The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
Allright folks, I need your help.

I need you all to give me some views on my video (bonus, you will finally see my ugly face)

This is for a contest.. the winners will get approximately 50,000 USD (600,000 pesos) divided in 12 months for a year. For travelling anywhere.

so, the more views, the merrier! (ps, I did not make the video, they have a website, where you supply the photos and it creates the design for you)
so sorry if its a bit clunky. (it also does not feature tracy's arm.. hence why I had to use skagway)

@Cesar R M , I enjoyed your Alaska vacation video. I recognized some of the pictures from when you posted them months ago. And by the way, no, you don't have an ugly face! ;) :cat: Good luck with the contest and I hope you win! :happy:


Well-Known Member
@Eric1955 , I was just reading (in Spirit's thread) a post from Omnispace; and he was saying how nice the Walt Disney Family Museum (San Francisco) looks. Don't know if you've ever checked out the web site, but I thought of you as I was reading through, and thought this would be right up your alley.

I know you're heading out to California for D23 this summer and probably won't have time to get to the museum with all you're doing, but I thought you might at least enjoy seeing their web site. I copied the link for you here, if you think you might like to browse through.

I would love to go to the Walt Disney Family Museum. I wanted to go their since I'll already be in California but there's just no way I'll have the time. I definitely have to do it some day but unfortunately it won't be this trip.


Well-Known Member
I was very impressed with what you did. That's the way I was brought up, too. It's good to share stories like that, as sometimes I think we all need to be reminded about what it means to be a decent person. Anyone can make a mistake, and you probably saved a lot of anguish for that man at the end of his shift, when he was trying to reconcile the amount of money in his cash drawer. Little did he know that he had a guardian angel watching out over him last night.
I'll always remember an incident in MK, of all places, where I found a wallet with $100.00 in it. No ID, nothing just a plain tan wallet with cash. It's important to remember that this was in the early days when money was so tight it squeaked. I did, however have my two pre-teen girls with me at the time and knew that no matter how tempting it was, I was going to be turning it into lost and found. What kind of an example would I have been setting if I hadn't. I will freely admit that, at the time, had I been by myself I might not have overcome the temptation. (Damn, I guess I am human after all) I knew it was the right thing to do and I have never regretted it, but, I now know that I would have had I not turned it back in. The sad thing is that there is a good chance that it never got anywhere past the first person I gave it too. That, however, is something that he would have to feel guilty about, not me.
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Premium Member
I'll always remember an incident in MK, of all places, where I found a wallet with $100.00 in it. No ID, nothing just a plan tan wallet with cash. It's important to remember that this was in the early days when money was so tight it squeaked. I did, however have my two pre-teen girls with me at the time and knew that no matter how tempting it was, I was going to be turning it into lost and found. What kind of an example would I have been setting if I hadn't. I will freely admit that, at the time, had I been by myself I might not have overcome the temptation. (Damn, I guess I am human after all) I knew it was the right thing to do and I have never regretted it, but, I now know that I would have had I not turned it back in. The sad thing is that there is a good chance that it never got anywhere past the first person I gave it too. That, however, is something that he would have to feel guilty about, not me.

I think you might be surprised by your choice, even if the girls weren't there, and you had that decision to make. Any one of us would be tempted to take the money and run; but often, our better instincts kick in when we least expect them to do that. In the end, I think you still would have turned it in to lost and found.


Well-Known Member
Allright folks, I need your help.

I need you all to give me some views on my video (bonus, you will finally see my ugly face)

This is for a contest.. the winners will get approximately 50,000 USD (600,000 pesos) divided in 12 months for a year. For travelling anywhere.

so, the more views, the merrier! (ps, I did not make the video, they have a website, where you supply the photos and it creates the design for you)
so sorry if its a bit clunky. (it also does not feature tracy's arm.. hence why I had to use skagway)

Very nice, Cesar! Loved it...!!! :)


Well-Known Member


What a cute puppy Gabe. :happy:

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I'm not familiar....
TN = the next generation (Piccard), The Sovereing is the latest ship in the last movies of The next generation.
Rebooted = the new movie series with Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto as Captain Kirk and Commander Spock.
The USS VENGEANCE was the ship used by both bad guys (Khan and one madman Admiral). Supposedly 4x times stronger 2x bigger than the best federation ship, build by Khan)

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
@Cesar R M , I enjoyed your Alaska vacation video. I recognized some of the pictures from when you posted them months ago. And by the way, no, you don't have an ugly face! ;) :cat: Good luck with the contest and I hope you win! :happy:
Well, if you guys and gals can help to just lick the video and load it once a day, it would be awesome.
the 1st place is standing at 50,000 views. No idea how this person got somany!

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I made the mistake of actually seeing what gofundme and kickstarter is all about and now I have no faith in humanity and those morons that give

Yes...some causes are seemly legit and for a good cause but 95% of stuff on there is carp.
I seen that too.
some are legit, like building a new comic. But others are beyond stupid.
like "pay me to eat this burger" "finance my home rebuild" "buy me something!"


Well-Known Member
So sorry, hubby had the same experience every year. Sometimes I thought they would think of things to keep all employee's at their desks. They were a very controlling company. That's over now. Yea! Freedom from the day to day is a wonderful thing. :joyfull:

My firm is actually not that way, but, there is work to be done and deadlines to be met.
We have office events, we've been taken to movies and lunch in the middle of the day, food provided at luncheons ;), etc..
It can be extremely stressful a lot of the time, but, the partners also make a concerted effort to make it worth it...most of the time, anyway...! :D :cautious: ;) :)


Time To Be Movin’ Along
Premium Member
Allright folks, I need your help.

I need you all to give me some views on my video (bonus, you will finally see my ugly face)

This is for a contest.. the winners will get approximately 50,000 USD (600,000 pesos) divided in 12 months for a year. For travelling anywhere.

so, the more views, the merrier! (ps, I did not make the video, they have a website, where you supply the photos and it creates the design for you)
so sorry if its a bit clunky. (it also does not feature tracy's arm.. hence why I had to use skagway)

Well done!

On a totally unrelated note, your mother is a very attractive woman. You look like you have a very close, loving relationship.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Congratulations on the interview. Frowny face on the timing. :(

Thanks. If it were a second interview maybe she would risk it. She did lots of skype or phone interviews finding the job she has now. But it is Disney and they have a different model for their human resource system than most corporations. And then there is that human aspect, if they have to work on the Thursday before a holiday, fair game for interviews. Oy. She would have had to taken 2 days off work and forfiet her 4th pay for missing the day before a holiday + airfare and hotel. Relocating never easy.

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