The Creator Games!: An Imagineering Competition


Well-Known Member
Alright guys, new announcement. As you know, over the past few days we have been trying to find the best way to solve the potential issue of people being busy or having an emergency, while also staying fair to all contestants. After further review and input from contestants, we felt that our recently proposed system was just too complicated and not really a great system.

This revised rule will give you just one forgiveness. If you have an emergency and you can't submit on time, just let us know ahead of time, as much ahead as possible, and we will allow you to submit up to 2 hours past the due time. However, this is just one chance to do this, you cannot use it every challenge. You have only one forgiveness for posting late.

Hopefully that'll just simplify it all, and make it really just a back-up in case of an emergency.
Doesn't this basically change the previous rule to just two hours instead of four (and they now all have to be used at once)? Me no likey ( but me must deal-y :shrug: )


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Doesn't this basically change the previous rule to just two hours instead of four (and they now all have to be used at once)? Me no likey ( but me must deal-y :shrug: )
Well, yes. But that's for multiple reasons. Now you won't have to wait 4 four hours for results in case someone doesn't reply, it makes it more of just an emergency system thing only, and it is accommodating the other side that doesn't want or need the extension.
If you (or anyone) has an idea feel free to PM us! :)


Well-Known Member
Sorry I forgot to post the live link to this, but @JokersWild, @Sam4D23, @englanddg and I just recorded the latest "Profiles" podcast on Discovery Island. It's personally my favorite "Profiles" podcast thus far because the conversation goes into some really interesting places regarding the nature of the American "road trip" and changing trends in tourism. Major props to England for his insight. Be sure to check it out!



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Session 3: An Island of Discovery
AoI Challenge

AoI, or Aspects of Imagineering, Challenges focus on the little things that make up an attraction or an area, but are still greatly important. These challenges are only 24 hours, but are optional to whether you play or not. There are some restrictions in terms of rules, but the winner will receive an advantage going forward.

Your second AoI challenge requires you to work with a brand new type of island of discovery- Tom Sawyer Island!

You will have to work with a very simple yet important aspect of elimination- How do you create an interactive experience that draws all sorts of crowds? Tom Sawyer island is fun, interactive, and unique, but the experiences there don't quite attract everyone, and is often overlooked by casual visitors to the Magic Kingdom.

Your goal- Create brand new interactive and exciting experiencesto make Tom Sawyer Island a more prominent, unique, and overall fun Magic Kingdom experience.

Challenge due Sunday, May 17th, at 7:00 PM EST along with the Concept Creation challenge. You only have 24 hours to complete this challenge should you choose. You may have no more than 2 pictures and 10 sentences, and you must include a musical selection to listen to while we read the post.
You do not have to compete, though the winner will receive an advantage in the game going forward. It could just end up being vital to your success ;)

Good luck!
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Well-Known Member
Team Treasure Presents:
Athel Island, An Outdoor Adventure Park
By @DisneyPrincess1993, @RMichael21, @tcool, @orlando678-, @TheOriginalTiki, @MCParradox and @JokersWild

Walt Disney World is a place where you can live a beautiful fantasy or an exciting adventure. The young and the young at heart can play together in an escape from the real world that we all live in. This was showcased more than ever in Walt Disney World's earlier years at Discovery Island, a now abandoned section of the resort's property.



Coming in Summer 2019 is an all new, unique experience to the Disney Resorts World Wide. Athel Island will be an exciting half-day park experience that will allow guests of all ages to have their own adventure!

Backstory and Mythology
A group of travellers led by the legendary explorer Ezkiel Athels get caught in a deadly storm and shipwreck on an island in the middle of an uncharted region of the Pacific Northwest. When they arrive, all they discover is an odd shaped rock shaped like an idol of sorts. After going through the island, there's no other inhabitants on the island, not even deer or any sort of wildlife. Once they have explored, they find that they enjoy the island, with it's rushing creeks and bursting geysers. However, they find that the most beautiful trait of the island is the gorgeous mountain that rises above the treetops.

