So it's made the rounds that the Muppets were intended to have a large presence in Hollywood Studios in its early development but the plans fell through. They once planned a whole ride parodying the Great Movie Ride. With the closure of the actual Great Movie Ride, do you think The Great Muppet Movie Ride would be a nice addition to the park? Yes, I'm well aware Disney does not have any space to place this in Grand Park unless they'd like to bulldoze the new Cast Service building or the new parking lot they just paved. But that aside, how do you feel about this idea? I think it would be a win-win since Disney would get its IP representation while many people get a nice tribute to an extinct attraction that they loved. I'm sure there would be plenty of naysayers claiming the original was better (I'm sure there would be truth behind it) but it's better than no Great Movie Ride? And, if done in the same format, it would be an awesome attraction for capacity in a park that desperately needs it.