Ok, so mini-trip report time!! I will try to keep it brief with not TOO many pictures, because I took like 400.
First, we started off with a date night on the Friday night. DH's work had given him a voucher for a meal for 2 at a very fancy place as a kind of bonus for some project he worked on that was massive. They gave him a 100 Euro gift certificate for this restaurant once before and we still had to pay the difference. I was not looking forward to this meal because it's just too fancy and full of things I've never heard of, etc. But the voucher would expire that week and the employer would be informed that we had not used it. It turned out not so bad....because it was warm out, they had moved everything outside to a sort of garden seating area, and it was much more relaxed. Still fancy schmancy, but you didn't feel self-concious about the crumbs you let fall from your bread service.
It was a 5 course meal with an amuse. I didn't remember to take pictures of the amuse...it was just a little bite sized quiche-thing and it was pretty good, but I don't remember what it was. Pretty sure it involved some kind of cheese and maybe mushroom?
DH and I got different things because I requested no fish/seafood. So he got the standard menu, and I got the one without any seafood.
This was mine....it was pork belly with cauliflower puree, hazelnut puree, grated almonds, and some other cauliflower stuff. I did not really like this one much, so I gave it to DH since cauliflower is his favorite and he loves the pork belly.
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I think we might have both gotten this one....it was a risotto with truffle sauce. It was very good.
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This one....I had to not think about what I was eating. It was sweet breads, and I decided to keep an open mind. As long as you didn't think about it, it tasted fine, and it was kind of like chicken nuggets in texture. And then around it was grated asperagus I think? With seaweed crisps and I don't remember what the jelly was made of, and then it had dill sprinkled around it, but I avoided that, since I don't like dill.
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We both got this one: Duck with a puree that I THOUGHT he said was made from the bone marrow, but DH didn't hear it and I'm not positive. and grated truffle, some broad beans, an asperagus stalk, and a few peas. It was good, though the veggies were a bit bland and that puree thing was a bit if a weird texture.
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This one was hubby's. It was lobster and some sort of minced tuna cake? That green egg-shaped thing is seaweed ice cream, which hubby said was really weird, and of course it also had the seaweed crisps.
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This was also DH's: It's Turbot, which is fish that I've never heard of.. Then those little pearly things were a seaweed thing with squid ink, and the bits that look like ham are apparently squid. I was so glad I had said no seafood because almost the entire menu was seafood otherwise.
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This was the dessert: It was raspberry and a bunch of stuff I've never heard off. The ball things were made from the cream from the second milking of a cow...she called it biet. And that green egg thing was ice cream, flavored with Verveine, and the ball things had that as well. Then the red pearls were made of frozen raspberry and I think that pink ring underneath was also made from the "biet". The silver ball was burnt white chocolate, as was that brown dollop on the left of it....OMG you guys, burnt white chocolate is SO good. I don't even like white chocolate for the most part, but that had a caramel-like taste and a saltiness that was just so yummy.
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This one I just couldn't eat. It was very pretty but it was SOOOO weird. It was a dessert amuse and I can't even remember most of what was in it except coconut and dill, neither of which I like. I want to say there was a very thin layer of custard-like stuff on the bottom made from buttermilk, and that was covered with maybe a brown sugar? And then it had some sort of fruit that is similar to lychee, but I don't remember the name and I had never heard of it. Anyway, I took the TINIEST taste of the custard, but all I could taste was coconut, so I didn't eat the rest, and the waiter noticed and asked if I'd like something different, which I declined. I was perfectly satisfied.
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I forgot....they had virgin Mocktails as well, (and real ones with alcohol, but I'm not a huge drinker and I don't like champagne, wine, or beer) so I got a really delicious drink that was Orange juice with Casis (blackberry soda) and grenadine. So good!
So that was our meal that night and then we picked up the kids and we left for Germany the next morning.