The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
He came through surgery fine! They removed a few clots and a couple others have shrunken with treatment. They're going to keep a close eye on him, and he's hopefully going back to regular hospital again later today!

We leave Sunday morning. We'll be at the airport at 5 am!!

This is awesome news!!!!! :joyfull:
Again, so very sorry for being so far behind... :cyclops:
But such great news...!!!!! :)
And hope y’all have the bestest trip ever...!!!!!!!!!!! :joyfull:;):)


Premium Member
Scary novels or movies and me do not get along! The Shining was the scariest movie I ever saw, and that was enough for me. I don't even like the "Scary Movie" series. Just don't have the stomach for that sort of stuff. The upcoming movies we are planning to see are "The Nutcracker", the new Mary Poppins film, and the new Harry Potter film. Pretty tame and no scary dream stuff.;)
Looks like my list but with our schedule we may only get to HP


Premium Member
I'm sorry he was ungrateful. That is really rough. I've been dealing with that a bit with A because her dad gives her a lot more things than I do. He might not be old enough to truly understand practicality. I wasn't until I was older and now as an adult I appreciate how practical my mom was with gifts.
{{HUGS}} just a word of warning once support starts to get pulled he may turn into an even bigger donkey. Sending pixie dust that just makes him grow up instead xoxo


Premium Member
My granddaughter just had her 16th birthday. I was shocked by her lack of appreciation for what their family went through to make it a good one for her. First, they are the ones that are having a very bad time with a house remodel and are living in a tent in their backyard with only the kitchen of their house accessible. Her father baked a special birthday cake based on her favorite online thing, Minecraft. A very complex patchwork type design that because he was having a foot problem and he had to be on his feet for hours, caused a bad reaction on his foot with a lot of pain and finally a boot to prevent excessive movement. She didn't like how the cake looked or the texture of the frosting. Then they gave her an extra book with some type of Japanese connection that, simply, used the back to front method of writing, but, in English. She hated it and loudly complain about it, asking them what were they thinking getting such a lame thing and why did they think she was even want it. All of her other desires for birthday present started at $700.00, which of course she didn't get. She was a royal pain that embarrassed me, for her parents, that they quietly sat and didn't react to her snottiness.

Different times I guess, but, she would have been wearing at least part of that cake and, if nothing else, pointed out just how rude and obnoxious she was being. Actually, I might have mentioned something to that affect. Maybe I'm just getting old.
Sounds like somebody need to spend some time working at a food bank;)


Premium Member
Rant coming up, feel free to skip it.
So I was at work tonight and we went up for break and one of the temp workers who gets called in when we don't have enough people to cover everything was there and she was asking me how it's going with DS at the special education school, if he likes it. I was telling her that yes, he loves it, and some of the latest "happenings". Like that he was chosen to do a special project group for kids who can handle more than the regular curriculum offered, and today was the first day of that and that he said it was really hard and he didn't really have fun because one kid kept talking over him and also taking his ideas, etc. And this gal I don't know, she must be new there, asks me what he has. And I said Autism, and she says "Yes, but what form? My son has aspergers." and I said they didn't specify a "type", they just call it Autism Spectrum Disorder''. And she goes on to tell me that it's all a bunch of nonsense anyway, because all she had to do with her son is explain the reason for something and he's fine. Because NO ONE likes to hear "No" without knowing why, even adults, and nowadays, any kid that a teacher doesn't know how to handle is told they have autism. Her son's teacher just didn't know what to do with him. I didn't really know what to say, so I kept talking to the original temp person I had been talking to, about how we're making lists to hang around the house with step by step instructions of how to do things like set the table, what he's supposed to do when he gets home from school, because he keeps forgetting things and we have to call him back to empty is school bag, or get it from his bike bags, etc. And the temp gal says that yes, she's heard that structure is important and they don't like surprises. And I said no, DS needs to know what we're going to be doing when. And the new gal breaks in to tell me I just need to tell him we're going to surprise him...that will fix it because that's what she does with her son. I kind of shrugged and said that every kid is different. She says "No really!! That will fix it!"

