The end of Wonders?


Account Suspended
Ah, the joys of Disney's incompitent communications departments...

No such release EVER went out to the public. Not through their official news website, not through mailers, not emails, nadda, zip, zilch.


Here's a copy of the email Guest Services sent me on Tues:

Dear Brian,

Thank you for contacting the Walt Disney World Resort.

The Wonders of Life pavilion in Epcot is now operated on a seasonal
basis. The attractions in the Pavilion, Body Wars, Cranium Command and
the Making of Me will be available during periods of anticipated peak
attendance. The quick service dining and merchandise locations in the
pavilion have ceased operations.

If you have questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact

Please include your full name, E-Mail address, and reservation number if
applicable on all correspondence.

Thank you!


Suzanne Walden

WDW Online Communications

PLEASE NOTE: All information is subject to change without notice and
should be confirmed just prior to your visit.

Original Message Follows:

Good Evening,

I Noticed on the web site that Body Wars and Cranium Command will be
reopening on Feb 1st. Is this true?


**************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.

This seems to condradict everything we have heard about the pavillion being permanantly closed. Was Suzanne Walden lying to you? Or did we all just get bad information when we found out it was closed permanantly?....


No, she just says what she is told.

Well I really wish what she's told turns out to be true, because I'd love to ride Body Wars and Cranium Command one last time! I can't see them ever opening up again though.... seems like these attractions (especially Body Wars) would need a lot of routine maintenance, and I don't think they've been getting any.


Park History nut
Premium Member
^ Don`t count on it. Although I believe the simulators are regularly cycled through we`ve seen this pattern happen all too often before - Horizons, 20k, Rocket Rods spring to mind.

Guest relations just relay the official stance from the PR department, who quite often don`t know themselves.


New Member
Original Poster
Well I really wish what she's told turns out to be true, because I'd love to ride Body Wars and Cranium Command one last time! I can't see them ever opening up again though.... seems like these attractions (especially Body Wars) would need a lot of routine maintenance, and I don't think they've been getting any.

I'd really love to ride them again to. The last time I rode them was back in 2003 before the pavilion went seasonal.


Is it 5:00 yet?
I went to WoL back in '96 during my Grad Nite stay and I wasn't very impressed with the pavilion. I remember doing Body Wars but for some reason we never did the other things. It doesn't hurt my feelings any to have it closed. I just wish they would do something with the pavilion. Either tear it down or rehab it into something else..:shrug:


Its always sad when a pavillion closes down-but just think of the possibilities
for a future pavillion! I'm sure they will come up with something fantastic!

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Why do they need a permit to run cat 5 or 6 cable? Is the county that strict?
In the state of Fl you technically have to file for a permit for almost any update or repair to a building. A normal Joe like you or I can get away with quite a bit but Disney has to cross every T and dot every I.


I can't for Disney to tear this down building something new in that site. They should do the same thing with the Imagination building and build something new, but still keep Figment as the main character of the paviliion.

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