Hey everyone. I just got back from the World on Thursday and have had a little time to start a trip report. I will add on to this as I get some pictures organized but I wanted to start out with a few trip notes as a precursor to my full report.
The Good
The Ugly
The Good
- My wife and I did the Deluxe dining plan this time and all I can say is WOW. To take advantage of it you need to do some ADR's a few months in advance(which we did) but you will make out like bandits.
- Had the chance to eat at the new restaurant Sanaa and it is quite a fantastic place. Go in with and open mind on the food and you will be pleasantly suprised, and no restaurant can beat the view (maybe Coral Reef).
- I tried out with 4 members of my family for Idol and had a ball. My sister in law made it to the final round and what a great time.
- We stayed at the Poly for the first time and it was great. We were at the Tahiti building and it was super quick to hit the TTC from where we were.
- La Cava Tequilla bar is a spectacle to be seen and tasted if you like your mexican based beverages...10 out of 10 for this place.
- I had a great time in SM. The upgrade looks great and the ride is much smoother. I know it wasn't a total redo but it was great in my book.
- Got to take my 3 month old son to WDW for the first time. I had a great time and all the parks and their baby care centers are great. I even got hooked on Phineas and Ferb while sitting in one.
- Pop Warner and their cheerleaders...get a handle on your kids parents. What a group of jerks.
- Went to Universal for the first time and though it was fun it couldn't even come close to the magic of WDW.
- It rained for 2 1/2 days straight..booo.
The Ugly
- I was threatened by a lady in fast pass line at TSM because I let my whole family pass by me to get into line. I didn't skip in front of her...i just brought up the rear for my family and she wanted to fight me. She was removed from the ride by the cast members for screaming vulgarities at me, my mom, and sister.
- Fulton's Crab House went from a favorite of mine to being the bottom of my list in 1 year. I was rushed in and out of that restaurant by the staff (30 minutes to get seated, eat and get my bill with dozens of open seats) so fast I could hardly believe it. I would not recommend anyone go there for the price they charge.
- The film for Soarin is getting really bad...do something WDW.
- I had to fly back to Michigan weather.