The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
@MinnieM123 did you do anything fun with your get out of jail free card today?

Took a power walk in the woods in the morning, and the rest of day just sort of vegged. Hubs was out in the afternoon with his buddy, and they went to the baseball game (the team lost) and then to dinner. Meanwhile back at home, the dog and I shared some leftover chicken and rice for dinner, and watched TV. (Jack thinks that when he's sitting on the floor next to the sofa with me, he's also watching tv. :joyfull: )


Premium Member
Thanks, Minnie! :)

She puked in the recovery room :oops:, and it took 'til early afternoon for the anesthetic to wear off and for her to completely catch her snap.
No ice cream, unfortunately, but she did enjoy some Saltines and veggie soup for dinner. :)

The last surgery I had (probably 14 years ago), I recall that the anesthesiologist asked me if I normally threw up after anesthesia. I said yes. So he put a tiny white dot (some sort of transdermal medicine) behind my ear. Whatever was in that, I didn't puke after surgery. If she ever has surgery again down the road, see if she can request that.


Premium Member
I'm in a missing Walter mode tonight. Strange day.

What a great photo; I don't think you've shared that one before. We all miss Walter.


Well-Known Member
I am a sucker for bakery bread. Today I bought an extra large loaf, it is wider than the regular and great for sandwiches. I had it sliced thick which I love for my Sammies. It did cost me $4.50 but will last the week. Today I picked SourDough. I love their Asiago and Country too. Not into the whole grain breads. Me, the one that loves to cook meals 5 days a week can't bring myself to spend time making bread, though I have in the past, it is yummy. Time vs to save the $4.50.
I didn't know bread could last a whole week. How does that happen?


Well-Known Member
My DD, 25 can go both Juniors and Children. I was the same way until I had children. I can still buy the largest children's sized tops in some style tops. My DD is so fortunate at Disney. She loves Zipper Hoodies. And she fits well in the Children's size. $40 v $60 Crazy.
The problem I have with tops is the shoulders. Just wide enough to be a bit of a squeeze depending on the cut.:(


Well-Known Member
It was easier to be petite when I was in my 20s. They had stores for petite. Current styles but for short etc....for whatever reason they kinda disappeared. Now the petite departments at least around here stock only 90 year old ladies clothing. Frustrating.
I loved Petite Sophisticates, cute clothes, nice large size range, decent prices although the pants ran a bit short at times.


Well-Known Member
I can't order SW tickets until I have everybody's holiday schedule:( I had better get them soon because tickets would be a lovely addition to the guys' stockings. I need to get just an item or 2 more for my boys because they haven't asked for much because the video games they want don't come out until next spring. Tickets and Game Stop cards would be perfect:joyfull:


Well-Known Member
Buy a bottle of cheap wine. In juice glasses pour about an inch in each glass, a couple per room where they are hanging out. They will move say from the kitchen to bathroom or laundry areas or around a basement sewer drain. I had a real problem with them one year and it took me a long time to realize it was my tomatoes from either the farmers market or yard. Little by little they get drunk, fall in and drown. The sweet smell of wine draws them to the wine so I recommend a sweeter wine. If you have a Trader Joes or Aldi both have dirt cheap wine, good for killing bugs.

Ants peppermint extract (Walmart has the largest bottle for the cheapest price in baking area) will make them all go away (mice too) put some in a tiny spray bottle. Then to keep them out cabinets and drawers place a few sticks of Wrigley's Spearmint or Double-mint gum inside. They vacate. In spring planting mint around the house keeps the ants away too. Upside is it smells pretty and won't hurt anyone. Ants were marching in my kids kitchen from a window 2nd floor! I poured the extract on the concrete sill outside and inside the window and ants stopped their march in like an hour.
Great advice!

I am a sucker for bakery bread. Today I bought an extra large loaf, it is wider than the regular and great for sandwiches. I had it sliced thick which I love for my Sammies. It did cost me $4.50 but will last the week. Today I picked SourDough. I love their Asiago and Country too. Not into the whole grain breads. Me, the one that loves to cook meals 5 days a week can't bring myself to spend time making bread, though I have in the past, it is yummy. Time vs to save the $4.50.
I love the sour dough from Panera.
Yep. I can wear the larger size kids leggins. I don't wear leggins a great deal cause I don't wear them in lieu of pants more in lieu of tights under dresses and long shirt. I'll never be able to wear leggins as pants, Catholic Schools take a toll on modesty.
I don't wear them as pants either. They are for under dresses or long tunics. I do have a pair of denim ones, but also only wear them with something that covers at least half my thigh. I cannot stand the LuLa Roe craze going on. I bought a pair from an acquaintance who had just started selling them and I thought I would help her out. First off $25 for a pair of leggings that felt like they would rip in about a minute. Ridiculous. Hate the material. I will stick to my well made kid sized leggings that cost less when on sale and last long enough to give as hand me downs.;)

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