Bro #1 is normal (ish). He suffered a devastating car accident almost 20 years ago, and each year his disabilies get worse. With the help of medical marijuana, he has weaned himself off of all of the other pseudo-heroine opiates.
You all know how I feel about recreational drug use; but used correctly, I do believe that marijuana deserves a place on a doctor's Rx pad. It's certainly less destructive than fentanyl, oxy's, percs, and dilaudid. Thankfully, doctors up here are pulling away from routinely prescribing these other highly addictive pain killers.
Bro #2 is a troubled soul. Much more so since his marriage ended and my mom died. I am just so sad for him, but as I told you in January, I am done bailing him out. No more rent money - not even cash for food. Every time I buy him groceries, that just frees up money for him to buy more drugs.
I bailed him out one final time, only to clear my conscience.
Fingers still crossed he ends up in jail, rather than the morgue.
And of course Bro #3 is normal. I already told ya, he's just like me. Warts and all.