The Flu 😷


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
So getting back to my question, is any one currently in or recently visitied the parks? I have read FB posts so of mask use and visibly sick people.
Came here for some real updates as the FB Disney Pages can be a little over the top...

I was there over the MLK holiday - this past weekend. Don't remember seeing anyone with masks. Or any obviously sick visitors.

My advice. What others have said. Wash your hands regularly. Try to avoid touching rails, walls, any surface everyone else does. If you do, use hand sanitizer. Get plenty of sleep, eat well - by that I mean not lots of junk - stay hydrated.

Even better advice? Stop getting your news from Facebook. And yes, you are obsessing about this. Waaaay over obsessing about this.

And get a flu shot.


Well-Known Member
As far as observing people in the parks -whose going to be up to walking around a theme park with an H3N2 infection? The real problem here, is that the virus is passed along before symptoms begin. Good hygiene is the single greatest preventative, IMO. Still, the risk of airborne transmission is always present, particularly with so many people congregated together. According to the CDC, this year's outbreak is the most widespread since flu since tracking began, and is also causing a greater number of serious complications due to the variant. At the end of the day however, visiting WDW may not really be much different from shopping in a crowded mall in terms of exposure. We've got a trip booked for February and are in a "wait and see" pattern right now, mostly because we have a very young child, and these and the elderly are particularly vulnerable if infections occurs. If it were just my wife and I, it wouldn't even be a second thought, tbh.
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Well-Known Member
I just want to second what the above poster said. Do you seriously think you are going to see people up and about WDW with thre flu?? Would you feel up to touring the parks if you had body aches and a fever and cough?? No—you are not. But you may be exposed to someone who has the virus and isn’t showing symptoms yet. It guess what—this virus is so prevelent and wide-spread that it is everywhwere! Your odds are just as high of contracting it at home grocery shopping or one of your kids or DH bringing it home from school or work. Get the flu vaccine so if you do get the virus, you can lessen the severity of symptoms. Unless you have a medical reason for not getting the flu vaccine, get it!! Where I used to work, it was mandatory that you get one. Because I had a severe allergic reaction to one (sadly), I had to jump through so many hoops to get out of not taking the vaccine, it was almost physically painful!

Make sure if you are flying to wipe down the seat back tables, window shades, and do t touch the magazines (or wash very thouroghly). If you cough or sneeze, for heavens sake, cover using your ARM not your hands (SO GROSS)!! And maybe people are using masks as a preventative measure, not because they are actually sick. And for heavens sake...relax!! You are going to WDW, not the wilds of a war-torn 3rd world country!


Well-Known Member
Seems like every year theres a new panic. Something is going on that guests fear they will come in contact with on a trip to WDW. Looking back theres been the Swine flu, Norovirus, Measles, Norwalk Virus, Strep Throat, Zika Virus, SARS... on and on and on these pesky things have all visited WDW. Guests have cancelled their trips or panicked about the possibility of getting caught up in these outbreaks. I dont recall any of the parks or resorts being shut down or quarantined because of a major epidemic. So dont panic and use reasonable precautions and youll be O.K.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thank you all...yes I am Freaking out because that is what a Mom of 6 Germy, hand rail licking children does;)
I figured the FB reports Of masked guests with obvious flu/walking dead like symptoms were overblown. Which is why I asked here...
Of course we will wash our hands that is one thing my kid do, with out being asked.


Well-Known Member
First the flu is everywhere in the USA, not just Florida. The risk of catching the flu is egually as great in all places where there is human contact. There is no cure for the flu outside of bed rest and comfort measures that relieve the symptoms of the flu. It has to run its course. The CDC alert went out to all healthcare institutions. So roll the dice and have fun, I would say however if you are flying on an airplane they are breeders of stuff just wash your hands regularly and avoid sneezers if possible

Oh by the way I'm heading over there now.
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Well-Known Member
My family is very healthy. We are big hand washers and do not touch our face or eat anything unless we have washed our hands(not use the sanitizer). I have never had the flu and neither have my children. We do not get the flu shot. My family does not do well on it. The only time anyone in my family(mom, grandma) have ever had the flu was within a few days of the 1 time they got the flu shot. When my sister worked in a hospital(in the office) they made her get the flu shot and she got the flu every year. Now that she does not work there and does not get the shot, she has not had the flu. I think for some people it could help. But there are others where it is the opposite.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
First the flu is everywhere in the USA, not just Florida. The risk of catching the flu is egually as great in all places where there is human contact. There is no cure for the flu outside of bed rest and comfort measures that relieve the symptoms of the flu. It has to run its course. The CDC alert went out to all healthcare institutions. So roll the dice and have fun, I would say however if your are flying on an airplane they are breeders of stuff just was your hands regularly and avoid sneezers if possible

Oh by the way I'm heading over there now.
Have Fun:)


Well-Known Member
If it makes y'all feel better, a couple of years ago I caught Mono after a Disney World visit...that was fun.

Germs are everywhere man. (Hopefully, there aren't any hypochondriacs on this site :cautious:)
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ᗩLᘿᑕ ֊ᗩζᗩᗰ

Hᴏᴜsᴇ ᴏʄ  Mᴀɢɪᴄ
Premium Member
Get your flu shots now (it's not too late) but realize that it may be as little as 10% effective.

Bring hand sanitizer in little looped bottles that dangle from your bag (and USE it - often).

And finally... Wash your hands, filthy people! 🙄

I can confirm that yes the flu shot is practically useless this season. Mine was anyway. :mad:
But don't discount it. Always get a flu shot!


Well-Known Member
Just what my wife and I do.... To US? "It's the Airplane, Stupid....." :). There is NOTHING like a Disney Flight full of sick people that have paid their money, and by damn they are GOING :).

We ALWAYS wear H1N1 rated surgical masks when flying. We eat nothing, drink nothing.
Disney proper? Wash hands a LOT - with bleach based Hand Sanitizer after every ride (those hand rails? Pretty much snot rails).

We still get sick, on occasion. But a lot LESS than when we started going to WDW. You can't run around in a space suit, but common tricks?

1) Carry a bandanna in the parks. When trapped with a cougher in Philharmagic? Cover your face.
2) Cougher while walking? Stop breathing for about 10 feet (takes training - but works).

Now - with all of this? I got nailed on our Nov 2017 trip. Dear wife, about a week later. There are no guarantees. But we've gone down from "sick every trip" to "sick every 4-5 trips".


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
I don’t understand your kind. ;)

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