The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
That's sad. The reason I loved kindergarten was that there were plenty of toys to play with. I also loved finger painting! The kids had fun. I think at the end of the school year I could read a few words, and I could print my name.

Somehow, I survived . . . :rolleyes:;)
Don’t forget the clay. I remember there was a boy in my Kindergarten class that ate it. :depressed:


Well-Known Member
I really, really hate that movie.

But I love "I Could Have Danced all Night" and "Wouldn't It be Loverly?" But preferably the Julie Andrews versions.
My mom had the record and it was something she played on weekends while housecleaning. I knew all the songs by the time I was 7. I also remember watching the movie when it was on tv and sing along. It brings back good memories for me.


Well-Known Member
I ordered a lot of stuff last night. 1st item stated delivery tomorrow. It didn't come. Looked up my order of 16 items, the item that should have come today says tomorrow AGAIN lol.

Not as humorous the items scheduled for Thursday now says must be home to sign for. Ugh.
Sympathy like. Maybe the bad weather has something to do with it? Speaking of bad weather, @93boomer , and @Goofyernmost ,it looks like some bad weather is headed your way by the end of the week.


Well-Known Member
I went to kindergarten...for 2 weeks.
We moved to No Cal from Alabama in ‘68 towards the end of the school year. I made the age cutoff limit (on the younger end) by a few days, so my folks decided to enroll me to sort of get used to it for those 2 weeks, then they would just have me do the whole kindergarten year the next school year and that way I would get the whole experience and would be with kiddos more my age.
When school got out after those 2 weeks the teacher told my folks that she thought I was plenty ready to just go ahead and move on to 1st grade the next year, so off I went...
As a result, I went through the entire rest of my schooling considerably younger than most of my classmates, and a year-ish younger than more than a few.
I didn’t even turn 18 until almost 5 months to the day after I graduated from HS...the drinking age was 18 here back then, so almost all of my classmates were old enough to buy booze for a good chunk of our senior year...!!!!! :hilarious:

I do remember a bit about kindergarten and enjoying it, but, not a whole lot... :cyclops:
I definitely remember more about first grade. Even though I can’t remember my teachers name, I can picture her like it was yesterday...and she also played the autoharp and sang to us. I remember 1st grade being pretty darn fun...!!! :)

And, for anyone unfamiliar with an autoharp... :)

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I remember my kindergarten and first grade teachers. They both had very long straight hair. One had brown and one blonde. Either that or I am remembering the women from The Magic Garden show. :hilarious:


Well-Known Member
Dang it. Got invited to my five year class reunion. They found me. :cautious:

Not that it's hard; all they would have had to do is type in my name on Facebook...
And the organizer and I have mutual friends, so...

I don't think we ever had a 5 year. My class had a 10 year that I didn't go to. My class has a fakebook page that they automatically put me in and some kid really wants them to have a 15 years this year but the year is almost over.

Out of 400 people I graduated with, I talk to like 2 people. I liked a girl all four years of high school but she's overly religious and got married (facebook knows all).


Premium Member
Thank you but I my not make it that long. never got my nap because the phone rang all day:banghead: Land line is going by the end of the year:D

Can't you just turn off the ringer and let the voicemail pick up? We screen calls through voicemail all the time. Not a fan of ringing phones. (The people that call because they dialed a wrong number, don't leave messages, so it cuts out the annoyance wrong number calls as well.)


Well-Known Member
Can't you just turn off the ringer and let the voicemail pick up? We screen calls through voicemail all the time. Not a fan of ringing phones. (The people that call because they dialed a wrong number, don't leave messages, so it cuts out the annoyance wrong number calls as well.)

I have my voicemail shut off :hilarious::hilarious: My parents are the only ones that call the house phone anyway.


Well-Known Member
Dang it. Got invited to my five year class reunion. They found me. :cautious:

Not that it's hard; all they would have had to do is type in my name on Facebook...
And the organizer and I have mutual friends, so...
My goodness... 5 years? Why so quickly? No one has even had time to change hair styles in 5 years. To think that I had my 50th reunion two and a half years ago, time sure does fly. All my class had was a 25th and the 50th. I signed on for the 75th already. Attendance should be light! According to the census out of 245 classmates, we have only lost about 22 of them and we are all at least 70 now. Just less then 10%. Don't know if that is the average, but, it seems good to me since I am one of the ones still here.


Well-Known Member
Yes, happy memories! That's what kindergarten should be for all little kids.
My youngest daughter met her best friend in Kindergarten or what passed for one back then. They have never lost touch with each other even though one is in NC and one in Vermont. They were each others maid of honor and married in the same year about 6 months apart. They visit each other when they can. They talk on the phone two to three times a week. She has become part of my family. In fact, I am referred to, by her, as Dad II. I guess there is no telling what event or chance encounter can lead to a life long friendship. Honestly, they would do anything for each other. Gotta love it! :inlove::happy:


Well-Known Member
I just made the cut off for Kindergarten too... and I knew how to tie my shoes and read some, and my mom was like, SEND HER! LOL So I was 17 when I graduated too with 4 months to go until 18.
I gradgeated (without honors) in June of 1966 and turned 18 in July.
I did get a perfect attendance award for my senior year. Documented evidence that I indeed took up space in the school and, if nothing else, proved that I could be counted on to show up. I'm very proud of that! :D


Premium Member
@donaldtoo @Rista1313 @Goofyernmost
Can I play the graduation game too? I started kindergarten at 5 but was enrolled in a “progressive” school and the following year was placed in the 2nd grade equivalent class (traumatizing for a little girl who did not understand why she was suddenly in a class with her best friend who was a year older and had started school a year before me.)

My family moved to a different state a year later, one with “traditional” grades. Though I tested into 4th grade, they enrolled me in 3rd so I would not be the youngest by 2 years....which was a good thing in the long run as I still graduated high school at 17, with 8.5 months to go until my 18th birthday.

Driving age was 17 so I couldn’t drive until my final semester.

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