It takes less than an inch to shut Raleigh down if the cold remains and the snow doesn't disappear almost instantly. I had just driven down from Vermont for Christmas and I was staying in a hotel. I had to get back to my daughters house to get something to eat because all the places to eat were closed tight. I was used to driving in snow and unplowed areas so I just cleaned the snow off my car and headed out. Some of the streets in Cary are 8 lanes wide and I had it all to myself. Made it there with no problems and no danger of other traffic. My son in law had thrown away any semblance of a snow shovel when they moved so his driveway was untouched.
Down here they still have the mistaken belief that you don't send the plows out until after the snow has officially stopped falling. That means that many of the plow drivers couldn't get to the plows much less drive them, which caused further delays. In Vermont if a big snowstorm is expected they are out there parked in the rest areas on the interstate highway waiting for the storm to reach them and they start clearing and sand/salting the roads before they get unpassable. It's a much better system for everyone's safety as well as keeping businesses open. Rough on car bodies, but I can replace a car, I cannot replace my life if I get into an accident because of ice and snow on the road.
The next day in NC the temperature went well above freezing and by the 28th it was all pretty much gone and I drove home where, like a forecast of things to come, there was zero snow on the ground. However, a few months later when I officially moved it was very cold the ground was white with that frozen stuff and snow flurries all day as they were loading the stuff on the van and spitting a few flakes as I left and headed south. That was on April 15th and tells you everything need to know about how I anxiously, with no doubts, made that move to a more enjoyable climate.
I have predicted for years that there was a change happening. The south went from almost never having snow, now to crippling storms and states have had to invest in snow removing equipment. That was something that didn't exist in the 80's. Being over three quarters of a century old I know that I won't be around for the big deep freeze, but it is going to happen and end up with snowbirds heading north instead of south for the winter. That means that
@MinnieM123 will have to move to Florida to get that cold snowy environment that she insanely loves so much. I'm sorry, it's a little harsh to say "insanely" lets just call it an unfortunate misconnection of brain electrons and their firing sequence. It's so sad, if she would just take her meds regularly, who knows, she might be cured.