Call it coincidence or what ever you want to but, the last few weeks we have been talking a lot about kidney stones, stints, etc. So here's what happened. For the past 3 or 4 days I have been having "internal" problems. I had pain in the area of my appendix that radiated across the right side of my abdomen. Being a male, I waited to see if it might just go away (things like that do have a tendency to do that), but, by late Wednesday night it wasn't getting better. I wouldn't call it severe pain, more of an intense aching. I decided that if it didn't get better Thursday morning I would go to the ER. I went to bed and unable to go to sleep decided... lets go now, 1am, so I took a shower got into my car and off I went. At the ER, after a C scan it was determined that I had a kidney stone! Imagine that. They did surgery and implanted a stint because, they said, that until they are sure that there is no infection anyplace, it is better to delay. If all holds well I'm supposed to get the stone and the stint removed by June 3rd. So far, no after surgery pain at all, and they gave me some mighty fine stuff to ward that off. I wonder sometimes about the don't do's after something like that. Things like don't lift over 5 pounds for two weeks. For one thing, my arm weighs more then 5 pounds, but, even baring that I live by myself, how am I supposed to function realistically. I guess I will do what I have always done and comply as well as I can, occasionally throwing caution to the wind.
Facebook is weird. It randomly switched over to Spanish for some odd reason. Thankfully that is the one language other than English that I understand and can easily navigate to switch back, but still.
I have a question about Facebook. Can anyone tell me why certain Friends can post something on my status page and even though I consistently tell Facebook that I don't want to see that particular post anymore, it is always there when I sign back on. It doesn't happen with all of them, it seems remarkably random, but, maybe someone knows why.