Its official as a cast member at the disneystore in North Carolina its looks as if the stores are here for good. The buyer (The Childrens Place) has purchased all of the origional 312 stores and we are going strong at 319!! And for all of you Mickey fans out there a new store prototype has been developed and built in many areas called The Mickey Store. With little touches of disney everywhere you look, trust me its not as bad as those god awful Castle Stores that look like a hospital.:hammer: Anyways I am glad to say that the disney name and reputation is still maintained, and the Childrens Place corporate office and leaders love to take chances. We also have this cool new thing called Everyday-Low-Value, now i know what u all are thinking WALMART but its much better then that with the low values like 2/$20 or 3/$22 any additional item after the 2 or 3 is also at the reduced price!!!! The Childrens Place is currently searching for a new developer for our adult line so that the young and young at heart can continue to love their favorite character. So next time u see a Disney Store or a pair of bright RED EARS (Mickey stores) walk on in and see what you can find, but make sure u check every fixture there is always magic right around the corner. Anyways if you got any questions post em!! You all have a magical day!:sohappy: