The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I don't have any "know it all" girl this year. I have a "know it all" boy. He is always right (even when he is wrong) and quick to point out anything that anyone does wrong. He doesn't do any classwork though, but will take tests/quizzes. The other day when he was being nit picky, after he walked away, I thought I wished he put that much effort into his work then he would probably ace the class. Instead he seems happy to fail all his classes, to cool to do homework or something. That won't work out to well for him in high school, unless he likes repeating classes.

Know what his IQ is?

We had this issue with the 3 Gifted Boys in my DD's elementary classes. They were bored. My DD all the way through elementary/Middle School just wanted to put her head through a wall but was a good quiet kid. Teachers tried to use her through the years to teach struggle kids. That annoyed her too 'cause then the aid would just read. Teachers did alter their work but they generally got it the first go around and sitting through the normal repetitions was painful. Our District was too small for tracking and having their own classroom. High School was better as was college. But those boys lost interest long before high school.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I've picked them off but usually the flavor permeates some of the lettuce, or the oil or whatever on them gets into the salad. I don't like fish or seafood at all so it doesn't help to pick them off. Or maybe I'm just picky.:)

I love fish but anchovies not at all. They are such an oily slime of a fishie. I good at the 'best picked off' thing it just leaves an awful residue behind.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Hi Mr. Bets Glad you're enjoying our fun escape from life. Thanks for all the pictures, I really enjoyed them. :inlove:
He loves taking the pictures that I set up for him. He say's he is just a button pusher. I think he does a lot more than that. Actually, I know he does, and it's a really cheap camera. He has read a lot of how to use it. I just see what I like! We call ourselves a good team.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Student learned nose picking from their Dad, on National TV-a Cleveland Cavaliers game. He is famous now.

Sleepy and Picky.

Sure it wasn't just a scratch? Was there any nostril penetration?


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I'm guessing the cat doesn't like the vacuum. She wanted out of my room a few minutes ago. I opened the door for her, and she heard the vacuum running, then decided, "Nope, nevermind!" turned around, and is now happily asleep on me.:rolleyes: She's been here basically all day thanks to the work being done in the kitchen.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
So sad when that happens...someone who could do so well if they applied themselves. There was a girl I went to high school with who had a brilliant mind for math. Her senior year, they had to give her an independent study for advanced Calculus because she breezed through the regular calculus material, even though Calc was already the advanced math for senior level. (My senior year, there were only 5 of us, one of whom was an exchange student, and I was the only girl) I struggled with the regular calc stuff that she breezed through. But she was pretty much failing out of everything else. She had no interest in anything. It's so heartbreaking to see much potential that goes to waste.

In Illinois we have the Math and Science academy for just such kids. Lots of brilliant math students brains are just wired very differently. The school is a good place for these students because a bright mind is not wasted trying to get a student to conform to a certain arbitrary curriculum. My DD was accepted into the M&S Institute. We went both ways about it. But boy sending your kid away to an Academy Monday through Friday is rough if they are a homebody. She thought about it and politely declined. The boy up the road a couple years younger went. He went onto Yale. They didn't care he wasn't well versed in Mythology. They were more interested in his mathematical brain and his advance thinking with computers.

I'm not a fan of students needing to be well rounded or good at everything. Sometimes Oval students do very well too.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I forgot to tell you all! DD came home Thursday with her first homework assignment. They have to write a report and give a presentation about it, and they get to choose the topic, and she has chosen "DisneyWorld". She is super excited about our trip and about doing her homework. (She's a huge nerd like her parents....she actually loves school)

How exciting. Bet next year given the opportunity she will be able to have an amazing paper or presentation after living it.


Premium Member
Know what his IQ is?

We had this issue with the 3 Gifted Boys in my DD's elementary classes. They were bored. My DD all the way through elementary/Middle School just wanted to put her head through a wall but was a good quiet kid. Teachers tried to use her through the years to teach struggle kids. That annoyed her too 'cause then the aid would just read. Teachers did alter their work but they generally got it the first go around and sitting through the normal repetitions was painful. Our District was too small for tracking and having their own classroom. High School was better as was college. But those boys lost interest long before high school.