After figuring out how to survive in the unforgiving, but beautiful wilderness, the villagers learn how to fish for food, which plants are edible, how to build homes and other survival techniques. As the community grows, they learn more and more about the wild and discover new artefacts and items unknown to the outside world. So, they decide to have traders go out into the world to trade and spread the stories of the island, which they have named Athel Island after their heroic leader. But they also believe their prosperity is due to the idol who looks over the island and gives the villagers good karma for every day and every night..

General Theme
The theme of the island is based off of the wilderness of an untouched Pacific Northwest island, featuring giant redwood trees, rocky creeks, and multiple geysers across the island.

Boat Ride
Guests travel to Athel Island on small steam ships, reminiscent of the boats found on the world famous Jungle Cruise, or the existing steam boats ferrying guests between Magic Kingdom and Wilderness Lodge / Fort Wilderness.

After boarding their vessels, guests are treated to a 15 minute cruise around Athel Island as they are told of the history of the island. The cruise ends with a short trip through Goff Caverns, a beautiful natural cavern lit by stunning multi-colored crystals, geysers and waterfalls. The boat enters the caves underneath the mountain, where the guests see several scenes before arriving at the dock. Guests will encounter AA bats, see the beautiful caverns and escape an active geyser, which erupts out of the caverns and out of the side of the mountain, adding a layer of kinetics akin to that at Typhoon Lagoon.


Guests can disembark their boat on Athel Island inside Goff Cavern, emerging out of the caves into the central village, from where they can experience many attractions..

The park features many adventurous activities for guests to enjoy. Guests can have their own adventure at the following experiences. For more details, see below:

- Cave Exploration Trails
- Wilderness Hiking Trails
- Rock Climbing Walls
- Mountain Ziplines
- Scenic Ziplines
- Treetop Adventure
- Geyser Splash Pads
- Wilderness Explorer Adventure
- Fishing pond & Salmon Creek


Rising up from Bay Lake is a new structure that will become an iconic landmark of Athel Island. Mount Athel rises six stories in the air and is the primary location for more physically demanding activities. The mountain will have a light brown appearance save for patches of grass in various spaces. Redwood trees will be strategically placed so they're smaller as they go up the mountain and bigger near the bottom, giving it a forced perspective look of appearing much taller than it actually is.

Hollowed out within the mountain is a series of man-made caves for safe "cave exploration" on the Cave Exploration Trails. Think of this as a network of caves all tying back into each other, essentially a big maze with three different cave paths all criss-crossing at various points. This is similar to Injun Joe's Cave on Tom Sawyer Island, except on a grander scale, and with elements of Disneyland's Rainbow Caverns thrown in. The cave exploration trails inside Athel mountain will have some small interactive halls with projection effects, AA bears, diamonds and more. One of the games the guests can play is similar to the indoor queue game from the Seven Dwarves Mine Train. Magic Bands can be tapped to the games and interactive elements for a personalized touch (like the guest's name appearing in the waterfalls).

Going up the mountain will be various Wilderness Hiking Trails, where you can hike all the way to the top of the gently sloping mountain. There will be three trails, one of which is the most extreme and uphill. One trail is the lightest and fastest way to get to the peak, and the other is essentially the "Scenic Route", winding its way around the mountain in such a way to afford great views of the surrounding areas.


Rock Climbing walls will also be naturally worked into the sides of the mountain, again at various levels ranging from a 20 foot Kid's Climb to the 70 foot expert course to get to the very top.

Brave guests will also be able to partake in one of the most popular outdoor activities in modern day tourism...the Zipline! Once again, there will be three different ziplines at various points along the mountain. One right at the peak will give guests a real rush as they careen down at a steep angle, by far the most thrilling offering of the entire park.

Slightly below the peak guests can ride a Scenic Zipline that is much longer than the "thrill" version but not nearly as steep of an incline, affording guests a lot of good views as they zip back down to the bottom. Finally about 40 feet up will be a beginners zipline where you can go back down the mountain at a relaxing pace, minus any steep incline. Perfect for kids who are unsure rather or not they're ready for the bigger courses.


