And now for the next to the last installment of Orlando 2017: (A little long... I apologize)
My two day awesome adventure at Universal was very nice. Partially because of the great weather, but, also because I really like Universal Florida and always have.
I have to admit that my first day was not all that enjoyable because of a number of reasons. It started out alright and kind of fun when I pulled up to the toll booth for the parking garage. I nice young lady there looked at me and said... “I'd like to inform you of the preferred parking option”, to which I replied, “You can inform me if you want, but, I'm not old enough, rich enough or disabled enough to pay that much extra to save a couple hundred steps. She just stopped and started to laugh. Turned and told her helper in the booth what I had said, turned back to me and said... Thanks for making my day, that is the first time that I have heard it stated that way. Have a great day in the parks.
Anyway, they have a really extensive security set up mid-point on the walk from parking to the parks, one entrance covers all. Lines and lines of detectors for bags and pocket items, no exceptions. A minor inconvenience, but, understandable.
Back a few years ago I wrote about how Universal had actually acceded WDW for customer service in the lines of team members, smiling and helpful. That has changed. This year it was like they were all missing whereas, Disney seemed to have a lot of CM's everywhere. Even in parking there was hardly anyone around to direct you and the cone placement was anything but helpful. But, I digress!
I went in and went to IoA because I wanted to ride Spiderman, which I did and then made my way up to Harry Potter to ride Forbidden Journey. Last time I was there I couldn't ride it because I was just a little to big around the middle. I thought that I had lost more weight since my last visit, but, alas I was still unable to ride. Now I know and admit to being overweight, but, I am not a lot bigger then a athlete or just a big, non-fat person. They are only going for the skinny I guess. Kind of disappointing. So I went and drowned my sorrows with a mug of butter beer (flat cream soda) and headed for Hogwarts Express to London. What a great, novel thing that is. The detail in the station (both ends) the illusion of riding through the country side, the phantom characters shadows on the inner window looking for Harry and eating spiders and frogs. I can't even express it in words. Great ride and so original. I know a lot of the folks on the boards hate the use of screens, but, I cannot understand why. Great show, great story telling.
Upon arrival in “London” I went to The Escape from Gringotts and once again checked to see if I fit. I didn't, but, the TM told me that the measuring sample is set up for the first row and is the tightest and that if I went in and requested row 3 or 6 there was more room and I would fit alright. So, I got in line. One thing that Uni has always been good at is hiding lines, they still are. I walked for what seemed like miles and found where the bulk of the people were hiding out. We waited and waited then they made an announcement that the ride was having technical problems but was expected to be back on line soon. After waiting a total of 35 minutes (from the entrance) they finally announced that the ride was operational again. So with happy anticipation I stood in line and waited another 15 minutes and had only moved about 10 feet. I was currently at the 30 minute wait spot and and hour and 20 minutes is just to much. So I left thinking I would try again first thing the next morning.
I left there and jumped in the single rider line for “Men in Black” and then wondered over to the Simpsons area. I had ridden the ride before and really didn't care for it so I just looked around at the stuff that had been added since I was last there. Nicely themed but just a comical version of the much loved road side carnival over in Animal Kingdom. I did have lunch there and tried a chicken and waffle sandwich. (mmmm)
From there it was off to Shrek 4D. I enjoy that movie, and was even enjoyable after a relatively heady wait to get in. I hate to admit it, but, even though I enjoy the theme park experiences I feel that I am getting too long in the tooth to get the same enjoyment I once did. My feet hurt, by back aches and frankly, I get tired out so much faster then I used to and I don't like it. Not much I can do about it though except be thankful that I can still go at least. Anyway, I headed over to the gift shop and used up a Gift Card that someone gave me at Christmas time plus more for a couple of T's and some trinkets for the kids at home. Then headed out, determined to Aleve OD, to the point that I could get more stuff in the next day.