The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
My dad is a character.

A few weeks ago, he got frustrated with his phone. I suggested that he buy a new one, since his is a hand-me-down from my mom that she didn't want anymore because it was absolute carp (and still is). "I just bought a new car; I don't want to spend anymore money." Fine. Okay. Seems reasonable, even though I showed him an inexpensive phone that would work for his needs so that he would stop complaining to me every time his phone doesn't work.

Fast forward to today...he's in his office on the computer
Dad: Come look at these Jungle Cruise napkins!
Me: I thought you weren't going to spend anymore money.
Dad: I wasn't, but it's 28% off, and they're Jungle Cruise napkins! I also want this trashcan salt shaker and this artwork.

Yeah. Won't buy himself a decent phone, but gotta have those Jungle Cruise napkins!:rolleyes:
Don't you know by now, Disney themed spending doesn't count!


Well-Known Member
Have I mentioned how much I hate the cold?

I've had a cold this week. So far, only minor asthma symptoms (as in doubled up on the controllers and inhaler as needed).

Had to go out in the cold today. By the time I got back in, I was wheezing. Now I'm on nebs every few hours.

I am moving to Florida after graduation. So moving to Florida.
If this cold keeps up you might just get a roomie! LOL


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
Either the cold has really gotten to me or I'm having an early mid life crisis!!!!! On my way home from shopping I got my cartilage pierced!:confused: It still stings a little, but I'm going to put a Disney earing in it when it heals up a bit!:D
Which cartilage?
I've had three nose piercings and one helix piercing.
My body has rejected them all.

I have double lobe piercings, so that's not the problem. Just the cartilage. :(

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