Also starting on the side of the mountain is the Treetop Adventure. Nestled among the trees is a small building in the style of Wilderness Lodge, where guests can put on their safety harnesses. From here, another zipline takes guests down the mountain and into the redwood forest below, where they will begin their high-ropes adventure. Several unique challenges face the guests on this aerial course, passing over most of the island before returning guests the the base of Mount Athel. You must be at least 48" tall to take on this adventure.

Throughout the park, there are countless weather-resistant animal audio-animatronics. These AAs will be similar to the ones in the extinct Journey into Nature's Wonderland attraction at Disneyland.

Guests can also go to the Fishing Pond, or Salmon Creek Fishing Point. Here you can rent fishing poles and catch a variety of different kinds of fish. However, you must throw back all of the fish to keep the ecosystem of the park intact.

For the kids, the Geyser Splash Pads will be a great place to cool off in the hot Florida sun. Tying part of the backstory into this attraction, everyone from the entire family can enjoy the geysers just like the villagers on the expedition did.

Finally, moving over from Disney's Animal Kingdom is the Wildnerness Explorer Adventure. Using the same system, it allows guests to become a Wilderness Explorer. While based on the Disney - Pixar Film UP, ties to the movie will be kept loose in order to keep a more consistent theme throughout the island.


Along the creek, a quick-service restaurant will be featured that serves a variety of seafood, meats and greens. A wooden terrace overlooks Bay Lake, as the location occupies the former Discovery Island dock area. This location is only open for lunch. A select few menu items are showcased below:

Fish Tacos:

Fish and Chips:

Garden Salad:

Gourmet Bacon Cheeseburger:

Easter Eggs

No Disney experience is without it's Easter Eggs! Throughout the island are subtle references to the island's past and different Disney references only fans would understand! These include tie-ins with Wilderness Lodge's backstory, references to Discovery Island's real past, references to Rainbow Caverns and the Mine Train Into Nature's Wonderland at Disneyland, and references to various imagineers.

MyMagic + Implantation

MyMagic+ as many will know is a way Disney has made planning a trip less stressful. MyMagic+ comes with several features. These features are Disney's FastPass+ System, the Magic Bands, and even My Disney Experience! However for Athel Island only two out of three of these great features will be used. Those two being the Magic Bands and My Disney Experience.

On My Disney Experience guests will be able to check the time for the next ferry to Athel Island. They can also use this same feature to find out when the next ferry is leaving from Athel Island. If wanted guests can take a survey made just for Athel Island. Using this survey My Disney Experience can help guests find what's best to their liking on Athel Island. On my Disney Experience guests will also find out which activities are closed for the day rather it be by weather or anything that may occur. Finally guests will of course be able to see what time Athel Island opens and closes along with various activities located on the island.

The Magic Bands will of course still be used to enter the park. If of course the guests has one. With scanners that can track Magic Bands within the park guests can be welcomed to the park by name by the cast members. The cast members can even suggest activities based on their Athel Island Survey results on My Disney Experience. That is all for the Magic Bands.

Construction/Opening Timeline

2015 - Discovery Island begins to be cleared. New construction walls and barriers go on the island and in the water.
2016 - Construction on Mt Athel commences, along with the activites built into and around the mountain.
2017 - Construction commences on the fishing holes, geysers, and other small things.
2018 - Construction ends on various smaller things started in 2017.
2019 - Athel Island Opens to the public.

In sum, Athel Island will be a place where every guest of the Walt Disney World Resort can come and have the adventure of a lifetime!​


Well-Known Member
If you are waiting to read our teams submission, well, I'm afraid you are out of luck. We have nothing to present. That's right, nothing. Due to extreme inactivity from one group member (never posted at all), and a few other members posting only once a day and not really contributing that much, we couldn't handle it. And I'm not throwing anyone under the bus, really none of us did nearly as much as we could have, including me. I would like to personally thank @jdmdisney99 and @ctxak98 for being our teams two driving forces creatively, without them we probably would have never gotten off the ground (and we aren't that far off it now). I tried to remind the team of how much time we had, but not many got the message I guess.

