Well I just plowed through the higher education posts.

Some I agree with, some I value the point, others are just way out there that I can't unscramble, while many seem thoughtful others seem bitter. Makes the world go round.
Most of you that have been around here know me for what I am and my convictions for education never waiver. I've sat on the school board for many years fighting as an advocate for students so my belief in education will remain steadfast. I'm older than most on the thread, I went through desecration of schools, Title 9 which for women was a real boost in opportunities, mandatory ACT testing so all students could test to apply to college regardless of income. I look at Malala Yousafzai, shot in the head by the Taliban for fighting for the opportunity to be educated, I would love to meet her someday, I have such admiration for her convictions.
I look at women like my DD who could read chapter books, self taught by 4 years old, her thirst for knowledge. She entered a Gifted Program (hate the word Gifted but that it is) in 3rd grade and in 4th grade they divided the Gifted Group into girls and boys. Math Boys, Reading Girls. Her teacher informing me that Mathmatics was not her thing. I was livid. Her math scores were perfect on a National Level and I had that testing documentation as I moved forward and forward I did first advocating for her and then being elected to our school board and have been advocating for students ever since. So testing does matter. By the next school year girls and boys were no longer segregated for learning instruction. I still want to go find that 4th grade teacher as my DD graduated from a top University early with a double major in Mathematics and Statistics. Math not her thing my tushie!!!

I am over the moon happy with her being hired by a top University this week and starting next month. She is excited and I am equally as excited for her. I have no regrets about sending them off to college and them starting their young adult life armed with a degree or two in my DDs case.
Now out of all the education posts I just caught up on, the one below is The Post of the Day in my book. Kudos.
The more I get to know you the more and more I like you and admire all that you do for your family.