That's quite a bit different, there is a strong likelihood that someone in your neighborhood might try and enter you house not to necessarily get you specifically but to your possessions, however the likelihood of anyone putting in the extreme effort of identifying and going after someone because of a picture in a discussion board where no ones name is used, no ones address is used is possible, but, the chances of it happening are the same as getting hit on the head by a meteor. Precautions are fine, but, they must be backed up with a base of reality and not just imagined conspiracy scenarios.
With a thing like this board where participants are from all over the world, the logistics alone are pretty much as good as locking your door. When you think about it, if your house has windows locking your door is close to useless. That doesn't mean we shouldn't lock our doors, but, that is a deterrent to a more likely thing, not a long shot.
I don't have a problem with people feeling that they need to take that type of precaution because to a much lesser degree, I do the same thing. People know, because I said it before, that I live in the Raleigh area, I'm 70 years old, my real first name is Russell, I have 4 grandchildren and I am a Vietnam Veteran. But I lock my door by not telling you my last name, my actual address, my social security number, the last names of my grandchildren and a lot of information.
That said, I feel pretty safe that with just the information I have released and my picture that I am not going to spend one second of time concerned that somebody is going to have any reason to come after me or have any increased ability to find me. Some things have to be a worthwhile result to put that much effort in locating me. (unless, of course, they have a few million dollars that they want to give me, then I will help them find me by sending them a copy of a map from MapQuest.)