With the exception of the real old animated films, I never saw any of the movies that Disney had in the parks. I didn't know that 20K was based on a real movie until I got there. Even many of the ones based on the old cartoons were foreign to me. My family was not into many movies, especially my Father. If Jerry Lewis, Dean Martin, Abbott and Costello weren't in them, he wasn't interested at all. Because of that I have never really been able to understand the IP argument. It never mattered where the idea came from for me, all that mattered was did I enjoy it. Having a detail knowledge of the whole story line has never been important to me. It was always, did I think it was funny, informative or just creative. Why did so many people get Figment fever when they had never laid eyes on the character?
I'm kind of surprised by that outlook. You strike me as a person that always wants to learn things and have an open mind with the ability to absorb new ideas and experiences. I have been going to Uni since it opened. Not every trip, in fact, I'd say not much more then 10% of them included a day in Uni, however, I always enjoyed it. I think the only reason that I stayed away was because of the lines. They made Disney look like a walk in the park. Uni was small back then with no IOA, but, the shows were absolutely awesome (and still are). I could tell you horror stories about how well Uni was able to hide queue lines back then. You would be in the queue thinking that you were very close and all of a sudden you would make a hidden turn and it would make you gasp when you saw how many people were still ahead of you. But, if you wanted to see something that was the only way. They don't seem to be doing that anymore. Or at least the last time I was there.
I hope that at some point you do go and, please, don't go with the preconceived notion that there is nothing there that you would like. You will be depriving yourself of some really quality stuff. Not all of it, but, enough to make the trip worthwhile. I have gone all those time without the benefit of anything Potter, so that is not a game changer for me. The last time I was there Potter was there as well, but, that was before I lost weight and came about a quarter of an inch away from fitting in the restraints, otherwise I would have tried it out. That was without ever seeing a Potter movie or reading a single book about it. Next trip I will be giving it a try since my waistline is 10 inches smaller then it was back then.