Well...I guess it's better to tell you now than when you are already there? My hubby tends to drive me nuts when I'm planning, because I'll say "I was thinking we should do such and such first, and then go here, because..." and he'll say yes, that's fine and then we're getting ready to go and he says "I thought we'd go here first and do this and...." and completely changes it because he doesn't remember talking about it and making a plan. Mostly I think he just isn't paying attention when I'm talking, he's thinking of something else, so he has no idea what he just agreed to and then he makes his own plan. I that's what he does with his mom, because she gets an idea in her head and decides that's what you're doing, so he just humors her and tells her yes, that's what he was planning and then does what he wants and ignores her. Like, she'll say "You really need to get DS some new shirts because he keeps chewing on the neck and they are all frayed there and don't look nice." And DH will say "Yep, we'll do that this week" and he has no intention of doing any such thing, but he knows there's no sense in arguing because she's got it in her head that that's what you should do and she won't let it go until you agree with her. So I think sometimes he employs the same tactic with me, when if he would just TELL me that he wants to do it a different way, it would probably be ok with me unless I had a very specific reason for wanting to do it the way I said. But at least with the Disney, he's pretty much left the planning to me because he knows I'm the one who has researched it to high heaven. Is KSC closer to your condo than to SOG?