My other piece of advice is to not take out student loans if you can help it. You want to pick a school that's a good fit, at the same time, you want to not be paying for your education indefinitely. What I did was applied to schools that were out of my price range on the sticker value, and then a few that were commutable and within my price range, and then when the scholarships came through, we made the decision. There was only one school where I wasn't offered any scholarships; I could have gone to Towson University near Baltimore for free, but it was a horrible fit, so I ended up going to a private school where I had enough scholarship money to cover most of my tuition; my parents covered the rest.
UCF is a great school. You should strongly consider it. Especially since you're not quite sure what to do, they have a ton of programs so you can explore. I wanna say they're the second largest school in the country? And they do give scholarships, and your grades are good enough that they should offer you something.