Pretty much all we had was a theme, and some very, very basic ideas of what we would want, but nothing close to substantial enough that it would even be worth it to post. It would probably embarrass us even more than we already are.

I would like to apologize to @IDInstitute, @spacemt354, and @Sam4D23, the judges for not letting you do your job, and to Team Treasure for not competing (although you are probably glad :p).

Well, there you have it, not much else to say.


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Original Poster
Session 3: An Island of Adventure
Concept Creation Challenge Reviews

It's been an interesting week, and the stress and challenges of teamwork became evident. First of all, before we begin the CC reviews, it appears that no one was able to do the AoI challenge. Not a problem, however this reward/advantage (which shall remain a mystery) is now out of the game.
Now, to critique the Concept Creation Challenge projects....

Team Treasure (@RMichael21, @MCParradox, @DisneyPrincess1993, @JokersWild, @TheOriginalTiki, @orlando678-, @tcool)
Very nice project guys! The Athel Island concept is a nice addition, something that is a perfect replacement in terms of a unique activity. Great introduction and well written! In addition, wonderful art, whoever that was! ;) (My only nitpick about the art is that to me the first picture kind of looks like the Contemporary is on the island, but honestly I'm being too critical. It was great!). The back story feels a bit cliche, but a good way to set the table for all sorts of experiences. Also, I wish you included a map or some sort of stats about this mountain you added in there, as I feel it would be very hard to get it to fit. I like the boat ride a lot, as it makes the transportation, which is usually the boring part, an exciting attraction a part of the experience. As far as the attractions go, they were very well done. My favorite is probably the Cave Exploration Trails for its uniqueness, and the Zipline sounds fun, but it will seemingly have terrible capacity and an insanely long line, which is a problem. I appreciated how you made specific note to mention MM+ and construction timelines, as asked, for some sort of realism element, though in this area specifically I noticed a few grammatical errors. All in all, you did a great job turning once-amazing Discovery Island back into a unique and interactive WDW attraction with all of the activities it offers to guests! Well done! :)

Team Discovery (@Matt7187, @InfiniteRightEar97, @jdmdisney99, @Brer Panther, @ctxak98, @Darth_Disney, @Vipraa)
It's disappointing that you guys weren't able to post anything. As it says in the first page of the comp, something is better than nothing, and I wish you guys at least took the time to write up something presentable. And, there were some really good ideas brewing in your PM, it's just the time issues that got in the way.

Well, the final judgements won't be that big of a decision, but we'll bring them to you soon.​


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Original Poster
Session 3: An Island of Dicovery
Concept Creation Challenge Final Judgements

Team Treasure, you had a phenomonal project this week, something you should definitely be proud of! Team Discovery, unfortunately luck was not on your sides, and you couldn't pull out a project.

Of course, the winning team is Team Treasure. All members now have an extra CC win added to their profile.

Team Discovery, well, you lost. The plan was to have you all now compete in a Sudden Death challenge.


Team Discovery member @Vipraa has contacted us competition hosts, and after a busy week and not seeming to be free in the future, he has decided to pull himself from the game. Life gets in the way sometimes, and we wish him luck with his work/school. :)
To the rest of Team Discovery, you can consider yourselves saved ;)

This hereby closes the third session of The Creator Games! Session 4 will roll out momentarily.​
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Original Poster
Session 4 Opening
Session 4: Sudden Death Showdown!

So far, in this competition, the format has been pretty straightforward.... A concept creation challenge, and maybe an AoI or SD or so....But as promised, get ready for some twists ;)

As you may have noticed, usually the video goes along with a Concept Creation challenge. However, this session will consist only of Sudden Death challenges, in a very different way than before.

There will be three Sudden Death challenges, the first two you will compete in teams, the last one individually. If each team loses/wins one of the two first SD challenges, each team will cast a vote against one of their players. The two with the highest amounts of votes cast against them will compete in the third SD challenge, meaning two from each team. However, if one team loses both of the first two SD challenges, then the entire team will compete in the third SD, with the winning team being completely safe.

