOS also developed the high-speed motion system for dinosaur robotics in the Jurassic Park ride.


Well-Known Member
Did you see his comment? He said that anyone who was upset by his behavior interrupting the show, needs to “check their priveledge”.

This guy is a loser and shouldn’t be getting any attention.

To the guy: Um, no. I just paid $100+ to enter the park. YOU don't have the "privilege" to do whatever you want. I have the expectation that I will get to experience an attraction without interruption. Not because some other guest thinks I have to "check my privilege" while he doesn't have to check his.


Well-Known Member
To the guy: Um, no. I just paid $100+ to enter the park. YOU don't have the "privilege" to do whatever you want. I have the expectation that I will get to experience an attraction without interruption. Not because some other guest thinks I have to "check my privilege" while he doesn't have to check his.
Exactly!! The hypocrisy is astounding.

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