Yesterday, they were split into districts. 2 per district, and there is only 8 kids. My DD is upset because she is the only girl paired with a boy, and he is also the only one who hasn't read the books. But, they made posters while watching some of HG part 2. She was too busy to tell me much more than that. At some point, they are supposed to have a chance to try out archery. It is just for one week in the afternoon. Perfect for just a "fun" camp. Every day will be something different, so I'll let you know what they did today, later.
And the catch is it is August in Florida, and no one knows what to do with the whole zika thing. School starts in the 'burbs soon, although some have started already. Southwest out of Midway. 54 there on the 16th, and if you stay a week, 54 on the 23rd. If you need to come back on the weekend, 89 for Saturday. Can't remember the last time I have seen prices this low.