Now that we got the unique format out of the way, let's go through our 13 competitors who've made it here:

@MCParradox- 2 CC Wins
@DisneyPrincess1993- 2 CC Wins
@RMichael21- 1 CC win, 1 AoI Reward- Poison Apple
@TheOriginalTiki- 1 CC Win
@orlando678-- 1 CC Win
@JokersWild- 1 CC Win
@tcool- 1 CC Win
@InfiniteRightEar97- 1 CC Win
@Brer Panther

Now, soon we will role out the first Sudden Death challenge. Remember, it is important to win it, or it could right away put you in grave danger.

However, there's still probably one huge question remaining...What are our teams though?! Well, remember how I said the teams are there for the foreseeable future? ;) That's right, you are keeping these teams into this next session.

Lastly, for being the winning team, Team Treasure will receive a small yet helpful advantage in the first Sudden Death challenge.

And with that, this quick-paced session is off! Good luck!​


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Session 4: Sudden Death Showdown!
Sudden Death Challenge 1

As you know, in this session, we have many different small challenges prepared to test you all in smaller aspects to help see who would make a great WDI Imagineer. So, welcome, teams, to your first of three Sudden Death challenges!

WDI wants a new mountain attraction, but management wants to bring JttCotE to WDW. This causes a rift among imagineers who want to be more creative. With that said, in your teams, your job will be two-fold:

A) Decide where to place the attraction in WDW - it can go in any WDW theme park - just make sure it can actually fit in the area you place it in, logistically and thematically. Explain if anything needs to be re-routed, demolished, etc. Please include a map for reference (does not have to be hand made, can just be a simple google earth shot).

B) Decide how to make this version of JttCotE unique to WDW. Think of how "clones" of attractions (like DCA vs DHS ToT) share the same story, but they are told in unique environments. How do you change the facade, decor, attraction layout, etc, in order to make JttCotE unique to WDW?

Challenge due Tuesday, May 19th, at 7:00 PM EST. You have 48 hours, so be sure to work quick. You have no limits in terms of pictures/text/presentation. You are competing in teams still, and you will work in the team PM that the judges will create. The losing team will receive the disadvantage described in the session opening post above.

Now, for Team Treasures advantage. Because you won the Session 3 Concept Creation Challenge, you have a bit of an edge over the other team for this challenge, and this one only. You guys have the power to put the attraction anywhere you choose, however Team Discovery is limited to putting it only on new plots of land. This means no taking away attraction currently there or re-routing backstage areas. Any questions, please ask us in your team PM.

Just for reference- The Teams

Team Treasure

Team Discovery
@Brer Panther

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Well-Known Member
If you are waiting to read our teams submission, well, I'm afraid you are out of luck. We have nothing to present. That's right, nothing. Due to extreme inactivity from one group member (never posted at all), and a few other members posting only once a day and not really contributing that much, we couldn't handle it. And I'm not throwing anyone under the bus, really none of us did nearly as much as we could have, including me. I would like to personally thank @jdmdisney99 and @ctxak98 for being our teams two driving forces creatively, without them we probably would have never gotten off the ground (and we aren't that far off it now). I tried to remind the team of how much time we had, but not many got the message I guess.

Pretty much all we had was a theme, and some very, very basic ideas of what we would want, but nothing close to substantial enough that it would even be worth it to post. It would probably embarrass us even more than we already are.

I would like to apologize to @IDInstitute, @spacemt354, and @Sam4D23, the judges for not letting you do your job, and to Team Treasure for not competing (although you are probably glad :p).

Well, there you have it, not much else to say.
I would like to second this. I do wish I would have done more for this project but I REALLY wish everyone could have seen this idea come to fruition. It really would have a been a cool and unique experience and its a shame no one really got into it.

Again Sorry to everyone and the judges! Hopefully we can redeem ourselves this round!

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