The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I agree, the sad thing is you had to experience the bullying and harassment . I'm hoping, that all schools and workplaces, will be free of those things.

Work places for sure. Schools I don't know will ever be free of the incidents but hopefully will be far more reactive to complaints. Kids at that age are little twits trying to find themselves with peer pressure and hormones combined with real bad judgement, most of which their own conscious is telling them the bullying is wrong.

We have a CAPS program that teaches students how to be aware of bad things happening to them and how to report it. CAPS is wonderful in theory, it brings awareness to those that have been abused, bullied or assaulted. On the flip side it does make students a bit petty. We as a school board receive a breakdown each month for the reports of tardy, in school suspensions, out suspensions, expulsions (which the board has to vote yes to) and harassment complaints. In the fall when the schools all have CAPS presentations to the parents and students there is 4x the harassment complaints students file with the social worker for 2 months and then it tapers off.

As we look at the complaints so many of the complaints are kind of twisted and a leap by the complaint filer while a token amount have true validity. I'll take the weed out process though to reach the few students that are genuinely be harassed in some way. I just don't believe no matter how well we educate these kids it will every leave the schools, ya can't fix the hard wiring of those brains. I read recently that boys brains don't finish hard wiring until they are 23-25. Still I've found some of the girls to be far more methodical in their bullying techniques especially in middle school.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
If it will make you feel any better you have been tracked for decades now. The difference was that they just used cameras back then to do it. Although it does have a direct connection to you via the "Band", it really doesn't serve a major purpose other then to know where the crowds tend to go at any given time and how long they stay in that area. There is nothing to be gained by even caring who you are, just where you are and they always were able to do that. It determines a group trend not necessarily a specific individual trend. When one thinks about it, what size would the data base have to be to have a real individual concern about a place that has probably millions of visitors over a years time.

We live in that age... you go to Target, you are tracked, you go to most retail establishments, for that matter, and you are tracked. It has no real use other then determining draw and usage.

Apples and oranges so far though. Target doesn't know my name as I enter the store, or have a data base on where I go within the store. Yes the security cameras can go back and find me however not my every move is in a data base. If I pay cash it is hard to track. It is at Disney. I found it very creepity when they issued the MB to cast members and were able to track the every move of their employees. Where they ate, where they drank, how often. Many CMs once they are in the parks don't carry the MB especially if they are not doing FP+ They lock it up in locker until they leave. I like the idea of 10 CMs MBs in the same locker. Gave me a good giggle. Many refer to it as the ankle bracelet philosophy.

I look back at the first of leap year 24 hour party prior to the MB. My kid went in after a long nap and stayed until they cleared the park. Went to breakfast and went off to work. Nobody knew. Now there is tracking for that. It is a bit big brotherish for the CMs.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Went to set up parking at my second school for the semester. They do it virtually and you set it up online. Thankfully, parking is free at my school, and as part of the program, you're entitled to free parking (generally they say you need proof that you paid for parking at your home school, but given my home school does not charge us, they just give me the free parking). Just out of curiosity, I looked at what parking cost for commuter students.

$190 for a semester or $330 for a year.:eek: Thank you, my school, for not charging parking.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
exactly.. but somehow.. I still feel we're going that way.. I mean.. after watching how popular " Jack A**" movies and tv got....


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Went to set up parking at my second school for the semester. They do it virtually and you set it up online. Thankfully, parking is free at my school, and as part of the program, you're entitled to free parking (generally they say you need proof that you paid for parking at your home school, but given my home school does not charge us, they just give me the free parking). Just out of curiosity, I looked at what parking cost for commuter students.

$190 for a semester or $330 for a year.:eek: Thank you, my school, for not charging parking.

My DDs school was over $500 for students that resided at school per semester. The lot was over 2 miles away and she still would have had to have taken a bus to get to her car and then payed meters around campus. Her school had the best bus system and it was free to all staff and faculty. Not a reason to have a car unless you were an out of state student. My son at his first college, private, was not charged for parking. The school he graduated from did charge but he lived in an apartment.


Well-Known Member
This comment brought me back many years ago. My father used to say that he loved sloppy meals, and the sloppier the better! In other words, he loved beef stews that he could use some bread to wipe up any of the gravy at the end, fried chicken, barbecued ribs--anything messy. I think it was a primal instinct on his part, sort of like caveman cuisine, that you can use your hands to pull apart things, gnaw on bones, and lick your chops once you devoured everything on your plate. :D

I'm the same way when it comes to chicken. I love gnawing on the bones, chewing the cartilage. But I think that's my Chinese genes kicking in. :hilarious:


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
My DDs school was over $500 for students that resided at school per semester. The lot was over 2 miles away and she still would have had to have taken a bus to get to her car and then payed meters around campus. Her school had the best bus system and it was free to all staff and faculty. Not a reason to have a car unless you were an out of state student. My son at his first college, private, was not charged for parking. The school he graduated from did charge but he lived in an apartment.
I'm figuring out that public schools, such as my second school, have a lot of hidden fees. My school, you pay tuition, room and board if you need it, and for your books. That's it. No laundry fees or printing fees (unless you exceed your allowance; which rarely happens to anyone), no parking fees, nothing. Commuters get s 10% discount on food. And free food is a regular occurrence (most recently today. Two of my professors also said there would periodically be free food in class. I also stopped by academic support to pick up my disability paperwork and there was food). Considering that with my scholarship, I pay the same for private school that we would have paid at a public school sans scholarships, I get a whole lot more for my money, beyond just free food. Smaller classes (two of mine only have 8 people), more intimate feeling, no hidden fees...yup. Made the right choice


Well-Known Member
I'm figuring out that public schools, such as my second school, have a lot of hidden fees. My school, you pay tuition, room and board if you need it, and for your books. That's it. No laundry fees or printing fees (unless you exceed your allowance; which rarely happens to anyone), no parking fees, nothing. Commuters get s 10% discount on food. And free food is a regular occurrence (most recently today. Two of my professors also said there would periodically be free food in class. I also stopped by academic support to pick up my disability paperwork and there was food). Considering that with my scholarship, I pay the same for private school that we would have paid at a public school sans scholarships, I get a whole lot more for my money, beyond just free food. Smaller classes (two of mine only have 8 people), more intimate feeling, no hidden fees...yup. Made the right choice

Wow, that sounds fabulous. Win-win!

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