First off, I wanted to ask her if she had medical degrees and was an expert in the field of Autism, why is she working at a warehouse for minimum wage?? 2nd, she'd never met me and she certainly hasn't met my does SHE know what will help MY kid? Isn't it incredibly rude to tell someone else what they are and aren't going through? Like "No, there's no such thing as just need to change your diet and everything will be fine!" She said her kid has Asbergers, but also said that the teacher just didn't know what to do with him, so told them he has aspergers. Teachers don't make a diagnosis...if the teacher is telling you your child is showing behavior that might indicate a disorder, they will most likely ask you to consider getting him tested for it. That's not a diagnosis, and if your kid is struggling and you just don't want to admit that there's something going on, by all means, bury your head in the sand, but don't tell me that MY kid doesn't have a disorder because you can't admit that your kid does too. Or maybe your kid is just a spoiled brat that the teacher can't handle. I don't know....I haven't met your kid. But I didn't say that, I just walked away because break was over and I didn't want to say something rude and get in trouble.

I asked my coworker whose son goes to the same school as mine if she thought the exchange was as weird as I did. (She was sitting on my other side) She kind of rolled her eyes and said "That woman doesn't know what she's talking about because she doesn't have a kid with Autism. Just ignore her. WE know what we go through with our kids and she's obviously never been through that." And she's completely just frustrated me and put my back up because I just never would have told another parent that their child's diagnosis was nothing but hooey, especially someone I'd just met 2 minutes before. It minimizes everything we went through up to this point, like it doesn't exist and I'm just a bad mom for not knowing how to solve every issue immediately, and I'm being stupid for making instructions to hang around the house to remind DS of how to do his chores. It just really bugged me.

Rant over. You may now return to your regularly scheduled chit-chatting.
I want to send her a whole class of kids from here that range from nonverbal through highly functioning except I couldn't put the kids through her


Premium Member
Thank you for that. I hope you're right. She gets new toys a lot at his house and candy and cookies and fruit snacks, etc. So when she asks for it and I say no she says "I want to go to daddy's house" and it hurts my heart.

She's just a little tyke and doesn't know any better. Give her a few years . . . she'll learn who's the most important person in her life and for all the important reasons -- and toys & snacks won't be part of that revelation. You just keep doing what you're doing--you've had the most positive impact on her life.


Premium Member

Oh I was so mad at him for this. Not one smile!! Today is their run and 50 yard dash race. He’s mad because he wanted red UA sweatbands to embellish his look.. not the gray Nike. We had an argument on the way to school :(. I REFUSE to feel bad!! I’m not. I just wish he wouldn’t have acted like that.. like a brat, seriously he was acting like a brat over what I bought for him.

He was so excited and so determined to win the race, woke up in such a great mood, jumped out of bed. Then he saw the new bands on his bathroom counter. I knew he wanted red but I bought the gray because he could possibly reuse them in a sport, he wouldn’t be able to reuse the red. I’m angry that I even bought him anything at all after his reaction this morning.

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Oh my, that expression says it all! In fairness to him, I guess we all have our "moments" . . . ;)

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
But, this woman also started break by popping Aspirin because the gal she was working with had a cold and she didn't want to get sick, and aspirin would prevent her from catching the cold. :bored: So I think she fancies herself a medical expert and isn't aware of how much she doesn't know. As you stated, "Just walk away."
Why I have a feeling that she might be a person that is extremely anti vax?


Premium Member
My granddaughter just had her 16th birthday. I was shocked by her lack of appreciation for what their family went through to make it a good one for her. First, they are the ones that are having a very bad time with a house remodel and are living in a tent in their backyard with only the kitchen of their house accessible. Her father baked a special birthday cake based on her favorite online thing, Minecraft. A very complex patchwork type design that because he was having a foot problem and he had to be on his feet for hours, caused a bad reaction on his foot with a lot of pain and finally a boot to prevent excessive movement. She didn't like how the cake looked or the texture of the frosting. Then they gave her an extra book with some type of Japanese connection that, simply, used the back to front method of writing, but, in English. She hated it and loudly complain about it, asking them what were they thinking getting such a lame thing and why did they think she was even want it. All of her other desires for birthday present started at $700.00, which of course she didn't get. She was a royal pain that embarrassed me, for her parents, that they quietly sat and didn't react to her snottiness.

Different times I guess, but, she would have been wearing at least part of that cake and, if nothing else, pointed out just how rude and obnoxious she was being. Actually, I might have mentioned something to that affect. Maybe I'm just getting old.

Wow. That's sad. Feel bad for those attending the "party" :facepalm: . My guess is that in time, she'll come to realize what a jerk she was that day. I'm thinking part of it all was the whole mid-teen craziness/crisis that goes on with some kids, and the "me first" attitude. Don't completely give up hope on her yet -- think she just has some growing up to do.

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