The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Not even my own bothers me unless if it would be a huge amount I suppose which has never happened thank god.
The huge amount part is the one that would bother me as well. I was told the other day that I was one of only a few people that could watch them put a needle in when taking blood. That seems strange, those things never really hurt that much unless someone does it wrong so why not watch. I've been able to tell them a number of times when the vain rolled and they missed it completely. So I guess I'm not all that squeamish about it.


Well-Known Member
The huge amount part is the one that would bother me as well. I was told the other day that I was one of only a few people that could watch them put a needle in when taking blood. That seems strange, those things never really hurt that much unless someone does it wrong so why not watch. I've been able to tell them a number of times when the vain rolled and they missed it completely. So I guess I'm not all that squeamish about it.
I studied and have a degree in Nursing and will be starting a Nursing job in Urgent Care on October 3rd. I have never had a problem with needles even when I was a kid. The only needles I did not like that much were the numbing needles in my mouth from the Dentist.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Unless it's my own, the sight of blood has never bothered me. I do tend to panic if it is from me though!
Funny, I'm opposite...if it's my blood, I know the pain, and if's really more than I can deal with. My body hurts when it's on someone else. I can't tell the seriousness for the other person, and their pain tolerance. Remember my thumb, and how I bandaged it my self, and continue to change the bandage. I knew what I could deal with. :eek::rolleyes:

betty rose

Well-Known Member
The huge amount part is the one that would bother me as well. I was told the other day that I was one of only a few people that could watch them put a needle in when taking blood. That seems strange, those things never really hurt that much unless someone does it wrong so why not watch. I've been able to tell them a number of times when the vain rolled and they missed it completely. So I guess I'm not all that squeamish about it.
Mine rolls too. And I watch, mine. Hubby had to have blood taken, and I had to sit down.:confused:
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Well-Known Member
In the Parks
What I find sad is when people manage to actually get a strong command of another language and then just let it fall into the non-accessible folds of the brain. My Daughter took 4 years of Spanish in High School and another two years in College, but, lived in Vermont where the only "other" useful language is French. Now years later she lives down here in leaf blower country where Spanish is heard from every direction, but, she doesn't remember most of it and can only occasionally catch a few words. Native Spanish speaking people talk a lot faster then the teachers did in school and there are almost as many dialects as there are people. Me? I can say "Gracias" & burrito and then I'm dead in the water. When in Spain last year I added an additional word that came in handy... "toilet".

P.S. I love her to pieces, but, she cannot recreate any dialect so all her Spanish is English accented Spanish.
Well, in her defence, it's very hard to maintain a language, but even more so when you're not hearing it and have no way of hearing it. Between living in Maryland, which has a generally large immigrant population, I hear it on a regular basis. There's also the internet now, which makes it way easier to practice. I follow Buzzfeed Spanish, so I read articles on there. I also can watch Spanish shows and movies online, often with English subtitles (which, fyi, is perfectly fine to do) or I can watch a movie I'd normally watch in English in Spanish, though I usually only do this for animated movies. That kind of stuff hasn't existed very long. If you wanted to watch Spanish TV before, you had to watch Univision, and quite frankly, I find most of what's on Univision to be just plain stupid.

Also in her defence, most Spanish teachers are Americans with very strong American accents. I have a Castillian accent because my first Spanish teacher was from Spain. I worked hard on mimicking her pronunciation, so I got a good foundation, and now 90% of what I watch on TV is from Spain. There's a wide array of accents in Spain, but I still hear my accent on a regular basis. I'm the exception, though, not the rule. Most Americans have strong American accents. Can you really blame them, though? Most native French speakers have strong French accents when they speak English. For whatever reason, they can't help it. Neither can Americans speaking Spanish. It also doesn't help that most Spanish teachers are American for whatever reason. I've had seven different Spanish teachers. Two were from Spain, one was from, well, nowhere, and the rest were American.

King Capybara 77

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Premium Member
Funny, I'm opposite...if it's my blood, I know the pain, and if's really more than I can deal with. My body hurts when it's on someone else. I can't tell the seriousness for the other person, and their pain tolerance. Remember my thumb, and how I bandaged it my self, and continue to change the bandage. I knew what I could deal with. :eek::rolleyes:
I am such a wuss when it comes to pain and needles :angelic:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Well my margarita's are going away.....alcohol is raising my blood pressure. No salt, no tequilla = no fun!;););)

Just give up the salt!!!

"This is huge news for agave-spirit lovers—and virtually anyone who plans on drinking over the holidays. According to the American Chemical Society, which researched the effects of tequila on blood glucose levels last year, sugars found in the plant that makes tequila can help lower your blood sugar.Dec 18, 2015"

"The news has been filled recently with so-called, blood-pressure-lowering miracle foods, including: tomato sauce, tuna and tequila. Some of these foods have been shown in studies to lower blood pressure if consumed daily, although it's important to remember that no food or drink can be a magic wand by itself."

King Capybara 77

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Premium Member
Shame, Shame, Shame. Breakfast if eaten correctly is the best meal for you.
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Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
What I find sad is when people manage to actually get a strong command of another language and then just let it fall into the non-accessible folds of the brain. My Daughter took 4 years of Spanish in High School and another two years in College, but, lived in Vermont where the only "other" useful language is French. Now years later she lives down here in leaf blower country where Spanish is heard from every direction, but, she doesn't remember most of it and can only occasionally catch a few words. Native Spanish speaking people talk a lot faster then the teachers did in school and there are almost as many dialects as there are people. Me? I can say "Gracias" & burrito and then I'm dead in the water. When in Spain last year I added an additional word that came in handy... "toilet".

P.S. I love her to pieces, but, she cannot recreate any dialect so all her Spanish is English accented Spanish.
Hah, the last part is exactly what I am but the opposite.
Spanish accented english XD

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