Okay, a more in depth review from me...
MAJOR SPOILERS... read below at your won risk
I am not kidding...you better be familiar with the books and want to see some spoilers if you read what is next.
Last chance to turn back
Okay...here we go.
Very true to the book. There were some changes and additions made. The entire river scene is not in the book. There were some small changes regarding the kids entering the wardrobe. The battle scene is not in the book, we learn from Peter the story of the battle. The movie did a great job of laying it out...even the scene of Edmund taking out the Witch's wand.
Actors and Characters:
Aslan, is of course Aslan. He is in a class all be himself, as is Jadis. Other than that, Lucy and the Beavers steal the show. The kids acting is wonderful. I think back to the first three Harry Potter movies and the acting in LWW make those poor Harry Potter kids look foolish. Harry clearly needs to take some lessons from Lucy on how to do a convincing crying scene. Top notch all the way around. By the way...for those that know their Bible, look for Aslan to quote Jesus and his final words on the cross.
I am still not sure how I feel. I need to see the movie again and hear the music a few times to make a final judgment. There just didn't seem to be that one tune that says “This is Narnia”. You get that music stuck in your head from movies like LOTR, SW, Gladiator, Titanic...you know that music when you hear it and right away think of the movie. I will just have to see it again.
Effects and Scenery and Costumes:
Costumes were wonderful...the armor being the best (look for Mr. Beaver.)
Scenery...wish I could have seen more, but very, very nice anyway.
The CGI, without question, was great. The animals in the battle scene were done very well. The Fox seemed a little strange to me...but, my experience in dealing with a talking fox is limited, so that could be it. Aslan was very majestic, I was not disappointed in him at all.
There were a couple of “not so great' looking blue screen shots, however, after I got home I saw LOTR TT was on and just happened to see couple of questionable blue screen shots, so I dropped my concern.
Well, having waited for this since I was ten (so 30 years), almost everything was emotional to me. But the best, happiest, and saddest things about the movie?
The Stone Table scene, the Coronation(the look on Edmund's face is priceless), Aslan ripping Jadis' throat out (no, they don't show it, but you can sure picture it in your mind),the Beavers holding han...er, paws, The look of Professor Kirke (boy, are people going to be shocked to see his story, huh). Very sad seeing Susan and knowing her destiny
The movie gets Five Stars from me.