It might be something to look into. We don't have a gifted program though, although we have plenty of kids that could use it.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Thank you, and your welcome. We are back early, it started raining around noon and is continuing to rain, and it's really cool too. We managed to get in a few more photo's before putting away the camera. We went to the Springs and then on to MK, saw hall of presidents, I really like that show. And did one more ride in Haunted Mansion. Lunch at MK. Then back to the hotel. We had a wonderful trip, one of our best in many years. The parks weren't overcrowded. There was a lot of gray hair , so we moved at about the same pace!;) Back in a little while, after hubby downloads the photos.

So glad it was a great trip. Too bad about the rain though. A little rain for a little while I can cope with, till my gym shoes get wet. Then I'm done. But rain is still better than snow.



Well-Known Member
We dipped down to $1.38. The lowest I've seen it in a looooong time.
I wish I could be happy about that, but, I noticed a trend in my retirement plans. If the price of gas drops by a few cents, my investment values drop by hundreds. In the last three months alone the value has dropped almost 4K. When the price is up there I have easily gained a grand per month. I don't drive as much as I used to so this is costing me greatly. That is totally true for people relying in Social Security. No raise this year, because they said the cost of living has not increased. The problem is that cost of things that the elderly have to deal with... Food, Rent, Medicine and Medical expenses have done nothing but go up. Energy drops have screwed up the average. It's not all that great for many people. Another question, why hasn't the cost of flying dropped by loads? There is no hesitation to raise prices when fuel prices go up?


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I remember a guy like that when I was in school. He completely rubbed me the wrong way from kindergarten on. I remember his most irritating instance in fifth grade. He was the youngest out of his siblings, and the teacher had all of his siblings and liked them all. So of course, she automatically liked him. We were taking a test one time, and he kept looking over at my paper, telling me I hadn't put my name on it, listing everything I was doing wrong (like how I wrote my a's at the time). Instead of focusing on his own work, he was telling me how I was doing mine wrong (and mind you, this was a test). I finally put my folder up so he couldn't see my work, and the teacher yelled at me for being mean to him and sent me out to the hallway to finish. I got off the bus crying, and my mom called the teacher to discuss the situation. My mom explained to the teacher what had been going on, and said that he had a long history of completely rubbing me the wrong way (one time which involved slamming my hand in a door coming in from recess) and asked that we be separated. The teacher apologized the next day and separated us. Thankfully, even though we went to the same middle and high school, I barely saw him until senior year. I guess he somehow managed to get good grades, but I found out nothing had changed and he was still just as irritating. He would often get in trouble...and then would argue about it. *sigh*

Also had a group member like that several semesters back. Since I was group leader, I would have to check her work, and found mistakes in it a good bit. Instead of fixing it, she sent me a long winded explanation of why she did it that way. I literally wrote her back one time, "I don't care. Please just fix it like I asked." Of course, I take my own advice. My boss emailed me a while ago and said he'd like me to handle something differently, and my response was, "Understood. Next time, that is how I will do it."

One of the 7 kids my DD was paired with for 9 years was a very awkward girl and sadly didn't fit in well and basically didn't have friends. My DD was nice enough to her. The girls Mom went to the core teachers in middle school and explained the social problems her DD was having with the 7. She asked that she be paired with my DD. We were in the dark about it. In every class my DD was paired with the girl and everything needed to be done the girls way. At a parent teacher conference I asked they be split up for awhile that it was grating on my DDs last nerve. That is when I learned about the 'special' request of the other Mom. You'd think they would have brought us in the loop. Maybe if they didn't always stick her with my DD, even in PE and Music my DD could have had some empathy. Sometime some teachers don't always think things through. In your case the possibility of hearing your side of the story before expelling you into the hallway? Sheesh

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