So, I haven't really mentioned it here, but, I've been battling some allergies over the last three weeks. I've never been afraid to go to the Dr., especially when it comes to monitoring my heart condition, blood pressure, blood sugar, weight, etc.. But, although I've had them plenty bad many times over the years, I've never had to go for allergies before. Finally had to relent last night and head to an after hours care place. The coughing was driving me (and, everyone around me) insane.
They gave me a breathing treatment (yep, the good ol' neb, which I've never had before). That helped a little, but, not as much as the attending had hoped. Next, chest x-ray. Bronchitis along with the potential beginnings of Pneumonia. So, I'm home for the rest of the week.
I HATE this! Before I left the office last night, I sent 3 PDF design solutions to the partner who's project I was working on. When I called out this morning and talked to him, he said they were all good and not to worry, it would give him time to analyze them further, and to get well.
Even so, I HATE this! I need to be producing. It's what I do.